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K1 Explain the context of employment relations from a national, European and International perspective and understand the potential impact on employment relations policies and practices.

Module title:


Managing Employment Relations

Credit points:


Module code:



FHEQ level:



School/ Service:

Business, Law and Communications

Module designation:


Programme group:

Management and Languages

Module delivery model:



Max & Min Student no.:



Students are required to attend and participate in all the formal timetabled sessions for the module. Students are also expected to manage their directed learning and independent study in support of the module. 

Where normal timetabled sessions do not take place, additional directed learning may be provided, and/or students are expected to undertake additional independent learning.                                                               




The aim of this module is to provide personnel and development professionals with an understanding of employment relations perspectives and debates, both national and international, from a theoretical and behavioural competency perspective. The assumption is made that employment relations has undergone substantial change and redefinition over the last thirty years with the emphasis now on how to engage employees and it will enable learners to understand, analyse and evaluate competing theories and perspectives associated with managing employment relations strategies and their impact and outcomes on organisational climate, employees and management.

The module aims to develop professional competence in the field of employment relations and therefore will broaden and deepen the general management skills of influencing and negotiating with management colleagues individual employees and employee representatives.

The module requires learners to demonstrate to a high level of intellectual skill in evaluating alternative employment relations strategies and the impact of such strategies on the employment relationship in a variety of organisational settings. Learners are required to reflect critically on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint and the module will provide opportunities for applied learning and continuous professional development.


On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

K1 Explain the context of employment relations from a national, European and International perspective and understand the potential impact on employment relations policies and practices.

K2 Critically evaluate the role of the key players in employment relations, the key processes including employee involvement and participation and the practice of employment relations.

Cognitive Skills

C1 Evaluate the extent to which employment relations processes and practices contribute to a healthy psychological contract.

C2 Utilise research skills in order to offer informed contributions to contemporary employment relations debates.

Practical and Professional Skills

P1 Advise on the drafting of employment relation policies and procedures and assisting with employment law issues.

P2 Reflect critically on employment relations theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint.

Transferable and Key Skills

T1 Demonstrate autonomy with reference to research.


Understand, analyse and critically evaluate different theories and perspectives on employment relations.

Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the impact of local, national and global contexts shaping employment relations climates.

Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the roles and functions of the different parties to control and manage the employment relations climates.

Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the importance of organisational-level employment relations processes that support organisational performance, including the design and implementation of policies and practices in the areas of; employee engagement; diversity management; employee communication, involvement and participation; negotiation and bargaining; conflict resolution; and change management and management control.

Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the importance of employment relations procedures that help mitigate organisational risk, including the design and implementation of policies and practices in the areas of discipline, grievance, dismissal and redundancy.

Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the integration of employment relations processes and how they impact on policy, practice and organisational outcomes such as performance and employee engagement.


The core concepts and theories’ relating to the study of employment relations will be delivered through a series of lectures and seminars. Students will be required to read textbooks and journals to obtain further relevant knowledge and explore CD Roms. Being members of the CIPD students will be expected to keep abreast of the CIPD’s viewpoint on employment relations.

Discussion, debate and the application of knowledge to employment relations issues, challenges and scenarios will also take place.

Students will be required to share good practice and experiences with one another in relation to implementing employee relations initiatives. Students may also wish to compare and contrast organisational policies.


Assessment will be carried out through, firstly, an essay will be set by the module tutor whilst the 2nd is an examination also set by the module tutor.  The assessment and examination are designed to test the understanding and application of the module content, the students’ ability to analyse and evaluate information and the skills ability to formulate and present solutions for specific problems with coherent argument to surround their assertions.


AE1     weighting:                        50% 

assessment type:               Essay

length/duration:                2500 words

          Further assessment information

HESA/HEFCE category:        Written assignment

KIS category:                     Course work

On-line submission:            Yes

Grade Marking:                 Yes

Anonymous marking:          Yes

AE2     weighting:                        50%

assessment type:               Examination

length/duration:                2 hours

          Further assessment information

HESA/HEFCE category:        Written exam

KIS category:                     Written exam

On-line submission:            No

Grade Marking:                 Yes

Anonymous marking:          Yes

Aggregation of marks

Assessments will be aggregated to give an overall module mark.  There is no departure from standard University regulations.

Re-assessment Arrangements

If any students fail AE1 then a further essay will be required to be submitted. If students fail AE2, a re-sit examination will be taken. 

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