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K1 Identification and appraisal of work-based skills, competencies and values and the impact that they have on behaviours

UGB 260 Personal & Professional Development Module

Learning outcomes


K1 Identification and appraisal of work-based skills, competencies and values and the impact that they have on behaviours

K2 Investigation of conceptual underpinnings of behaviour in a business context


S1 The ability to appraise and evaluate individual personal and professional qualities in a business environment

S2 Application of concepts of self-reflection to explain personal and professional behaviour and effectiveness

Assessment Hand out:

Student Assignment Submission:

The assessment is a critical reflective essay which must be supported by evidence of module related activities undertaken throughout the year, covering all learning outcomes. The evidence will include a record of your reflections on your experiences and achievements during the module, including skill and attribute diagnostics, workshop and extra‐curricular activities.

Reflective Essay

You must write and submit a reflective essay which should identify what you consider to be your most important and significant personal quality and your reflection should be focussed on this. The essay should identify the key personal quality that emerges from the various workshop exercises and module experiences and examine how this personal quality is demonstrated across a range of those activities and experiences. This means that you should choose one personal quality that you consider to be your key strength and explore this in depth. You are advised to write approximately 2500 words for the essay but there is no formal word limit.

Things to include:

 Define and describe this quality

– use theory

 Explain, evaluate this quality

– use theory.

In what ways is this quality a strength for you? Provide specific examples of where this quality has beendisplayed.

 What attributes, behavioural preferences and values underpin thisstrength?

 What did you find difficult or particularly challenging in the workshop exercises and the experiences and why might this be? Can the theory help explainthis?

 Are there any contradictions evident from experiences and how might these be explained? For example, your strength may be your communication skills but are there certain contexts where you communicate more or less effectively than others

– why might thisbe?

 How might this quality benefit you in the future? You should reflect upon what are you going to do to develop and exploit this strength as part of the conclusion and summary of thework.

The assessment will be made not on the quantity of experiences but rather the quality of reflection upon those experiences. This quality will be measured by the extent to which you can demonstrate and explain increased self-awareness in a professional or employment context through a process of reflection.

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