LO1: Assess the impact legislation and policy has on measuring and monitoring quality of practice in a health and social care.
Part 2 Assessment Brief
Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Healthcare Practice (Healthcare Management)
Unit Title and Number: Managing Quality in Care Environment (Unit 23)
Every organisation should strive for excellence in service and in health and social care, the process of continuous improvement to safety, wellbeing and satisfaction is a hallmark of effective service provision. Staff and service users should be reassured that managers recognise the benefits of improvement to the quality of provision, and the impact of the individual on the overall success of the organisation. Being able to able to understand and implement continuous improvement measures is part of the manager’s role in care service provision. Further, increasing demands on care settings to improve quality of service have identified the importance of all staff understanding the different perspectives on, and methods of, achieving quality on a daily basis.
This unit will enable students to develop their knowledge of these differing perspectives, to review the requirements of external regulatory bodies and to analyse these in relation to the needs of patients, customers, staff and other internal stakeholders. Students will explore the methods used to assess different quality markers as well as strategies for managing service quality in order to maintain continuous improvement and positive outcomes. Further, students will have the opportunity to use this knowledge to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate a small-scale quality improvement initiative in their own work setting.
A manager in care settings would be expected to be a driving force in terms of quality improvement. This unit will provide students with the knowledge and skills that employers will expect their managers to bring to the setting.
Learning Outcomes (LOs)
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
- LO1: Assess the impact legislation and policy has on measuring and monitoring quality of practice in a health and social care.
- LO2: Discuss the impact that improving quality has on different individuals in a care setting.
- LO3: Explore quality improvement requirements in a care setting.
- LO4: Plan and monitor improvements to quality.
Assessment brief and Guidance
The assessment for this unit has been divided into two parts: part ‘A’ and part ‘B’
▪ Part A: Using the correct format for report writing (introduction, body, conclusion/ recommendation and referencing) student is required to write a report for LO1, LO2 and LO3 (1200- 1500 word count for each LO in total 3600-4500 words for part A).
▪ Part B: Learner is required to produce a planning document for LO4 (1200-1500 words).
Part A
Part A is based on a case scenario explained in the following section. The students are required to base their answers on the case scenario in order to meet the criteria of LO1, LO2, and LO3.
LO1: Assess the impact legislation and policy has on measuring and monitoring quality of practice in a health and social care.
LO2: Discuss the impact that improving quality has on different individuals in a care setting.
LO3: Explore quality improvement requirements in a care setting.
Case Scenario
You are a manager in Bloomsbury Residential Care home which provides care services for all age groups with specific health needs. Bloomsbury Residential Care home has different professionals working within all the three units categorised into children, adult and elderly units. This residential care home is well known for its excellent practices. Your establishment has become well known due to its good reputation. The staff provide high quality care services to the service users. The safety of staff, clients and other users of the establishment is highly maintained. Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating from current visit was excellent and was due to the fact that there are good adherance of legislation and policies in the establishment.
A colleague of yours managing Abipon Care Home has come to you with questions seeking answers on how best she can manage her own establishment properly, as they were rated very poor from CQC recent visit.
A. Amponsah, 2019
Based on the scenario produce a report answering the following questions asked by the manager of Abipon Care Home:
- Compare how different legislative and statutory requirements are taken into account in measuring and monitoring quality in health and social care using different theories and approaches.
- Critically discuss how processes for measuring, monitoring and improving quality of practice have an impact on ways of working in a care setting.
- Critically assess the impact of a current set of external quality standards on systems and working practice in a care setting, over a defined period.
- Discuss the importance of promoting diversity, difference and inclusive practices in a care setting.
- Discuss the importance of safeguarding different services users towards improving quality in a care setting.
- Review the practical impact on a care setting of the requirement to meet different stakeholders’ needs in working to improve the quality of service provision.
- Evaluate the involvement of service users, their families, staff and the community (stakeholders talked about in Q6) in quality improvement measures in care settings.
- Carry out a review of one aspect of working practices in own setting to accurately identify improvements that can be made to the current level of quality.
- Discuss why your selected aspect in question 8 requires improvement using a range of different sources of information.
- Justify the aspect of improvement (Q8) to working practices selected in terms of the ipact on service users’ experience on the service.
- Evaluate the evidence gathered towards sharing information with different stakeholders regarding the quality improvement requirements of the aspect (Q8) of working practice.
Part B
This submission will be in the form of planning document (1200-1500 words). Planning document template is included in appendix 1.
Unit LO
LO4. Plan and monitor improvements to quality.
Assessment Brief and Guidance
Scenario and Activity:
Using scenario in Part A, as a manager of Abipon Care Home you have become knowledgeable about how to implement good practices to improve standard of services provision and the reputation of your establishment. As a manager of Abipon Care Home produce a planning document by answering the following questions since you have decided to implement good practices in your establishment;
- Produce a detailed plan for a relevant quality improvement initiative in own work setting
- Discuss potential or actual barriers to completing the quality improvement initiative (relate answer to Q1)
- Implement an appropriately planned quality improvement initiative (relate answer to Q1).
- Critically review the plan, justifying necessary adaptations based on feedback or observations (relate answer to Q1).
- Evaluate the expected outcomes of own improvement initiative, discussing further changes or improvements which may be required (relate answer to Q1)
Managing Quality in Care Environment (Unit 23)
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