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LO1: Demonstrate an understanding on the key elements of the internal environment of organisations and the interaction with the external environment


LSC UoS BA in Business

Assignment Brief


BA Business



(October – December 2019)

Module Title:

Contemporary Business Environment

Assignment titles:

 An academic essay on a selected Mobile Phone company`s Business External and Micro Economic environments.

(3000 words)

Assignment number:



Individual Assignment 100%

Employability skills assessed:

C1:         Reading, selecting, analysing and synthesising information from a range of sources

C2:         Producing different types of document

C3:         Participating in discussions

C4:         Making presentations

LP1:       Develop a strategy for using a range of skills to improve own learning and performance

IT1:        Preparing information

IT2:        Processing and presenting information

S1:         Plan personal work schedules

WWO2:  Working towards identified targets


Learning outcomes assessed:

LO1: Demonstrate an understanding on the key elements of the internal environment of organisations and the interaction with the external environment; 

LO2: Identify how a market economy functions and the role of government within it;

LO3: Examine the economic environment within which businesses operate in the United Kingdom;

LO4: Explain why countries benefit from trade with each other

LO5: Make students aware of the growing impact of the European Union on British business.


TASK DESCRIPTION – ASSIGNMENT 1 (Individual essay 30%)



Basing your academic essay on a Mobile Phone company of your own choice and employing relevant Business Environment and Micro Economic concepts and models, examine how and why your selected Mobile Phone company needs to audit their External and Internal Business Environments and also how they can gain insights into their Micro Economic environment.

This task addresses LOs 1 and 3.


An academic essay with a maximum of 3000 words.

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