LO1 Explain different purposes of mathematical information used in healthcare practice
Unit 7: Effective Healthcare Practice using Maths
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Numeracy is a fundamental skill in all aspects of healthcare. Healthcare workers need good confidence and skills in measuring, calculating and recording data to support service user outcomes, and improve the quality of care. To work as healthcare practitioners, they need to understand the interrelationship between numeracy, physiology and biochemical processes in the body. The strength of workers’ numeracy skills can significantly affect the health outcomes of individuals they are providing care for. They must appreciate that inaccurate calculations can lead to serious consequences, e.g. incorrect dosages of medicines being administered can have serious adverse and even fatal effects on a patient in their care.
In this unit, students will learn to apply mathematical principles and appreciate the scientific rationale for the information they are collecting and the methods they are using. They must be able to understand the significance of the results they obtain and explain the scientific basis for that significance.
Topics included in this unit include the contextual use of mathematical methods which will include: selecting relevant information for different purposes and the observation and recording of different forms of data, using mathematical methods such as: fractions, decimals, ratio, percentages, averages and unit conversion for different purposes, e.g. in obtaining and analysing physiological readings, medication administration and management. The scientific rationale for the information and methods used include the biochemistry of disease, disorder and lifestyle choices.
The ability to use mathematical methods accurately and the understanding of the scientific rationale for those methods is intrinsic to the caring professions and is a skill that students will need in any area of healthcare that they progress to.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1 Explain different purposes of mathematical information used in healthcare practice
2 Apply mathematical methods accurately to report on and work to improve individuals’ health status
3 Investigate the scientific rationale of the mathematical methods and information used to predict health outcomes
4 Assess the implications of the use of mathematical methods and scientific rationales for healthcare practice
Essential content:
Unit 7: Effective Healthcare Practice using Maths
LO1 Explain different purposes of mathematical information used in healthcare practice
Types of information
Physiological readings, e.g. temperature, pulse, blood pressure, body mass index.
Laboratory test results, e.g. cholesterol level, blood cell counts, urine analysis
Routine measurements for day-to-day working, e.g. maintaining hygiene and cleanliness, ensuring safe working practices, e.g. risk assessments
Time, e.g. timesheets, supporting patients/clients to maintain their medications regime, managing daily timetables and activities
Reliability and validity of different mathematical information Purposes
Predicting healthcare outcomes Diagnosis of conditions
Monitoring health status, e.g. emergency interventions Maintaining a healthy and safe work environment Supporting efficient delivery of services.
Primary sources
Direct readings or measurements from the service user Laboratory results from samples
Measurements of materials or equipment used, e.g. new technology
Challenges in obtaining primary data
Service user permission
Practical issues when taking readings such as the problems caused by obesity, weak pulse
Cultural issues e.g. objections to practitioners of a different gender Communication barriers
Availability and accessibility of equipment Time constraints
Environmental factors, e.g. space
LO2 Apply mathematical methods accurately to report on and work to improve individuals’ health status
Barriers that prevent people applying methods accurately Confidence in applying mathematical methods Preconceptions about the difficulty of maths
Accessing the language used in maths Distraction
Time constraints Environmental factors Personal factors
Training on technology and equipment used
Reporting of data, associated barriers and tools
Drug charts
Physiological measurement charts Interpreting charts
Electronic methods of reporting data, e.g. electronic patient records, spreadsheet
Purposes of repeated observations or measurements
Interpreting diagnostic tools, e.g. body mass index (BMI), cholesterol ratios. Purposes of reporting data, e.g. handover
Practitioners responsible for the handling, use and management of data
Issues of accuracy, reliability and validity of methods of reporting and data reported
Communication of data, associated barriers and tools
Communication of data to other professionals through appropriate reporting systems such as handover meetings, medical recording charts
Reporting concerns and seeking support
Responding to data out of normal ranges, e.g. change in temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation levels
Issues regarding confidentiality and respect for privacy Awareness of own responsibilities and limitations
Drawing conclusions from data taking into account different factors Making suggestions and recommendations and impact on care planning
LO3 Investigate the scientific rationale of the mathematical methods and information used to predict health outcomes
Recognition of the significance of normal and abnormal data, and the systems used to respond to abnormal data.
Linking abnormal readings to the potential biochemical and physiological significance of those readings
Physiological data
Body mass index (BMI), problems with body composition, poor indicator of individual health, use in large populations
Cholesterol levels, HDL:LDL ratios Blood cell counts (immune response)
Factors affecting data collection and accuracy
white coat syndrome
delays between sample collection and laboratory analysis individual service user factors
Scientific rationales
Relationship to biochemical processes
Interpreting physiological data to diagnose, monitor, manage and treat conditions
Using evidence of statistical significance to measure physiological efficacy of interventions
LO4 Assess the implications of the use of mathematical methods and scientific rationales for healthcare practice
Potential effects on service users’ outcomes and wellbeing
Application of mathematical methods, e.g. measuring and recording vital signs
Understanding of the scientific rationales, e.g. the effects of dosage of medicines, the effect of administration of medicine (both timely and missed)
Impact on healthcare practice Impact on service user Impact on the practitioner Implications for the service
Policies and procedures that are used to reduce the likelihood and /or impact of mistakes due to the inaccurate application of mathematical methods, and poor understanding of the scientific rationales
policies ensuring that dosage calculations are double checked procedures to ensure timely use of medicines.
Legislation designed to prevent the consequences of mistakes due to the inaccurate application of mathematical methods, and poor understanding of the scientific rationales.
The impact of accurate use of mathematical methods on outcomes and wellbeing
Improved prognosis and health outcomes Early detection of changes in health status Timely intervention
Increased trust in practitioners and the service
More efficient management of the care of all service users
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Explain different purposes of mathematical information used in healthcare practice
P1 Describe different types and sources and purposes of mathematical information used in a healthcare context
P2 Explain potential challenges faced in obtaining primary data in healthcare settings
M1 Explain in detail strategies to address the potential challenges faced in obtaining mathematical data for different purposes in healthcare settings
D1 Justify the use of specific sources to obtain mathematical information for different purposes in healthcare settings
LO2 Apply mathematical methods accurately to report on and work to improve individuals’ health status
P3 Safely monitor different aspects of an individual’s health status
P4 Report on own data collection to healthcare professionals using appropriate tools, formats and communication systems in a healthcare setting
M2 Interrogate barriers affecting own use of mathematical tools, formats and communication systems to solve problems and predict health outcomes
LO2 and LO3
D2 Critically review the efficacy of own data collection in solving problems and predicting health outcomes for different individuals in healthcare settings
LO3 Investigate the scientific rationale of the mathematical methods and information used to predict health outcomes
P5 Explain the scientific rationale for own data collection in a healthcare context
P6 Explain the scientific basis of own interpretation of the results of mathematical data collection
M3 Analyse the biochemical and physiological significance of data obtained that falls outside normal ranges
Unit 7: Effective Healthcare Practice using Maths
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