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LO1: Explain the role of research for evidence-based practice in Health and Social Care.

Unit 4: Fundamentals of Evidence-based Practice

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Explain the role of research for evidence-based practice in Health and Social Care.

 Explain why is evidence-based practice important in Health and Social Care  Describe the purpose and the process of conducting evidence-based practice in Health and Social Care  Explain which skills and qualities do you need to conduct a literature review  Analyse your own skills and knowledge in being able to conduct a literature review  Evaluate which skills are required to conduct ethical research which could have a positive influence on practice and provision in Health and Social Care

LO2: Conduct a review of key literature relating to a research topic towards improvements in care practice. The chosen topic is: Communication skills in practice: the influence of communication skills and techniques on outcomes for service users in a health and social care service.

Communication skills in practice: the influence of communication skills and techniques on outcomes for service users in a health or social care service.  Conduct a literature review using a range of sources (at least 5) relating to the research topic.  Explain your results of the literature review  Summarise current knowledge about communication  Evaluate how reliable and valid is your literature review

LO3: Develop a project proposal using evidence-based practice.

 Explain the benefits of evidence-based practice as a method in carrying out research  Produce a project proposal for a proposed study based on research topic. Explain what is your proposed research project and how does it relate to communication  Justify rationale for proposed research study based on research on research topic. Why have you chosen your proposed research project and why is it important?  Critically assess the viability of own project proposal in relation to the literature review conducted. Thinking about your literature review, how viable is your proposal?

LO4: Examine the value of the literature review process in influencing positive change in health, care or support service provision

Describe different ways in which the literature review influences evidence-based health and social care practice. What are some examples of how the literature review influences evidence-based practice in health and social care?  Explain how recent research has had a positive impact on current practice to improve service delivery. How has recent research had a positive impact on current practice to improve the delivery of service?  Analyse how the personal research process has an impact on own learning and practice in the workplace. How has your personal research had an impact on your own learning and practice in the workplace?  Evaluated own journey towards contributing to innovation and improvement in evidencebased health, care or support practice and service delivery. How have you contributed towards innovation and improvement in evidence-based health, care or support practice and service delivery? How have you performed during this time?


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