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Mrs. Parbin, a 50-year-old, who has recently lost her husband and has refused to eat has presented with symptoms, such as low mood and depression and flaky skin

Unit Title and Number:                  Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Ill Health (Unit 9)

Learning Outcomes (LOs)

By the end of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Describe organ systems within a healthy human body.
  2. Explain the interrelationship of body systems in health and ill health from a physiological perspective.
  3. Investigate how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health.
  4. Implement planned care interventions based on an individual’s physiological measurements which contribute to reducing risks to health.

Unit learning outcomes (LOs)

LO1 Describe organ systems within a healthy human body

LO2 Explain the interrelationship of body systems in health and ill health from a physiological perspective





You are a senior healthcare assistant working in an NHS hopital. You were seconded to pursue a course in health and social care for two years. Upon your return, your line manager has asked you to submit a report to support new healthcare assistants in their learning about the organ systems within a healthy human body, and how the body systems interrelate in health and ill health.




You will need to produce a 2,000-word report on the level of organisation in Human Body, analysing the  organ systems and their contribution to effective function of the body. Explain by means of an example the interrelationship of body systems in health and ill health from a physiological perspective and investigate how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health. Based on the scenario above, complete the following tasks:


Describe organ systems within a healthy human body. In order to complete this task satisfactorilyin your report, outline the function of a human body cell and its role during osmosis and diffusion and describe the structure and function of different body systems in the healthy human body. To enhance the quality of your discussion and arguments, you may wish tocompare differences in the healthy human body with individuals who have ill health.


Explain the interrelationship of body systems in health and ill-health from a physiological perspective. You should explain how body systems co-operate to maintain life and health of the individual and examine how any three body systems, such as cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system work together to provide energy for the healthy human body. You may also critically evaluate the role of body systems in homeostasis for health and ill health to further enhance your analysis.


Unit Learning Outcomes (LOs)

LO3 Investigate how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health.

LO4 Plan care interventions based on an individual’s physiological measurements which contribute to reducing risks to health.





Mrs. Parbin, a 50-year-old, who has recently lost her husband and has refused to eat has presented with symptoms, such as low mood and depression and flaky skin. She complains of constant constipation, fatigue and reduced urine production. Initial assessment results of her body temperature, blood pressure, urine colour and body mass index are given below, with further test results revealing the presence of ketones, kidney problems and low blood volume.


• Biographical data: Older adult client

• Reason for seeking care: Relative concern

• History of health/illness: Refuses to eat

• Past history: No medications, no illnesses

Vital Sign Measurements

Blood pressue: 115/69 mm Hg right arm

Pulse: 113 bpm (radial), 2+, regular rhythm

Temperature 38.7°C tympanic

Urine colour: Dark golden yellow

Body Mass Index: 18Kg/m2




As a health care practioner, in 2,000 words, write a report that investigates how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health in the case of Mrs. Pabin or using a case of an anonymonised patient from your workplace . You should also plan care interventions based on her health conditions and physiological measurements which contribute to reducing risks to her health. To successfully meet the demand of this question, you will need to attempt the following tasks:


Investigate how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health. To complete this task satisfactorily, you will need to interpret normal and abnormal physiological measurements in the case of Mrs. Pabin or for an individual with ill heath in own workplace setting. To enhance the quality of your discussion and arguments, justify actions taken when physiological measurements are outside normal limits.


Plan care interventions based on an individual’s physiological measurements which contribute to reducing risks to health. You should prepare a risk assessment for Mrs. Pabin or an individual from your workplace, which minimises harm to her health as she is suffering from ill health. You should also produce a person-centred care plan for Mrs. Pabin which includes interventions that improve her ill health and associated outcomes. To evaluate the care plan, you may also wish to assess the effectiveness of the care plan in communicating Mrs. Pabin’s needs and requirements to others involved in caring for her. To identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement, you may critically evaluate own care plan and associated records of physiological measurements for Mrs. Pabin who is suffering from ill health.

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