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P1 Explain the value and importance of understanding the needs, wants and preferences of target customer groups for a service sector industry

Managing the Customer Experience (Unit 2)


The aim of this unit is to provide students with background knowledge and understanding of how hospitality businesses manage the customer experience from the initial needs analysis through to after sales follow-up. Reflecting modern business practices, the assignment tasks do not rely solely on written and presentational activities. They are therefore reflective of the blended learning that students have undertaken during their time at Nelson College London. During the unit, students will have learnt to map the journey that a customer makes through a hospitality business, identifying crucial touch points and recognising how these touch points can be managed to optimise the customer’s experience. Students will also have considered how technology is changing the way customers interact with hospitality businesses and how digital initiatives should complement existing customer journeys whistrecognising that online and offline consumers are distinctly different. This assignment will allow students to demonstrate this knowledge, to show that they know how to provide customer service both within business and services, and on-line contexts, to meet required standards. Students will be able to use this knowledge in the workplace to ensure exemplary customer service within their organisation.

LO1 Explain the needs and expectations of market segments for the service industry

Task 1: Managing the Customer Experience (Unit 2)


A high quality, London-centric, restaurant group has employed you as their Customer Care Manager. Your Job Description states that your role requires you to see that the needs of all customers are meet – indeed exceeded – by all of the restaurants in the Group.

You decide that your first task is to ensure all the Restaurant Managers understand what all the different needs of different customer types might be (including customers going to different types of business.

After careful deliberation, you determine that the best start is to test the understanding across all the restaurants by sending them a questionnaire. Once you have their responses, you will be able to plan your training programme to meet their needs.

P1 Explain the value and importance of understanding the needs, wants and preferences of target customer groups for a service sector industry

Task 2


Your restaurant managers have shown from their responses that they are quite good at understanding the needs of different customers, so you have decided to move on to look at Customer Engagement. You ask them to demonstrate their understanding of customer engagement by producing three posters (or academic graphic displays) to show in the workplace. The posters may be produced on the computer, or they may be drawn, or you may cut images from magazines (or any other method that achieves the same result).

Central to their posters will be an image of a customer (choose three customer types from Task 1, or three of your own choice), the remainder of the posters will show examples of things that engage each type of customer – these may be presented as pictures, or as text boxes, or handwritten/drawn.

P2 Explore the different factors that drive and influence customer engagement of different target customer groups within a service sector organisation

M1 Review how customer engagement factors determine customer on-boarding strategies for different target customer groups within a service sector organisation

D1 Evaluate a broad range of different target customer groups’ needs and expectations in terms of customer engagement for a service sector organisation

LO2 Explore the customer experience map to create business opportunities and optimise customer touch points

Task 3


Your manager has been very impressed with the work that you have undertaken so far; she is keen to progress things further. You have been discussing together the process of Customer Experience Mapping; she wishes to ensure that all the customer touch points are giving a consistent message about the business. Together, you have written a list of these points – you have identified nine points: Website, Review Sites, Text Messages, E-Mails, Paper Mail, Telephone, Restaurant Environment, Restaurant Staff, Restaurant Management – and now you have been asked to show how the business gives a consistent message at each of these points.

P3 Create a customer experience map for a selected service sector organisation

P4 discuss how the customer touch-points throughout the customer experience create business opportunities for a selected service sector organisation


You decide that it will really bring things to life for your restaurant group if you provide them with some real-life examples concerning customer touch points. You decide that the best way to achieve this is to undertake some role-play activities

LO3 Investigate the impacts of digital technology on customer relationship management

Managing the Customer Experience (Unit 2)

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