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Produce a report of 1500 words based on a proposed new eco-business start-up of your choice. This must provide a clear plan of how you would start, run and develop your proposed business idea

Written Assignment Submission Instructions 


MODULE: IY005 Business Development and Entrepreneurship

ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Individual report


Read all instructions very carefully

  1. Your assignment needs to be uploaded to Turnitin before the submission deadline above. On submitting, you will receive a digital receipt. Make sure you keep a screenshot or download of this for your records, as proof of your submission.
  2. You must save your work in one of the formats accepted by Turnitin, such as: Microsoft Word (doc/docx); OpenOffice Text (.odt); Plain text (.txt). NOTE: Adobe PDF (.pdf) files must contain highlightable text and Apple Pages is NOT compatible. For more information about accepted formats click here.
  3. When you upload your assignment, Turnitin will ask you to enter a ‘Submission Title’. Please enter your Submission Title as follows:

Module code_Group_Assignment_Student number e.g.IY005_A_Report_97989

  1. You should observe the word count stated on the assignment brief. A 10% margin is allowed above or below the limit.  You will lose marks if this is not followed.
  2. Please follow your assignment brief for details of the appropriate layout, font size, spacing and so on.
  3. The first page of your submission should be a cover page stating:


Tutor Name

Assessment Type

Student Number

Word Count





  1. By submitting your assignment, you are confirming that all the work is your own. There are serious penalties for submitting work which is not your own, please refer to Academic Misconduct in the Programme Handbook for further information about this.
  2. The following penalties apply for late submissions:

Number of Working Days Late

Penalty Awarded


85% of original mark


80% of original mark


75% of original mark

More than 3

Zero mark awarded

If you failed to submit on time due to an Exceptional Extenuating Circumstance (EEC), you should submit an EEC form within three days of the assessment deadline. These are available from reception and may, depending on your circumstances, affect your final mark.

NOTE: For any technical issues with submission to Turnitin make sure you take a screenshot of your computer screen for proof of the issue.


Report Task

Assignment Due Date         : 14/04/2019; (23:59)

Assignment Word Limit    : 1500 words (+/-10%)

Mark Value                           : 60%


  • This report is worth 60% of the overall mark for the module.
  • The word limit for this report is 1500 words (±10%).
  • The aims of this assignment are to give you the opportunity to:
  • Show understanding of business and management issues in relation to the planning and development of a small business
  • Demonstrate an ability to plan, create and develop a new business.
  • Apply business theories to a real business idea.
  • The deadline for the report is – Sunday 28th July 2018 (Review week)
  • You will need to submit an electronic copy to Turnitin
  • You must ensure that this assignment is your own work and in your own words
  • Any ideas/theories based upon the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography.
  • It is not acceptable to quote major sections of text, even if it has been fully referenced.

Students individually will write a detailed REPORT about the product they presented in WEEK 5.

Produce a report of 1500 words based on a proposed new eco-business start-up of your choice. This must provide a clear plan of how you would start, run and develop your proposed business idea.


Your report must demonstrate that you have considered all of the important practical and organisational issues relating to your proposed enterprise and demonstrate your ability to understand and apply appropriate theoretical frameworks to your own business ideas.



Your report should cover all of the following areas and where appropriate must make explicit reference to appropriate theories;

Topic area


A detailed description of the product, its form and the functions it is intended to fulfil.


A brief description of how you intend to produce your product including details of all of the resources required, their associated costs and any practical issues relating to their procurement;


An analysis of the competitive nature of the environment into which your product will be launched and details of any specific risk factors that will affect your business;


A marketing plan explaining how your product will meet the needs of at least one targeted segment.


Details of your business’s financial plan which should include a projected income statement detailing all likely expenditures and revenues.


A discussion of the strategic goals of your business including a projection of how you plan to grow your business during the first year;


Reflect on business experience, decision-making, personal development and overall learning gained during the module.


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