A brief introduction of the new or improved product or service that is the focus of your group work.
This is a kind of presentation that is designed to check the proficiency of students in the Marketing field. Moreover, it emphasizes on various topics related to Marketing such as Product/Service Description, Outline Market Analysis, Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, etc.
Group Presentation
The presentation offers students the opportunity to develop key skills in several areas. It will test students’ small group communication skills, organisational proficiency and their capacity to synthesise all the necessary academic and market information in order to develop an in-depth presentation on the chosen topic.
The group work is a market analysis and marketing mix for a new or improved product or service of your choosing.
Student groups (3-4 people maximum) will present to the seminar tutor and other students at the end of the module. The group has 10 minutes to present in front of the CEO (seminar tutor), with 10 minutes of discussion by the CEO`s board of directors (other students) to follow.
Membership of the groups will be organised during the seminars with your tutor.
Market Analysis and Marketing Mix
Your group`s market analysis and marketing mix presentation must include the following:
1. Product/Service Description
A brief introduction of the new or improved product or service that is the focus of your group work.
2. Outline Market Analysis
Choose a defined market in which this new or improved product or service will be introduced (e.g. US, UK, Iberian, EMEA, etc.). Briefly analyse the market for this new or improved product or service, including:
- key market trends (e.g. past changes in consumption/demand, future growth trends)
- key competitors and how are they positioned (including indirect competitors or substitutes)
- current customer attitudes/behaviours in this market
- main issues/opportunities you think are relevant
3. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Select target segments for your new or improved product or service. Include:
- base(s) of segmentation (e.g. criteria such as demographic, geographic, psychographic) you have used and why
- profile (description of segment) and persona (typical consumer) of your target segments
- unique selling proposition (USP) for this target segment or segments: why should your target segment buy your improved product or service, i.e. what benefits does it offer, or what problems does it solve?
4. Recommended Marketing Mix (given your analysis above)
- Product (include branding and packaging)
- Pricing Strategy
- Promotional Strategy including Digital Media
- Place, i.e. Channel or Distribution Strategy
Key Requirements
Your presentation needs to show:
- that you have accessed good quality information on your market and product (e.g. Mintel or similar research, via your Roehampton library resources), and
- that you have used the ideas about marketing from the module (e.g. from the lecture materials and from the core text), e.g. models and frameworks used to articulate marketing ideas, theories, and strategies
All members of the group are required to present and participate in the presentation. You must attend the presentation - students who do not attend and participate in the presentation are awarded 0% for group work. A single mark for the presentation will be awarded to the Group.
Please note that your presentations will be recorded.
Presentation Submission
One representative of each group will upload the presentation. All other group members will upload a Submission Coversheet containing all the names and student numbers of the members of their groups (this is to allow each student to receive the Group Mark).
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