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Recognise and define different approaches used to explain social, mental and emotional health problems

Summative Assessment 2 (60%)

Please write a 3000-word report with an intervention plan. Your report will need to contain the following information (3000 words)

Choose 1 case study then choose

Essay 1

  • You are a Student teacher on placement and are working with young people in the 16 – 18 age group. You have been asked to plan a team building trip away from the school. (please see the case study information)
  • Please write a 3000-word report with an intervention plan. Your report will need to contain the following information
  •  Reviewing the case studies provided, write a report for an excursion plan for young people in an inclusive setting.
  • Consider the location that you would like to explore for the team building trip.
  • Think of how you are going to define an inclusive setting and why this would be considered as one
  • Explain the rationale for your choice of location and the activities you will undertake with the group

Learning Outcomes:

  • LO 1 - Recognise and define different approaches used to explain social, mental and emotional health problems
  • LO 2  - Identify key skills necessary to promote student engagement and cooperation
  • LO 3 - Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to social, emotional and mental health problems
  • LO 4 - Analyse and apply knowledge to interpreting student case studies 
  • LO 5 - Evaluate aspects of the research process relevant to the chosen field of study
  • LO 6 - Select techniques appropriate for research in this field of study


(250 words)

State the aims of the essay and the main areas of discussion. There is no need to use references in the introduction.

Recognising mental health challenges

(600 words)

  • Identify what the presenting issues for the young adult might be and how the issues might impact upon their social emotional and mental health (SEMH)
  • You would be expected to ‘analyse the case study here. What are the issues the induvial might be presenting, or in fact might not be presenting? Are there any issues that we might we might want to explore further in terms of their mental health and wellbeing
  • How do you recognise these mental health issues, you might want to refer to discussions we have had relating to stress, resilience, social media and mental health, as well as emotional literacy. Please ensure you provide references to support the claims you are making.
  • Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to social, emotional and mental health problems – Consider the theory, concept you have presented, and critically evaluate the ways in which the theory
  • Explore how these different approaches are reflected in policy (e.g. the SEND Code of Practice (DfE / DoH, 2015)).
  • Remember to use a range of references. These can come from course readings, and your own wider reading. Recognise and define different approaches used to explain social, mental and emotional health problems
  • In this section, you need to offer some critical analysis. When discussing the theories and approaches, explore strengths and weaknesses. Include references to some research about the theories and / or the strategies. As part of the discussions of understanding and supporting mental health, make sure you explore notions of inclusion. How inclusive are the approaches you discuss?

Identify what the presenting issues for the parents might be and how they could support the person with their SEMH  (LO1) (LO2) (LO3)

600 words



  • What might the presenting issues for the parents / carers be.
  • How might these impact upon the mental health and well being of the young person involved.
  • How might parental misconceptions / pressures contribute the issues that are being presented by the young person
  • Remember to use a range of references. These can come from course readings, and your own wider reading.
  • In this section, you need to offer some critical analysis. When discussing the theories and approaches, explore strengths and weaknesses. Include references to some research about the theories and / or the strategies. As part of the discussions of understanding and supporting mental health, make sure you explore notions of inclusion. How inclusive are the approaches you discuss?

Identify what the presenting issues for the young persons wider community might be, and the ways in which they might offer SEMH support for the individual (LO1) (LO3)

600 words




  • How might the wider community consider the young person.
  • You might want to think about stereotypes
  • Media influences
  • You could refer to the impact of social media here
  • You could refer to their school community
  • You could refer to religious beliefs here
  • Unrealistic expectations and the pressures these present for young people
  • Remember to use a range of references. These can come from course readings, and your own wider reading.
  • In this section, you need to offer some critical analysis. When discussing the theories and approaches, explore strengths and weaknesses. Include references to some research about the theories and / or the strategies. As part of the discussions of understanding and supporting mental health make sure you explore notions of inclusion. How inclusive are the approaches you discuss?


Intervention Plan



  • Consider the interventions that you might put in place to support the individual and how these might impact upon the young persons wellbeing.
  • Consider the ways in which outdoor learning. And outdoor experiences might support mental health and wellbeing.
  • Consider the ways in which you might implement the mental health tool kit
  • Use the Emotional literacy theories here to perhaps consider how you might support the young person and their families.
  • Ensure you refer to current government legislation and policy that supports young people and their families in identifying and supporting young people that are presenting with SEMH.
  • Evaluate the limitations of government legislation and policy in respect to supporting young people with SEMH
  • Remember to use a range of references. These can come from course readings, and your own wider reading.
  • In this section, you need to offer some critical analysis. When discussing the theories and approaches, explore strengths and weaknesses. Include references to some research about the theories and / or the strategies. As part of the discussions of understanding and supporting behaviour, make sure you explore notions of inclusion. How inclusive are the approaches you discuss?



  • You need to draw together all of the threads of your essay, making sure you don’t introduce any new material. Make sure you address the essay title in your conclusion.

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