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The entrepreneur: characteristics and skills | The role of networks for the entrepreneurial firm | The role of social media for the entrepreneurial firm | Sources of financial capital for the entrepreneurial firm

Assessment Title:

Entrepreneurship Written Coursework

Module Leader:


Distribution Date:

Week Commencing on 05/10/2020

Submission Deadline:


Feedback by :

27/01/2021 (20 working days after the submission the deadline.)

Contribution to overall module assessment:


Indicative student time working on assessment:

100 Hours

Word or Page Limit (if applicable):

2500 Words (not including references)

Assessment Type (individual or group):


Main Objective of the assessment

Assess the knowledge and understanding of the entrepreneurship field via the use of appropriate literature on one of the following topics:

The entrepreneur: characteristics and skills


The role of networks for the entrepreneurial firm


The role of social media for the entrepreneurial firm


Sources of financial capital for the entrepreneurial firm,

Description of the Assessment

The essay should provide the state-of-the-art of the literature on one of the above topics, based on relevant academic journal articles. Students should identify and analyse all relevant articles for the topic chosen in a minimum of 2 ABS listed journals for a time frame at least since 2014 onwards. The recommended structure is:


  1. II.  MAIN BODY This section should include:
    1. A systematic description of the method used for selecting the journals and articles analysed (Students should provide information regarding the: database used for identifying the relevant academic journals and articles; the exact name of the journals under study; the specific time frame of the review (e.g. 2015 - 2020); the keywords used for searching in the journals in order to identify the relevant articles; the number of articles included in the analysis;
    2. A critical review of the content of the articles analysed (aim & objectives; theoretical background; sample characteristics; data analysis; findings).
    3. III.           CONCLUSIONS This section should also include implications for entrepreneurs, limitations and future research directions.

NB: - Students should research academic articles published in ABS (2018 or 2015) listed, high quality journals; Students should ensure the literature research is updated;

Students should provide clear academic justification for the choices and claims made;

Students should not exceed the 2500 word count, excluding references. 10 points will be deducted for every 10% excess.

The 4 marking criteria all equally weighted (25%)

Marking scheme




Grade Descriptors









Has addressed the purpose of the assignment in a comprehensive and very clear





Has addressed the purpose of the assignment in a clear way.




Has addressed the purpose of the assignment.




The purpose of the assignment is partially addressed.




The answer fails to address the purpose of the assignment.




Complete misunderstanding of the purpose of the assignment.















Demonstrates an excellent justification and rigour for selecting the journals and articles included in the review.

Arguments are very well integrated and presented. Clearly showing the state- of-the-art of the literature; demonstration of a thorough understanding of concepts and

theory, and the




Demonstrates good justification and rigour for selecting the journals and articles included in the review.

Arguments are well integrated and presented. Clearly showing the state-of-the- art of the literature; demonstration of a well-developed understanding of concepts and

theory, and the




Demonstrates some justification and rigour for selecting the journals and articles included in the review.

Some integration attempt is made. Demonstration of a review of relevant concepts, and the application of analytical skills with good use of some appropriate references.




Demonstrates limited justification and rigour for selecting the journals and articles included in the review.

Tendency towards description.

Demonstrates evidence of some understanding of concepts and theory, and the application of analytical skills

with use of some




No development of a clear method.

Unstructured and confusing text. Demonstrates evidence of a partial but uncritical understanding of concepts and theory, and the basic application of analytical skills with a basic use of appropriate references.




Completely descriptive and unstructured. The assignment does not demonstrate an understanding of concepts and theory, and there is no evidence of the application of analytical skills or the use of appropriate references.








application of analytical skills with very good use of appropriate references.

application of analytical skills with good use of appropriate references.


appropriate references.






Grade Descriptors














The conclusions demonstrate an excellent understanding of the research theme, are clearly presented and well-grounded in

relevant theory and literature. Highly relevant implications to entrepreneurs and/or future research directions are provided.




The conclusions demonstrate a good  understanding shown in summary of arguments based on relevant theory and literature.

Relevant implications to entrepreneurs and/or future research directions are





The conclusions summarise the findings and are partially supported by relevant theory and literature.

Some implications to entrepreneurs, and/or future research directions are provided.




The conclusions are rather underdeveloped and are only partially embedded in theory and literature. Limited implications to entrepreneurs, limitations and future research directions are provided.




The conclusions are largely underdeveloped.

No implications to entrepreneurs, limitations and future research directions are provided.




No conclusions have been drawn.











The overall structure, writing quality and style are excellent.




The overall structure, writing quality and style are generally very good.




The overall structure, writing quality and style are satisfactory.




The overall structure, writing quality and style are just adequate.




Many of the following apply: poor overall structure, writing quality and style; poor grammar and punctuation; numerous spelling mistakes, incorrectly used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from





Almost all of the following apply: poor overall structure, writing quality and style; poor grammar and punctuation numerous spelling mistakes, incorrectly used words, and/or long, confused or unwieldy sentences which detract from


Submission Instructions

Coursework must be submitted electronically via the University’s WISEflow system. The required file format for this report is Adobe PDF. Your student ID number must be used as the file name (e.g. 0123456.pdf). You must ensure that you upload your file in the correct format and use the College’s electronic coursework coversheet. Please note that submissions of ‘.pages / .docx etc’ documents will not be accepted and must be converted to approved format.

The electronic coursework coversheet must be completed and included at the beginning of all coursework submissions prior to submitting on WISEflow.

Academic Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion

Any coursework or examined submission for assessment where plagiarism, collusion or any form of cheating is suspected will be dealt with according to the University processes which are detailed in Senate Regulation 6.

You can access information about plagiarism here.

The University regulations on plagiarism apply to published as well as unpublished work, collusion and the plagiarism of the work of other students. Please ensure that you fully understand what constitutes plagiarism before you submit your work.

University’s Coursework Submission Policy

Please refer to the College’s Student Handbook for information on submitting late, penalties applied and procedures

College’s Coursework Submission Policy

Please refer to the College’s Student Handbook for information relating to the College’s Coursework Submission Policy and procedures.

* this can be found at the bottom of the page under the ‘Documents’ section *

Extenuating Circumstances Policy

Please refer to the College’s Student Handbook for information relating to extenuating circumstances and procedures.

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