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TRNG 6020 – Professional Internship Report Writing

This paper deals with making of internship report that carries an organised structure and components in the right place. You should perfectly position the company during the internship report without using plagiarism. 


TRNG 6020 – Professional Internship


-       Internship Report: to be submitted in electronic format only by uploading it on IUM online learning platformonline.monaco.edu by January 10th, 2020. No oral de- fense required. Late submissions of final reports incur a pro- gressive grade penalty from -5% in the first week of delay and up to -15%.

After four weeks of delay the report cannot be graded and the case will be referred to the Graduation Jury who will de- termine an appropriate course of action.

-       Company Supervisor Evaluation Form (CSEF) completed and sent directly by your supervisor to IUM Academic Ad- ministration office (academicadmin@monaco.edu) by the same deadline of January 10th, 2020.

Grade breakdown

The final course grade consists of the following components and relative weight.

TRNG 6020 – Professional Internship           Relative Weight

Internship Report                                        75%

Company Supervisor Evaluation Form             25%

TOTAL   100%

The evaluation of internship reports is carried out by IUM faculty using a common evaluation grid. The criteria include understanding and in-depth analysis of the issues treated, evidence of independ- ent critical thinking; application of business theory and terminology as appropriate; report structure and professional presentation, se- lection and relevance of sources used, and correct referencing (preferably using the APA references style).

Report general re- quirements and structure

The report must be presented in a professional manner as a Word or a .pdf document to be uploaded directly on the TRNG 620 course in the online.monaco.edu platform (please, do not send your report by email):

  • Recommended length from 7000 to 12000 words
  • Pages must be numbered (starting from the Introduction page)
  • Appropriate written style and correct use of English (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, clarity)
  • Figures must be numbered and accompanied by a legend in- dicating the source
  • Every source used must be documented correctly in the body of the text and alphabetically in the list of references. Stu-

dents must choose and use a referencing system (e.g. APA) correctly and consistently.


Structure of the report: Particular attention should be paid to the structure of the document as outlined below: for each section, there should be an introduction, a conclusion as well as appropriate tran- sitions whenever necessary.

1.             Cover page

Indicates the name of the student, the course code, the pro- gram, the academic year, the title of the report.

2.             Acknowledgements

It should concisely acknowledge all the people who have helped the student during the internship, the thesis or ap- plied research project.

3.             Honesty/Originality statement: “This statement consti- tutes my pledge that all of the writing is my own work, with the exception of those portions which are properly docu- mented. I am aware that if plagiarism is found in my report I will be subject to sanctions as per IUM academic honesty policy.      Signature                                

4.             Confidentiality statement (if applicable) (sample at- tached)

5.             Table of contents (with page numbers)

6.             Introduction

The Introduction should state the main aspects covered and should provide a “route map” through the report with brief details of each chapter and an overview of the storyline.

7.             Development

The development is the main body of the report and should be divided into several distinct chapters based on the content covered (please see section below on report content). Partic- ular attention must be paid to the transitions from one part to the next.

8.             Conclusions and recommendations

This final chapter should contain a summary of the analysis presented in the previous chapters, lessons learned and rec- ommendations.

9.             List of References

The bibliography or list of works cited should use the APA style. References are listed alphabetically by author (or web- site title). All references cited in the report must be listed.

All reports will be screened by an anti-plagiarism soft- ware.

10.         Appendices

Appendices should be kept to a minimum. They should con- tain material which is interesting and relevant but not essen- tial to know.

Internship Report Content

The internship report is expected to be an analysis of the work ex- perience carried out by the student in light of the concepts and the- ories learned during the program of studies.

The report must include an analysis of the company and its strategy, and an analysis of the internship itself. More specifically:

Company Analysis


As an indication, a non-exhaustive list of the topics that should be included in this part is:

  • Description of the company: history (origins, heritage, evolu- tion over time); size, structure, activities, performance, etc.; mission, objectives, values.
  • Competitive Analysis, including (as applicable to type of com- pany): description and analysis of the competitive market; company strategy, brand image; company performance with respect to industry benchmark.

A personal analysis and argumented interpretation rather than a mere description of data and facts is expected. When- ever appropriate and relevant, students are encouraged to use the tools, concepts and models studied in their courses and to link the findings with their personal experience in the field (former work ex- perience, previous internships, interviews, visits, etc).

Internship analysis

This part should cover the following topics, although it is not limited to them:

-           Position occupied in the company during the internship (in- clude the organizational chart)

-           Responsibilities and tasks/projects carried out

-           Identification of the challenges faced by the company or by the company department where the internship was carried out

-           Lessons learnt

-           Observations, recommendations

Academic Honesty

IUM fosters the highest standards of academic integrity. The Cap- stone project is the culmination of a graduate student’s curriculum and should be his/her own work. Consequently, the student must not plagiarize any material, collaborate with others, make up data or ci- tations, or knowingly make false statements.

Plagiarism includes the following forms:

  1. The literal repetition without acknowledgment of the writings of another author. All significant phrases, clauses, or passages in the report which have been taken di- rectly from source material must be enclosed in quotation marks and acknowledged in the text itself as well as in the list of Works Cited or Bibliography.
  2. Borrowing another’s ideas and representing them as your own. To paraphrase the thoughts of another writer without acknowledgment is to plagiarize. Plagiarism also in- cludes inadequate paraphrasing. Paraphrased passages (those put into your own words) must be properly acknowl- edged in the text and in the bibliography.
  3. Plagiarism includes using another person or organiza- tion to prepare your report and then submitting it as your own work.

In particular, students must carefully respect citation rules and

copyright by acknowledging all sources of information and figures using the standard APA references style.


All reports will be screened by an anti-plagiarism software. Any breach of academic honesty will be sanctioned according to the university Academic Honesty policy (cf. General Univer- sity Policies), typically resulting in the work being awarded

a grade of “F” (failure) and possible disciplinary action.


-       Non-Disclosure Agreement

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