Structure of the report: Particular attention should be paid to the structure of the document as outlined below: for each section, there should be an introduction, a conclusion as well as appropriate tran- sitions whenever necessary.
1. Cover page
Indicates the name of the student, the course code, the pro- gram, the academic year, the title of the report.
2. Acknowledgements
It should concisely acknowledge all the people who have helped the student during the internship, the thesis or ap- plied research project.
3. Honesty/Originality statement: “This statement consti- tutes my pledge that all of the writing is my own work, with the exception of those portions which are properly docu- mented. I am aware that if plagiarism is found in my report I will be subject to sanctions as per IUM academic honesty policy. Signature
4. Confidentiality statement (if applicable) (sample at- tached)
5. Table of contents (with page numbers)
6. Introduction
The Introduction should state the main aspects covered and should provide a “route map” through the report with brief details of each chapter and an overview of the storyline.
7. Development
The development is the main body of the report and should be divided into several distinct chapters based on the content covered (please see section below on report content). Partic- ular attention must be paid to the transitions from one part to the next.
8. Conclusions and recommendations
This final chapter should contain a summary of the analysis presented in the previous chapters, lessons learned and rec- ommendations.
9. List of References
The bibliography or list of works cited should use the APA style. References are listed alphabetically by author (or web- site title). All references cited in the report must be listed.
All reports will be screened by an anti-plagiarism soft- ware.
10. Appendices
Appendices should be kept to a minimum. They should con- tain material which is interesting and relevant but not essen- tial to know.