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Understand the catalysts for international expansion, including country, industry, and firm influences;

BMG872 CRN 92131 

Global Strategy, Development and Implementation

Student Name: ________________________________________________


Global Strategy, Development & Implementation


BMG872    CRN 92131














Module Co-ordinator









Please email in advance to arrange an appointment.

Lectures                                                  24 hrs











   12 hrs

Independent study

(including assessment)

 114 hrs




150 hrs

Business and Management






The strategic management process helps organisations identify what they intend to achieve and how they will accomplish valued outcomes.  The magnitude of this challenge is greater today than ever before.  A new competitive landscape is developing as a result of the increasing globalisation.  When students take this module, they will already have considered the global environment in which organisations have to operate and survive.  This module focuses on how firms’ sizes can become or remain international in scope.  It analyses how organisations can use the strategic management process to understand those international competitive forces and develop competitive advantage systematically and consistently.  This module links the internationalisation process examined in Semester one to focusing on multinational management of the firm.


The primary aim of this module is to develop an understanding of the strategic management of an enterprise engaged in international business. This includes understanding how the competitive position of a firm is devised based on analysing structure, country-based sources of advantage and their distinctive competencies.  Further, translating strategy into organisation action requires understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the many organisational forms and processes that may be used to attain the desired competitive position.  The secondary aims are to (1) develop an understanding of the international business that integrates specific functional activities comprising the firm and (2) provide the opportunity to further develop analytical skills and decision-making in situations characterised by uncertainty and complexity.


On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Understand the catalysts for international expansion, including country, industry, and firm influences;
  • Understand unique management issues that confront international business units;
  • Analyse different competitive strategies in globalising industries;
  • Understand the process of international expansion generically;
  • Examine how changes in strategy create organisational tension, especially in headquarter-subsidiary relations;
  • Analyse historical globalisation patterns in strategic industries;
  • Assess strategies needed to compete internationally.


Successful students will be able to:

1 Demonstrate knowledge and thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts, principles, theories, practices and legislative frameworks underlying international business as an academic discipline and as a tool for improved management of international businesses.

2 Apply critical evaluation to complex arguments and evidence in the field of international business.

3 Formulate strategies to support successful international operations in diverse contexts.

4 Assess the implications, risks, security, integrity and confidentiality aspects of applying innovative solutions across multi-national and trans-national companies.


The content covered for this module is listed as follows:

Week 1: Introduction to Global Strategy, Development and Implementation Module Overview

Learning Outcomes

  • Introduction to students, staff and module
  • Understand the teaching and assessment requirements to successfully complete the Global Strategy, Development and Implementation Module over the next 12 weeks
  • Reflect on your previous knowledge of business strategy
  • Consider what business strategy means in an international context
  • Identify a multinational corporation and review its corporate plan

Week 2:  Globalisation

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the concept of globalisation
  • Describe the changes which have taken place in the global business environment in the last century
  • Describe the effects of globalisation on markets and production
  • Describe the institutions that support globalisation
  • Explain how technology and innovation in transportation support globalisation
  • Discuss pros and cons of globalisation and its effects on developing nations

Week 3: The Global Environment

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the different political, economic and legal systems
  • Illustrate the implications of these systems for international business
  • Outline the determinants of economic development
  • Discuss the relationship between democracy and development
  • Explain the significance of national cultures and subcultures within nations
  • Evaluate the cultural role of religion and its influence on the practice of business

Week 4: Global Strategy and Sources of Competitive Advantage

Learning Outcomes

  • Define the components of new trade theory
  • Describe the implication of new trade theory for business and government
  • Discuss and apply the theory of National competitive advantage
  • Explain the basis for strategic trade policy

Week 5: International Strategy Formulation

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the meaning of strategy for firms within an international context.
  • Suggest the reasons why firms may decide to enter international business.
  • Discuss the important of value creation within an international context.
  • Identify the benefits from international strategies
  • Outline the basic strategies undertaken by MNEs, and specifically focus on how they relate to the needs for local responsiveness and cost minimization

Week 6: Strategic Initiatives for Global Growth

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate the criteria that firms use to select foreign markets for international growth.
  • Outline the importance of timing of entry and scale of entry for the firm.
  • Define and list the advantages and disadvantages of the six market entry modes.
  • Define and describe the benefits and challenges associated with acquisitions versus Greenfield ventures
  • Analyse the benefits and challenges of strategic alliances

Week 7: International Strategy Implementation

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the complexity and identify the challenges associated with strategy implementation;
  • Understand the importance of staff communications in strategy implementation;
  • Identify the linkages between strategy implementation and organisational structure;
  • Evaluate four stages of corporate development;
  • Explain the role of business re-engineering in strategy implementation;
  • Analyse the implications for international business when implementing strategy.

Week 8:  International Strategy for MNCs

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the selection of an optimal manufacturing location based on country factors, technological factors and product factors
  • Illustrate the advantages, disadvantages, and problems associated with coordinating a tightly linked global manufacturing system
  • Examine how some market segments transcend national borders, while in other situations the structure of market segments differs significantly across countries.
  • Understand the factors that cause firms to alter the marketing mix across countries.
  • Discuss issues related to the location of R&D facilities and linking marketing and R&D in new product development
  • Identify the issues and problems with expatriate staffing and highlight guidelines relating to the performance appraisal of expatriates
  • Suggest some actions for managerial training and development for international firms

Week 9: Strategic Integration and Management of MNCs

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the different kinds of organisational structures and internal control mechanisms that international businesses can use to manage global operations
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decentralised decision systems.
  • Present the basic types of organisational forms that multinational firms use.
  • Describe the control systems and integrating mechanisms available to multinational firms
  • Evaluate organisational architecture, control systems, integrating systems, and decision-making choices multinational firms and their linkages with their strategy and industry environment

Week 10:  International Strategy: evaluation, control, monitoring and control in MNCs

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the importance of evaluation and control within an MNC
  • Illustrate and describe the evaluation and control process
  • Identify at least eight methods employed to measure performance of firms
  • Discuss how non quantifiable measures can lead to organisational success
  • Highlight how firms can overcome international challenges of control
  • Recommend guidelines on how firms should ensure proper control within their organisations.

Weeks 11 & 12:  Assignment Preparation and Module Reflection and Revision

  • Reflect and review on the module content and delivery.
  • Assignment final submission date:

Module Summary

Global Strategy will focus on the following areas:


  • The growth and impact of globalisation
  • The global environment
  • Industry characteristics
  • Competitive advantage
  • Corporate Strategic Models


  • The evolution of strategy in International Business
  • Leading global expansion
  • Strategy implementation
  • International investment and locations


  • Organisational structures for International Business
  • Control Systems and Incentives
  • Organisational Culture
  • Organisational Change

Business Operations

  • Global Leadership
  • Effective resources planning and deployment – Marketing, Finance and Human Resources.
  • Evaluation, control and monitoring

Teaching & Learning Methods

This module will be taught by means of twelve two-hour lectures and twelve one-hour seminars.  In class students will be expected to contribute to discussions, directed readings and discussion of key papers and texts.  Emphasis will be placed on experimental learning through the use of case studies.  The case study method stresses maximum involvement and participation, the sharing of ideas and the ability to make decisions in realistic situations.  Students will be expected to participate and contribute regularly to case study based class discussions.   Class discussions should demonstrate:

  1. evidence of careful preparation of cases and reading;
  2. clarity and conciseness of each recommendation; and
  3. strong and convincing analysis to support recommendations.

Class discussion will be student led and facilitated by the lecturer and will be based around directed reading, case study, classical and current international policy issues and practical examples.  This combined approach, together with the content, will help to develop skills of communication, presentation, problem solving, critical analysis and synthesis.

The programme is not immutable and can be varied as significant developments in global strategy occur.

Please note: 

Should any student have any special teaching requirements please inform the lecturer at the start of the semester to ensure that all teaching needs are facilitated.


Required Reading:

Hill, C.W.L and Hult, G.T.M (2019) International Business, Competing in the Global Marketplace. 12th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Education

Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., and Bamford, C. E. (2018) Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, 15th Global ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited


Collinson, S., Narula, R., and Rugman, A. M. and Qamar, A. (2020) International Business, 8th ed., Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H. and Sullivan, D. (2019) International Business, Global Edition, 16th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Hamilton, L and Webster, P (2015) The International Business Environment, 3rd ed., Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

Hill, C. W. L., and Hult, G. T. M (2018) Global Business Today, 10th ed. New York: McGraw- Hill Education

Hunger, J.D. and Wheelen, T.L. (2014) Essentials of Strategic Management: New International Edition. 5th ed., Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Johnson, G., Schholes, D., Whittington, R., Regner, P., and Angwin, D., (2018) Fundamentals of Strategy. 4th ed., Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Johnson, G., Scholes, D., and Whittington, R., (2017) Exploring Corporate Strategy. 11th ed. UK: Prentice Hall

Lynch, R. (2018) Strategic Management. 8th ed., Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Porter, M.E., (1998), Competitive Advantages of Nations, MacMillan Business

Radebaugh, L. H., Sullivan, D., and Daniels, J. D. (2019) International Business, Environments and Operations, 16th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Vietor R.H.K., (2007), How Countries Compete Strategy, Structure, and Government in the Global Economy, Harvard Business School Press

Wall, S and Minocha, S. (2015) International Business, 4th ed., Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited

Wild, J.J., and Wild, K.L., (2020) International Business.  The Challenges of Globalization.  9th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson

Journals and Related Publications:

Academy of Management Journal

Business Week

The Economist

The Financial Times

Global Fortune Magazine


Harvard Business Review

International Management

Journal of Business Strategy

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of Management Studies

Management International Review

Strategic Management Journal


This module is assessed by 100% coursework.  Students are required to complete an individual assignment of 3000 words.

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – [worth 100% of the module marks]

For this piece of coursework you are required to research a multinational company (of your choice).  You are required to analyse the strategic activities and decisions of a multinational company of your choice to establish a subsidiary in an international location.  Please note that the MNC must not have a presence established in your target international location and you will be required to demonstrate this as part of your report.

Your assignment should highlight, analyse and critically evaluate the following:

  1. Reasons for parent company’s international expansion; (including an evaluation of the company’s historical performance, products/service range, share of the market and competitive position within the industry);
  2. Possible strategic choices available to the parent company;
  3. Reasons for choice of location for the subsidiary;
  4. Strategic methods of entry and the possible consequences;
  5. The potential organisational and managerial problems for the subsidiary operating in the new international environment; and
  6. You should provide strategic advice for the subsidiary to overcome the problems highlighted in v.

The paper should be based on a thorough research of various types of data such as library sources, company documentation, web-based material, personal experience in a company and personal interviews if applicable.  Appropriate academic theories and models should be employed wherever relevant. 

Presentation of Assignment

The assignment must be submitted online on or before

Please note:

– Late submissions will not be accepted after this date unless supported by extenuating evidence as required by Ulster University policy.   Please refer to programme handbook. 

– The assignments will be marked in accordance with the University’s Plagiarism policy.  Please refer to programme handbook. 

–  The document should be approximately 3,000 words long and it should be referenced using the Harvard system of referencing and page-numbered.

– Sources should be from recognised and reliable academic, industry, business and government sources.  


Normally, written feedback will be given three working weeks after the final submission date.

Marking Criteria

The assignment will be marked in accordance with the attached marking criteria.

Summary Description

This module focuses primarily on the strategic management of enterprises engaged in international business.  Different perspectives – such as core competencies, country-based sources – are analysed to assess competitive positions and then to formulate strategies.


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