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Understand the distinction between leadership and management.

This paper deals with the primary theme of developing leading and management skills in the learners. It highly focuses on the difference and importance of leadership and management within the professional context. Moreover, the student is required to highlight some major aspects in this paper that are stated below:

  • The implications attached with the concept of leadership and management.

  • Different roles and responsibilities assigned with leaders and managers.

  • The role of the L&D function in providing leadership and management development.

  • Practical instances of how the role of L&D function support the process of leadership and management development.


Many wonder about the modifications between leadership and management. Are they equally exclusive? Do professionals have both makings—or do they learn one or the other over a long era of time? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg. In this paper, we will take a look at both.

Developing Leading and Management Skills

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the distinction between leadership and management.

Unit Assessment Criteria:

1.1  Describe a range of meanings attached to the concepts of leadership and management.

1.2  Justify distinctions drawn between leadership and management.

Learning Outcome 2) Be able to explain different approaches to developing leaders and managers and the role of the learning and development function.

Unit Assessment Criteria:

2.1 Evaluate a range of approaches for developing leaders and managers.
2.2 Discuss the role of the L&D function in providing leadership and management development.

Learning Outcome 3) Understand how to ensure the ownership and success of leadership and management development programmes.

Unit Assessment Criteria:

3.1 Identify indicators of success for leadership and management development programmes.
3.2 Justify methods to ensure the success of leadership and management development programmes.

Assessment Brief

Drawing on the literature and/or current organisational practice, write an essay where you should:

  • Describe at least three interpretations (each) of the concepts of leadership and management. (Assessment Criteria 1.1)
  • Explain and justify distinctions drawn between the concepts of leadership and management. (Assessment Criteria 1.2)
  • Evaluate at least four different approaches for developing leaders and managers (Assessment Criteria 2.1)
  • Provide at least five examples of how the L&D function can support leadership and management development (Assessment Criteria 2.2)
  • Identifies at least four indicators of success for leadership and management development programmes (Assessment Criteria 3.1)
  • Provide a rationale for at least three methods to ensure the success of leadership and management development programmes (Assessment Criteria 3.2)

Evidence to be produced/required

A written essay of approximately 3,900 words. 

All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).


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