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Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

The integration of the Health and Social Care sub-sectors is important in terms of being able to provide services for the wellbeing of individuals, and to meet the increasing demands of a growing and ageing population with increasingly complex needs. Students working in health will need to be aware of integrated care pathways: a multidisciplinary approach towards anticipated care that enables an individual with identified needs to move progressively through their journey and experience positive outcomes. The aim of this unit is to develop students’ understanding of an individual’s right to being involved in their own care and develop students’ skills in promoting this right when working with individuals. This right is, in many cases, enshrined in law and in the fundamental standards of care. It is a critical element of person-centred care and leads to improved and often more cost-effective outcomes. Students will explore the importance of working relationships within multidisciplinary settings and the impact on the individual. Students will investigate the importance of professionals being able to communicate and co-ordinate care with the individual and multidisciplinary teams for and on behalf the individual. In addition, students will recognise their own responsibilities in understanding seamless services that support the individual through their integrated pathway of care, considering personalised care plans – written with individuals for themselves, families and carers and with their wishes and preferences clearly identified and monitored. In this unit, students will be expected to research new models of care, funding availability, legislative frameworks and policy initiatives that contribute to high-quality person-centred care. On completion of this unit, students will have expanded their knowledge and understanding of multidisciplinary working within health, care and support services. Students will have developed their transferable communication skills to improve care and better outcomes for individuals within their chosen role. This will also provide opportunities for them to consider future career pathways in health, care or support services.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit students will be able to:

1 Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

2 Assess an individual’s capacity to identify their own needs

3 Describe the impact of own relationship with the individual and multidisciplinary teams involved in the delivery of the care pathway

4 Demonstrate the need for person-centred communication in implementing person-centred plans.

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