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Unit 4.17 Health and Social Care in Context

Unit 4.17  Health and Social Care in Context 


A local television company has decided to make a documentary about an area of Health and Social Care.  You have been employed as a researcher to produce materials and information which will then form the body of the documentary.  You do not have to make the documentary.  You can choose the area of health and social care you wish to research, for example, care of the elderly, health etc. 

Carry out research and produce materials for the documentary. 

You might consider including:

• interview notes or recorded interviews
• interview questions
• comments and/or quotations from individuals
• organisational charts with explanations
• detailed notes for the documentary makers
• scripts for sections of the documentary

This list is not exclusive.


Task 1

The first part of the documentary is about the structural organisation of your chosen area.

Your research and materials must cover:

• an analysis of the organisational structures within the chosen area including private and publically funded provision
• an evaluation of the roles and responsibilities of external agencies who provide advice and influence, for example, government departments, regulatory and professional bodies
• an analysis of individual functions and roles in organisations within your chosen area 


This task covers assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.


Task 2

The second part of the documentary concerns the implications of the legislative frameworks in your chosen area.

Your research and materials for this part of the documentary must cover.  

• an analysis of the legislative frameworks impacting on your chosen area and an explanation for their intended functions.
• an evaluation of the way in which legislative frameworks have been interpreted in terms of regulation, codes of practice and standards in the chosen area.  
• an assessment of the impact of policies, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organisations and working practices in your chosen area .  


This task covers assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

Task 3

The third part of the documentary focuses on external influences on your chosen area of health and social care.  

Carry out research and produce materials for this part of the documentary.  

Your research must cover:

• an analysis of the factors and organisations that have influenced government decisions on your chosen area of health and social care
• an assessment of the impact of social values and attitudes on your area of health and social care
• an assessment of the barriers to access for health and social care and how effectively these have been overcome


This task covers assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

Task 4

The final part of the documentary is about individual rights underpinning the delivery of all areas of health and social care to service users.  

You should carry out research and provide:

• an analysis of the individual rights that underpin health and social care practice
• an evaluation of the importance of these rights in health and social care.


This task covers assessment criteria 4.1 and 4.2.

Please note your assignment must be accompanied by a bibliography.

Guidelines for assessors

The assignments submitted by students must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit.  The suggested evidence listed below is how students can demonstrate that they have met the required standard.  

Students should choose one area of health and social care to carry out their research for tasks 1, 2, 3.

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