Unit FM4.04: Understanding facilities management support services operations
Unit FM4.04: Understanding facilities management support services operations
1. Understand the support services and the options for delivery that are typically provided in facilities management
1.1 Describe a typical range of services which may be encompassed within facilities management in all sectors of the private, public and not-for-profit economy (by reference to examples rather than trying to develop an exhaustive list)
1.2 Explain the different options for delivery of support services (in-house, and/or outsourced to include single-service contracts, bundled contracts and total facilities management contracts)
1.3 Explain the cost effectiveness of the various delivery options (by reference to factors that might influence the cost of the options listed above such as costs of employing staff, risks of employing staff, contractors’ need for profit, risks of contractor failure, and factors that might influence the effectiveness of the same options such as efficiency of supervision, access to specialist expertise, responsiveness to change)
1.4 Explain the relationship between the facilities management strategy and the preferred option for delivery of support services (using example/s drawn from the learners own experiences and/or case studies)
2. Understand how support services in facilities management are identified and managed
2.1 Describe ways of identifying the requirements of the users (who should be consulted, methods of consultation, other sources of evidence such as business objectives, compliance requirements, current deficiencies)
2.2 Explain how support services are managed and monitored to ensure that they meet required standards (providing an overview of general management principles for service delivery, and of additional mechanisms used to manage contractors, such as service level agreements and key performance indicators)
3. Understand the importance of health and safety in the delivery of support services in facilities management
3.1 Explain the importance of safety systems associated with the management and control of contractors and in-house staff undertaking support services work (by reference to the legislation associated with compliance risk, and to example/s of health and safety risks drawn from the learners’ own experiences and/or case studies)
3.2 Explain the role of a Facilities Manager in ensuring compliance with legislation and good practice related to the delivery of support services (by identifying methods that can be used to mitigate the different types of risk listed above)
4. Understand how to manage the revenue/operational budgets in the provision of support services
4.1 Explain how to determine, monitor and manage support services budgets (an overview of systems used to classify costs, to forecast expenditure (by reference to precedent and from first principles), to agree budgets, to monitor actual expenditure against forecasts, and to address variances)
4.2 Identify adverse budget variation and explain options for reconciliation (using example/s drawn from the learners own experiences and/or case studies)
The qualification of Facility Management is designed for the people who intend to embark their professional journey by gaining competence about the roles and functions of facility managers within an organisation. It majorly educates the learners of how to demonstrate their skills and understanding within the workplace in the domain of facility management. The unit that this write-up covers is FM4.04 Understanding Facilities Management Support Services Operations, that comes under the category of level 4 of IWFM
FM4.04 Understanding Facilities Management Support Services Operations
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