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Unit FM4.24 : Innovation in facilities management

Unit FM4.24 : Innovation in facilities management

1.Understand the purpose and benefit of innovation in a business environment

1.1 Evaluate the purpose of innovation as a way of staying competitive and offering new solutions

1.2 Describe the underlying culture within the organisation

1.3 Explain own responsibility in promoting the organisation’s vision and helping to shape the culture

1.4 Explain how culture influences innovation

1.5 Describe how an innovative approach to facilities management can lead to transformation in an organisation (Summarise the current and emerging political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal (PESTEL) developments for the organisation)

2.Be able to research ideas for new approaches and solutions within facilities management

2.1 Explain the purpose of reviewing existing services and ways of delivery

2.2 Evaluate ways of reviewing existing services

2.3 Analyse the characteristics of best practice and continuous improvement in facilities management

2.4 Identify sources of information for new approaches and solutions 2.5 Identify potential sources of ideas for new services and/or improvements

2.6 Explain how to select and apply different methods for motivating people to generate and develop ideas

2.7 Evaluate the usefulness and reliability of sources of information and ideas

3.Be able to develop innovative ideas for improvements to facilities management

3.1 Analyse the characteristics of best practice and continuous improvement in facilities management

3.2 Generate options that meet agreed criteria

3.3 Establish the implications of proposed improvements

3.4 Estimate the resource investment needed to implement improvements

3.5 Present the business case for innovation in accordance with organisational requirements

(• Definition and types of innovation (e.g. disruptive, continuous improvement)

• Sources e.g. site-based innovation, subcontractors, supply chain, trade shows, competitors • Who should be involved in developing ideas

• Improvement criteria

• How ideas are filtered

• Tools and processes for capturing ideas

• Cost-benefit analysis 

• Implications: to the business, to customers, to staff (e.g. learning centres); to safety; to the environment; to society

• How to develop and present a business case)

4.Be able to implement innovative ideas in facilities management

4.1 Develop plans for the implementation of an idea that addresses all aspects of the proposed innovation

4.2 Explain how to assess and manage risk when implementing new ideas

4.3 Assign roles, responsibilities and resources in accordance with the plan

4.4 Brief those affected by the innovation and its implementation

4.5 Develop processes and procedures that ensure the efficient implementation and legacy of the innovation

4.6 Explain the use of a range of tools and techniques to address problems and unexpected developments

4.7 Evaluate different methods of monitoring the implementation of innovations

(• Project planning and objective setting

• Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

• 6 Sigma (theory and principles)

• Lean Engineering (theory and principles)

• Operational Excellence (OPEX)

• Problem solving techniques (e.g. root cause analysis)

• Securing support by staff and experts for innovations

• Deep Dive”: in depth analysis of how services could be made more efficient (e.g. finance, procurement, equipment, staff deployment, inspection, quality etc)

• Monitoring techniques)

5. Be able to manage relationships in the implementation of innovative ideas in facilities management

5.1 Assess the impact of innovation

5.2 Engage support and agreement for innovation

5.3 Communicate the benefit from innovation

5.4 Evaluate the potential of innovation to further relationships 5.5 Analyse any contractual implications of innovation

(• Value of client support for innovation and how to engage them

• When, why and how to engage clients and other stakeholders

• Considerations to be taken into account in assessing the impact (e.g. their expectations, perception of value, impact on strategic intent)

• Understanding clients’ strategic and financial processes)

• Impact on clients, their processes and contracts (e.g. financial implications (savings, enhanced efficiency, image/reputation)

• Use of Contract Design and Management (CDM) tools and processes)

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