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Using the material available in your course and online and/or from other sources, devise a plan for setting up a state-of-the-art airport security system. You must discuss the following points as a minimum:

Assignment Instructions

Using the material available in your course and online and/or from other sources, devise a plan for setting up a state-of-the-art airport security system. You must discuss the following points as a minimum:

The security force - selection, organization, training.
Airport lay-out - suggest a design which maximizes security management efficiency and passenger flow while minimizing discomfort and delay to air travelers. You may use diagrams to supplement your work.
Describe the system for screening passengers step-by-step as a process describing each piece of equipment used and its function. You may diagram this system if you wish.
Describe how you would integrate systems for maximum efficiency.
Discuss security management of freight air carriers in brief.
Your paper should be oriented towards a primary commercial service airport in the United States. This is a best-case scenario so consider the budget funded. Discuss passenger screening in terms of concentric ring theory (defense-in-depth). In other words, passenger screening must consist of at least three overlapping layers. In terms of system integration, discuss the integration of passenger screening system design with other security components used at the airport, i.e., closed circuit television systems (CCTV), barriers, access to the airside operations area, etc.

Your paper should be at a minimum 15 pages for the body of your work (the Title Page and References page will be additional pages).
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space. Please provide a separate heading for each question (these are sections).
Students will follow the APA 6 Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. See
Use scholarly or other relevant sources.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize: books, peer reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc. (may be electronic of course and the APA manual lists all the types of possible resources and reference formats, hint…hint), and valid web sites (use caution with these).


Portfolio Management

(FINA 401)

Simulation Group Project


Project Description


Working in groups of no more than 4 students, you will manage (fictitiously) a stock portfolio initially worth US$ 1,000,000 over an 8-week period. You will pick stocks, and then track the value of your portfolio and possibly rebalance your portfolio over the course of the semester. You should track the value of your portfolio at least once weekly and report stock prices, portfolio value and major indices. You should also keep track of the main financial news events that affect the value of your portfolio over the investment period (using the Internet and/or any newspaper/magazine of your choice). Student will use the Stock-Trak Portfolio Simulation program ( to manage and track their investment portfolio.




You will need to select an investment objective carefully. To inspire you, I suggest that you take a look at some mutual fund descriptions available on the web, for example at (that gives you access to detailed information on several thousand funds, via FundsNetwork). The Internet has a tremendous wealth of useful information: e.g.,,,


The composition of your portfolio should reflect your investment objective, as well as your outlook on the current state of the economy and individual securities. You can rebalance your portfolio following news and/or market fluctuations, but I do not require that you rebalance your portfolio over the course of the semester. In any case, you will need to justify your trades (or the fact that you chose not to trade after the formation of the portfolio).


Your portfolio will consist of regularly traded US equities. You will be charged a flat commission of 10 USD for each trade. Total number of transactions is limited to 200 over the simulation period. You may buy on margin and sell stocks short, but it is by no means necessary to do so. For simplicity, the short term interest rate (at which you may invest any cash that is not invested in stocks, and borrow to buy on margin) will be assumed to be constant and equal to 0.01% per day.



The starting date for the project is September 28, 2018 (Friday). The closing date of the portfolio is November 23, 2018 (Friday). The written report will be due on November 29.



I understand that the task of picking a portfolio may seem daunting at first, but there are a lot of free, helpful resources on the Internet:

· (and surely many other places) has “stock screeners” that allow you to select stocks on the basis of criteria you choose.

·         mutual funds descriptions with a lot of detail, including funds’ main holdings, are readily available on the Internet (for example on

·         numerous places offer “top picks” lists.


Feel free to use all of these tools and information. This is not cheating, as long as you can justify your choice of holdings in your own words



Your final paper should be well-organized, concise, typed, double-spaced, and professional-looking. You shouldn’t need more than 10 to 15 pages (not counting appendices such as tables, graphs, and references. Your paper must include some quantitative analysis of the risk and return of your portfolio and some comparisons with one (or more) major stock indices and some mutual funds with similar objectives. At least two charts must be provided (one with the initial composition of your portfolio; and one with the evolution of the value of your portfolio over the investment period and some comparisons).


You are free to organize your work so as to make it as interesting as possible, but you should probably include the following:

·         Your investment objective (our objective: growth, capital appreciation, capital gain) & strategy ( our strategy large market capitalization and large blend)

·         The initial composition of your portfolio (with a detailed justification)

·         Your additional trades if you decide to make any transactions (with justification)

·         The main economic and financial news that affected the value of your portfolio

·         Do you think you were consistent with your objective?

·         What would you do differently based on what you learned from this course or the recommended readings?


You may want to use the notions discussed in class (or notions that I will likely not have time to cover but that are described in your textbook and recommended readings). You should be aware that I particularly appreciate conciseness and clarity of style.

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