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What are the challenges of Team Working? You need to discuss about 2 challenges


Following next topic and write an essay of no more than 1,000 words that discusses the ideas:

 What are the challenges of Team Working? You need to discuss about 2 challenges !!!

-          What are the challenges of team working?

-          Why is it a challenge?

-          Illustrate your arguments with researched examples

-          Who suffers? E.g. organisations, staff or managers etc.

Your work should follow a standard essay structure. It must include:

  • A brief introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Referenced source material to support your arguments
  • A conclusion
  • A reference list

The core learning aims of this assessment are:

  • Knowledge and understanding of relevant research in order to understand and apply theories relating to group work in professional settings. (100%)

Knowledge and Understanding: 0-100 marks

Marks will be awarded for the overall quality of the content presented. Marks will be allocated in terms of:

  • Complexity
  • Analysis
  • Research
  • References

              Assignment  Structure

Paragraph 1 Introduction: (Approximately 150 words)

Why is team work so popular in the workplace? What are some of the challenges? What will this essay cover?

Paragraph 2 (Approximately 250 words)

Describe the challenge you have chosen to focus on. Explain why it is a challenge. Provide a detailed example of this challenge in the workplace. State the company name, the type of situation, the challenges it brings. Company can be choose random

Paragraph 3 (Approximately 250 words)

Describe the challenge you have chosen to focus on. Explain why it is a challenge. Provide a detailed example of this challenge in the workplace. State the company name, the type of situation, the challenges it brings. Same company like previous paragraph.

Paragraph 4 (Approximately 250 words)

 In this paragraph discuss who benefits or who suffers from team working. Analyse this from the perspective of organisations, managers and staff.

Conclusion (Approximately 150 words)

Sum up the main points of your essay and predict whether team work will become more or less popular in the future. 

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