What is meant by Charriere size?
- What is meant by Charriere size?
2.What is the most appropriate Charriere size for female catheterization
What is meant by a person’s bowel habit?
3.What is the purpose of the Bristol Stool Chart
4.Outline why Clostridium Difficile (C Dif) is prevalent in care settings
5.Outline what nurses can do to prevent C Dif occurring in their care areas
6.Student Reflection and Action Plan on catherization and elimination
7. Write a student reflection and action plan on airway and respiratory care (Read the NICE overview of oxygen as well).
8. Read the mouth care guidance on clinical skills.net and Write a Summary of the key points learned from reading this:
9. Read “pharmacological interventions” section in the NICE (2015) guidelines Care of the dying adult in the last few days of life”. And Write a Summary of some of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions recommended?
10.Write a Summary of the general indictors that your patient may be nearing the end of life
11.The procedures for pain assessment in palliative care and Describe the factors that affect the individuals pain.
12. When undertaking a pain assessment what questions should you ask?
13, Write a Reflection and action plan on Episode of nursing care for a patient at the end of life (Reflective to include a write-up on what you achieved in this session, identifying areas you need to develop and reflect on how it will feel to care for your patients after they have died).
13.Read journal article: Davies N (2011) “Healthier lifestyles: behaviour change” Nursing Times 107(23): 20-23 Write a Summary of the key points learned from reading this article:
14. provide evidence that you have: visited https://smokefree.gov
15.Write a Summary of the methods for smoking cessation available and a brief overview of their advantages and disadvantages.
17.Followed the link to the Cochrane reviews of evidence-based interventions for smoking cessation and Write a Summary of the key points learned from reading this material.
Reviewed the procedures for: Adult Observations and write a Summary of materials revisited to meet these criteria
Write Student Reflection and Action Plan on The NMC (2018) Standards for Proficiency for Registered Nurses; Annexe
A: Communication and relationship management skills & Annexe B: Nursing procedures
- provide evidence that you have read the article by Brighton LJ & Bristowe K (2016)
Write a summary of the key points you have learned from your reading of this journal article
Provide evidence that you have accessed the RCN web material on communicating with patients in end of life care and Write a summary of how you will apply this information in caring for Mrs. Kapoor.
Write a reflection and actions plan about therapeutic communication at end of life.
. Reflect on a day with terminally ill patients and what emotions you feel and consider how you will manage them as a nurse
Read Ndoro S (2014) Effective multidisciplinary working: The key to high quality care and Write a Summary of the key points from your reading of this article.
Write a Summary of the key roles and responsibilities of the Adult Nurse in the context of an IPW meeting
Write a Summary of the key roles and responsibilities of the Doctor in the context of an IPW meeting.
Write a Summary of the key roles and responsibilities of the Physiotherapist In the context of an IPW meeting:
Write a Summary of the key roles and responsibilities of the Occupational Therapist in the context of an IPW meeting:
Write a Summary of the key roles and responsibilities of the Speech and Language Therapist In the context of an IPW meeting:
Write a Summary of the key roles and responsibilities of the Social Work in the context of an IPW meeting
Read the profile about Grace Fielding and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2010) 118 Management of patients with stroke: Rehabilitation, prevention and management of complications, and discharge planning
Write a summary of any factors and guidance you think would be important in considering Grace’s discharge plan.
Write a Student Reflection and Action Plan on interprofessional discharge planning.
WRITE A RFLECTION AND ACTION PLAN ON perioperative care in Adults
• Read the following journal article: Little et al. (2009) An overview of techniques used to measure wound area and volume. Journal of Wound Care. Vol 18 ( 6) pp. 250 – 253. AND Reflect AND ACTION PLAN on your learning
Reflect and action plan the Community Assessment of Elderly Patient Following a Fall
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