What is the current situation of the youth labour market in ‘your’ country?
Seminar 8: NUMUN – Northumbria University Model United Nations
Youth unemployment and economic growth
COMPONENT 2 of your portfolio
Week 8
The key to success for your participation in the NUMUN discussion is twofold:
- rigorous and meticulous preparation;
- the competence and capability of its attending delegates.
Seminar Objectives
- To learn about the United Nation’s role in the world and its processes of addressing issues of global importance.
- To build an understanding of global challenges that crosses borders of background, culture and nationality.
- To build an understanding of how governments and businesses can contribute to reduction of youth unemployment in different countries.
- To develop debating, presentation and negotiation skills.
Preparation for Seminar
You should have already been assigned a country in the Seminar 7 session.
You are becoming a delegate of this country, presenting its position during the NUMUN discussion and you are requested to produce a position paper.
Do research on the assigned country.
Write a position paper discussing the situation of the youth labour market in ‘your’ country.
Please, use the following guiding questions to inform your research and to structure the position paper:
What is the current situation of the youth labour market in ‘your’ country?
What are the sources/causes of youth unemployment in ‘your’ country?
What are the consequences of youth unemployment in ‘your’ country?
What can government and business do to address youth unemployment in ‘your’ country?
Position Paper
- Write a 700-word position paper summarising the position of ‘your’ country on youth unemployment and economic growth. This word count includes in-text references but excludes the reference list.
- A ‘Position Paper’ should be clear, concise and backed up by facts and figures.
- A ‘Position Paper’ literally communicates the position of a country on a particular topic. A ‘Position Paper’ should not simply describe the issue but discuss the country’s position on the issue (as shown in the example of a position paper below).
- A ‘Position Paper’ should be done on the basis of your own research undertaken using a variety of sources: academic journals, official documents, websites and relevant books. It would be useful to search through the databases of the UN and familiarise yourself with resolutions the country, you are representing, voted in favour and which against. You have to look in the current news what actions the country is taking.
- A ‘Position paper’ is an academic piece of work which should be written according to academic standards (in terms of style, resources used, structure and referencing). You should use a minimum of 7 references from the relevant sources. All references in your position paper should be done in the APA 6th style.
- Figures, charts and tables are ONLY allowed to be used in the portfolio’s appendices.
- One page appendix is allowed per each position paper. If you are using an appendix for your position paper, it should follow after your reference list.
- Note: You can submit your draft of the position paper on youth unemployment and economic growth to ‘DRAFT’ Turnitin Folder on eLP. You can have access to the Originality Report for the revision purposes. Please bear in mind that sometimes it requires 24 hours for the system to produce a report.
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