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What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

Leadership and Learning Assessment Requirements

The assignment consists of 2 x 2000 (+/- 10%) word critical reflections using the NMC revalidation template. Each reflection must be passed with an aggregate mark being awarded for the module.  (Students must use the NMC revalidation template, one for each piece of work).

The question starts with: What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

It is suggested at the start of your final placement that you discuss your assignment reflections with your practice supervisor or assessor and add them as learning objectives in your practice PAD.

Leadership: Reflective Account

Leadership Reflection: this must focus on an aspect of leadership demonstrated by the health care professional you have observed (50% of module, 50% of grade)

Reflect on a period of care that you have witnessed during ANY placement of the programme. This could be a handover, a case conference, an MDT meeting or any other episode which includes leadership skills. You must maintain confidentiality at all times for any staff and/or patients involved.

The module team will arrange additional tutorials for you to discuss the event you have selected to enable you to identify, and critique leadership decisions and leadership styles

Select one or two aspects of the leadership style which you have identified during the observation, such as communication skills, delegation skills or decisions-making skills

Write your assignment within an NMC reflection account form writing in both the first and third person, using 1.5 line spacing.  The word count is a rough guide for each section. 

Reflective account:

What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

In this section describe the situation and leader you observed.  Identify which leadership you observed.

200 words

What did you learn from the CPD activity and/or feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

Use the aspects of leadership you have observed to form your critical analysis.  You will need to consider current literature and guidelines on effective leadership.  You may wish to consider the following to assist with your reflective analysis, questioning what, why, how, seek alternatives, could the situation have been done differently; avoid making assumptions and be aware of unconscious bias; consider alternative perspectives.  Ensure you have considered accountability within your analysis.

1100 words

How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Having analysed your observation (in the section above), will you change your practice in the future?  Did you learn anything about your own leadership style?

400 words

How is this relevant to the Code?

Select one or more themes: Prioritise people – Practise effectively – Preserve safety – Promote professionalism and trust

Option One and Option Two

Within this section you need to discuss which of the four themes your observation related to.

For example: you may have observed a ward sister delegating staff to look after a person with dementia.  This would relate to preserving safety and practicing effectively. How did the leadership style affect the delegation in relation to professionalism and trust?  Your observation may relate to all of the four themes or less. 

300 words

Learning Reflective Account

Reflection 2 should focus on an episode where you have facilitated learning (50% of module, 50% of grade).

For this account you will need to facilitate an episode of learning.  This could be facilitating learning with other members of the team or helping a patient to learn, for example administering their own medications.  At the beginning of your placement discuss this with your practice supervisor or assessor so they can suggest opportunities for you within the clinical area.

Reflective account:

What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

In this section describe who you were helping to learn and what the activity was.  You might have done this, for example with a student, qualified nurse, health care assistant, patient, a patient’s relative or carer.

200 words


What did you learn from the CPD activity and/or feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

Option One or Option Two

In this section you will need to discuss and critically analyse  learning and teaching styles, analyse your teaching style and discuss how the experience related to your accountability.  How did you facilitate learning, for example demonstration or verbal explanation?  What leadership skills did you use?  Was your facilitation effective?  How did you know this?

1100 words


How did you change or improve your practice as a result?

Option One or Option Two

On reflection of your learning facilitation, what do you think you did well?  Was there anything you would like to improve?

400 words


How is this relevant to the Code?

Select one or more themes: Prioritise people – Practise effectively – Preserve safety – Promote professionalism and trust.

Option One

Within this section you will need to relate your facilitation to the four NMC themes and state why.  This will depend on the learning experience.  For example, if you had taught and then demonstrated how to use a sliding sheet in practice, this would relate to practising effectively and preserving safety.  It would also relate to prioritising people and promoting professionalism and trust. Depending on your facilitation, it may relate to all four themes of the Code or less.

300 words


You need to start answering this assignment from: What was the nature of the CPD activity and/or practice-related feedback and/or event or experience in your practice?

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