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Write a mini-essay discussing ‘How human and/or organisational factors can contribute to failure when developing and implementing information systems’

CSD3510 Assignment 1: Mini-Essay 10% of the module marks

Write a mini-essay discussing ‘How human and/or organisational factors can contribute to failure when developing and implementing information systems’

Your essay should be 1,000 words (+/- 10%). That is roughly 2 pages of A4. Your References section doesn’t count towards the word count. You should state the word count at the end of your mini-essay (Use MS Word to generate the word count).

You should find and use between 5 and 10 references. You can have a mix of academic journal and conference papers, books, magazine articles and blogs. There should however be a preference for peer-reviewed materials

All submissions will be online as a Turnitin assignment in the module area on My Learning. A Turnitin report will be generated, which you should examine to check for plagiarism. The Turnitin score should be less than 20%, however this is just a rough guide. You should look at exactly what has been flagged up and use your judgment as to whether it matters (sometimes Turnitin flags things that are not a problem).

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