You are required to conduct an analysis of the policy text rather than an analysis of the way in which it has been implemented or enacted
1 Policy Analysis
Policy Analysis Essay for the part related to the“ detention”for children stated in Behaviour and displine in schools as attached.
What required?
You are required to conduct an analysis of the policy text rather than an analysis of the way in which it has been implemented or enacted. It is important, therefore, to consider how language is used within the text and how it represents particular values, orientations or ideologies, as well as how these help to create ways of thinking about the issue or discourses.
Introduction (Approx. 200-300 words)
Identify the policy document you will be analysing in this assignment and provide a brief description of it. You could provide a rationale for your choice if relevant e.g. explain how this policy is related to your professional context.
Identify the type of policy analysis you will be using.
Assignment 1 Policy Analysis
Introduction (Approx. 200-300 words)
Identify the policy document you will be analysing in this assignment and provide a brief description of it. You could provide a rationale for your choice if relevant e.g. explain how this policy is related to your professional context.
Identify the type of policy analysis you will be using. I suggest that you use a Policy as Values Laden Action type of analysis OR/AND Policy as Discourse type of analysis. We will also discuss critical discourse analysis.
You can find a good summary of the different types of policy analysis in Jones (2014).
Background (500-800 words approx.)
Provide a background to your chosen policy issue. What is the context of this issue?
What is the historical and contemporary background to this policy area? Is this a new issue or one that has been discussed for many years? Does this policy replace or add to existing policy about this issue?
What appears to have been driving the policy? Why has it come about now?
What are the policy levers?
Text (approx 2000 words)
Structure this section using appropriate subheadings. Refer to a range of sources of literature in this section.
Discuss the following (as appropriate):
What or who is the `problem` according to the text? How does the language used in the text help to problematise the issue? What assumptions are made about the issue? Is anyone blamed for the problem?
Whose viewpoint is being presented? Who is the policy text concerned about? Whose voice is not heard? Why might this be the case?
Which values are supported in the policy text? Whose values are they? Are there other values that are ignored or not taken account of? What ideas are valued or not valued?
What discourses are used/most valued?
What are the suggested solutions to the problem? How are these solutions presented as natural? Who benefits from these solutions? What are the other potential solutions which are ignored?
What actions are encouraged in the text and which are discouraged? How is the policy to be financed or monitored?
What might be the impact of the policy?
How might the policy be influenced by particular political ideologies or orientations?
How does this policy overlap with other policy initiatives? Does it contradict other policy initiatives?
What does the policy not mention?
Conclusion (Approx 300 words)
Provide a relevant conclusion which does more than simply summarise the discussion.
What have you discovered when writing this assignment?
Reference List
Provide an appropriately referenced reference list.
Harvard reference is required
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