1 identify clear aims appropriate to a Master’s Professional Project in the field of human resources/personnel and development (feasible, relevant, realistic, adding value)
HRM94 Business Research Methods for Professional Project
1. Preparation
You are responsible for developing and refining your potential topic. Various activities in the module workshops and readings are aimed to facilitate this process. 1 identify clear aims appropriate to a Master’s Professional Project in the field of human resources/personnel and development (feasible, relevant, realistic, adding value)
2. Introduction to the assessment - The Research Proposal
The assessment of this module will be a detailed research proposal for your professional project. The work you do for this module is expected to help you to demonstrate your readiness to work more independently on the MSc Professional Project. The learning outcomes for this module are listed below. The assessment has been designed to address these learning outcomes. On completion of this module, learners are expected to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and ability to:
Subject specific
1. identify clear aims appropriate to a Master’s Professional Project in the field of human resources/personnel and development (feasible, relevant, realistic, adding value)
2. critically evaluate (relevance, rigour and validity) and synthesise current HR research and established theories in the literature (including HR policies and practices) that are relevant to the Professional Project
3. justify appropriate investigative methods for the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of HR data
4. develop a research proposal as the foundation for the Professional Project on a “live” HR issues (which will include making appropriate recommendations for change).
1. design and plan their programme of research at a professional level at masters level and to develop a research proposal
2. critically evaluate (relevance, rigour and validity) and synthesise current research and established theories in the literature (that are relevant to the Professional Project)
3. choose appropriate research and enquiry methods and methodology (quantitative, qualitative and mixed), analysis by understanding their uses and limitations
4. make appropriate diagnosis in relation to complex issues or situation including a critical awareness of the ethical considerations associated with the research.
5. communicate their planned research in a clear and thoughtful way
For this assessment, your research proposal, you will need to describe and justify an appropriate research methodology in order to address your chosen research objective(s) and research question(s). Evidence of knowledge of research methods will be required in this assessment. It will also be essential particularly in the summative proposal that you demonstrate critical appraisal skills in your literature review and in justifying your approach.
3. Business Research Methods Workshops and supporting documents
The workshops will include different research techniques that will help you to select and apply appropriate methods to support your research.
The marking/assessment guide for the MSc Professional Project provides general guidance as to what you may include in appropriate sections of your research proposals but following will be some general guidance. For the professional project itself you will also need to include reflection on your own learning from the research process.
The submission requirements section following also includes the indicative marking schema for your Stage 2 Final Research Proposal.
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