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Describe, in detail and in your own words, one or two innovation theories covered in the module

Managing Innovation Assessment

Submission date: By 2pm 8th August 2022

The module is assessed (100%) by an individual report (maximum 3,000 words + 10%). The report should be comprised of the following three sections:

  1. Theoretical Explanation. Describe, in detail and in your own words, one or two innovation theories covered in the module. Deep knowledge of one major innovation theory will be enough as a basis for a high mark, and you should not choose more than two innovation theories.
    1. Theory Application. Apply your chosen theory (or theories) to explain one or more products and/or services for your selected organisation. You may also wish to use your chosen theory to explain how these product/services evolved.
    2. Future Development. Apply your chosen theory (or theories) to recommend possible future development pathways of your products or services for your selected organisation.

Instructions for assessment

Choose one from the following list of organisations for your assignment:

  1. Dyson
  2. Shazam
  3. Burberry
  4. Starbucks
  5. Zopa

Formative work in weekly seminars will guide you through the analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task.

What is an Innovation Theory

For the purposes of this report, you can consider an innovation theory to be any theory, or framework, covered in the coursework. As such, you could use - Theories: Blue Ocean Strategy and Disruptive Innovation Theory.

Frameworks: Business Process Reengineering, Business Model Canvas, knowledge conversion (SECI), knowledge creation, any of the 55 business models. Do not use the strategy tools covered in week 2 as these were for revision.

How will your work be assessed?

The indicative marking scheme for your report is as follows.

  1. Theoretical Explanation (30%): Section 1 as highlighted previously. Range and understanding of sources, synthesis and focus on relevant ideas.
    1. Theory Application (25%): Section 2 as highlighted previously. Organisation/coherence of argument, support through examples, details, quotations, and references, critical approach.
    2. Future Development (20%): Section 3 as highlighted previously. Organisation/coherence of argument, support through examples, details, quotations, and references, critical approach.
    3. Imagination (15%): Evidence of creativity and foresight in reflecting on course materials and articulating a novel and interesting picture of the student’s innovation.
    4. Presentation (10%): Length, use of academic conventions, grammar, paragraphing, layout, proofreading.


This marking scheme is merely indicative and will not be held to rigidly in assessing students’ reports. Your final mark for your report will be presented as an un-weighted mark out of 100%

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert. Feedback will be given in the Turnitin/Grademark system with script comments plus overall points. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.

In this report, high marks come from using innovation concepts and analysis from the module clearly applied to the organisation. Harvard referencing, a professional report style plus appropriate diagrams/tables are also required.

Your assignment should have a maximum word limit of 3000 words (+10%), excluding references and any appendices, tables, and/or diagrams. There is no minimum word count for this report as the exercise is for you to write as concisely as possible to communicate your argument.

Marks will be awarded for your ability to integrate, in a relevant way in your essay, some of the principal literature, theories, models, and frameworks of innovation from the module. Marks will also be awarded for your imaginative use of concepts from within and beyond the innovation literature to explain and predict the development of your chosen innovative products, services, or processes.

Assignment submissions.

The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone.

If you cannot submit a piece of work and wish to submit Mitigating Circumstances, the University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website - Mitigating Circumstances Policy

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below:-

  • Step 1 – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
  • Step 2 – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
  • Step 3 – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback.
  • Step 4 – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair.
  • Step 5 – The Office process your mark & feedback & it is made available to you.

Resit instructions to Students

If you need to resit this assessment, the requirements are as follows:

You are required to re-work your original submission in line with the original assessment brief and criteria. Your re-submission must address the feedback comments provided by the marker on the original submission. You should provide a summary of the marker’s original feedback from your first submission together with a commentary [between 400 and 500 words) that explains how your revisions improve the original submission by addressing the original feedback.

In brief your re-sit submission MUST include:

  • A summary of the original feedback,
  • A reflective account [400-500 words] detailing how your revisions have addressed the feedback, and
  • The reworked assignment

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