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1.1 Explain best practice in developing presentations | Unit 36: Develop a Presentation

Unit 36: Develop a Presentation

Unit reference number: K/506/1913 QCF level: 3

Credit value: 3

Guided learning hours: 11

Unit type: Competence

Unit summary

Whatever role you have within a business or the corporate world, presenting information clearly and effectively is an essential skill whenever you are informing, instructing or persuading an audience. ‘Failing to prepare and therefore preparing to fail’ is a situation to be avoided by anyone considering developing a presentation in a business environment. The success of your presentations is determined by how well you have prepared and developed the information you need to communicate or demonstrate.

In this unit you will learn how best to prepare and develop effective presentations. You will explore best practices and factors that need to be taken into account and consider how these can be applied to your presentation plans. You will make decisions and work with others to ensure your presentations achieve their intended objectives. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using different methods for presenting information as well as the communication media you use.

You will demonstrate your ability to plan, design, organise and prepare presentations to be delivered by yourself and others

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Unit 36: Develop a Presentation

Learning outcomes                                      Assessment criteria

1 Understand how to develop a presentation

1.1 Explain best practice in developing presentations

1.2 Explain who needs to be consulted on the development of a presentation

1.3 Explain the factors to be taken into account in developing a presentation

1.4 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different communication media

2 Be able to develop a presentation

2.1 Identify the purpose, content, style, timing and audience for a presentation

2.2 Select a communication media that is appropriate to the nature of a presentation, message and audience

2.3 Tailor a presentation to fit the timescale and audience’s needs

2.4 Prepare a presentation that is logically structured, summarises the content and addresses the brief

2.5 Take action to ensure that a presentation adheres to organisational guidelines and policies

2.6 Develop materials that support the content of a presentation


Unit amplification: Unit 36: Develop a Presentation

AC1.1: Explain best practice in developing presentations
  • Presentations: types, e.g. slideshow, practical demonstration, training, interview, pitching concepts and proposals
  • Best practices in developing presentations: plan, e.g. define purpose, define presentation objective, understand audience, research topic; design, e.g. choose appropriate media, consider format, content, review against purpose and audience; organise and prepare, e.g. assess venue, review resources, review equipment to be used; practice, e.g. rehearse presentation, timings and transitions, review, amend and improve
  • Who needs to be consulted with
    • Audience: invitation to presentation, resource and/or support needs, receipt of any pre-presentation materials
    • Colleagues: line manager, e.g. pre-defined content, communication protocols, agreeing objectives; immediate colleagues, e.g. providing content, providing feedback
    • Supporting functions: IT Department, e.g. providing audio visual equipment, telecommunications support; reprographics department, e.g. providing printed material and resources
    • External stakeholders: venue, catering, guest speakers
AC1.2: Explain who needs to be consulted on the development of a presentation
AC1.3: Explain the factors to be taken into account in developing a presentation


  • Preparation: establishing purpose, setting objectives, audience, venue
  • Objectives: intended presentation outcomes, e.g. intended learning, intended understanding, intended actions to follow presentation
  • Audience: prior knowledge of topic, linking new material, winning them over
  • Venue: location, room arrangement, atmosphere, audio visual resources
  • Presentation remit/brief: presentation purpose, allotted time, specified format/style, content constraints
  • Choosing main points: structure, logic, coherence, linking statements
  • Supporting information: to add clarity, to explain complex terms, to remind audience of supporting theories, to add authority
  • Developing an opening: introduction, topic, objective, materials, intended outcome, expectations of the audience
  • Developing a conclusion: review objectives, summarise main points, summarise the process, conclusion drawn from main points, parting statement to stimulate thoughts of audience
    • Reviewing presentation: audience response, achievement of objectives, presentation structure, relevance of content and materials, appropriateness of length/timings
    • Communication Media: verbal communication; written communication,
AC1.4: Analyse the advantages and limitations of different communication media

e.g. slides, hand-outs; images, e.g. graphs, charts, diagrams; sound,

e.g. audio clips, recordings; video, e.g. animations, embedded videos

  • Advantages and limitations: audience, e.g. learning styles, ability; topic, e.g. appropriateness of media, validity, reliability; budget; audio visual equipment, e.g. availability, accessibility, telecommunications, power; written resources e.g. production time, content, relevance, cost; verbal communication, e.g. effectiveness, direct communication, misinterpretation

Information for tutors: Unit 36: Develop a Presentation

Suggested resources

Harvard Business Review Press – Developing a Business Case (Pocket Mentor), (Harvard Business School Publishing, 2011) ISBN 9781422129760

Reynolds G – Presentation Zen: Simple ideas on presentation Design and Delivery, 2nd Edition (New Riders, 2011) ISBN 9780321811981

Reynolds, G – Presentation Zen Design: Simple Design Principles and Techniques to Enhance your Presentation, 2nd Edition, (New Riders, 2014)

ISBN 9780321934154

Websites – the Microsoft Office website which provides guidance on the effective use of PowerPoint, to develop presentations – the website of the Sector Skills Council, Skills CFA, where information and standards for business administrators can be found


This unit is internally assessed. To pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for assessment must demonstrate that they have met the required standard specified in the learning outcomes and assessment criteria and the requirements of the Assessment Strategy.

To ensure that the assessment tasks and activities enable learners to produce valid, sufficient, authentic and appropriate evidence that meets the assessment criteria, centres should apply the Unit Assessment guidance and the requirements of the Assessment Strategy below.

Wherever possible, centres should adopt a holistic approach to assessing the units in the qualification. This gives the assessment process greater rigour and minimises repetition, time and the burden of assessment on all parties involved in the process.

Unit assessment requirements

This unit must be assessed in the workplace in accordance with the Skills CFA Assessment Strategy for Business Administration, Customer Service and Management and Leadership, in Annexe A. Simulation is not allowed for this unit.

All evidence of occupational competence should be generated through performance under workplace conditions; this includes evidence of achievement for knowledge- based learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria.

Unit assessment guidance

This guidance supports assessors in making decisions about how best to assess each unit and the evidence needed to meet the assessment requirements of the unit. Centres can adapt the guidance for learners and the particular assessment context, as appropriate

There are opportunities to assess this unit holistically with the following unit:

Deliver a Presentation

Learners undertaking this unit should be able to provide naturally occurring evidence of their competence to develop presentations in the context of their role, responsibilities and organisation. Evidence can be derived from activities including; the preparation of training sessions, staff briefings, presenting management information or pitching a concept or idea.

For learning outcome 1, assessors should ensure learners evidence full adherence of the use of command verbs such as “explain” and “analyse”. Guidance may be needed to clarify requirements of command verbs before assessment activities begin. Assessments should provide learners with the opportunity to respond appropriately to command verbs.

For AC1.1, AC1.2 and AC1.3, evidence satisfying the assessment criteria could take the form of a professional discussion, where the learner describes best practices relating to different presentation methods (AC1.1), demonstrates understanding of the importance of consultations, and with whom they would consult as part of the development process (AC1.2) and relate the different factors to the development of presentations (AC1.3).

Learners may be able to recall familiar best practices however, at this level it is expected that learners research a range of best practices to demonstrate breadth of knowledge.

Learners should relate their discussions to instances that occur naturally in their role and consider annotating work product to capture knowledge and understanding to satisfy these assessment criteria.

For learning outcome 2, learners could present evidence from the workplace, including research notes, presentation plans, email correspondence, draft documents or presentation materials to evidence their ability to plan, prepare and develop a presentation. Evidence of this nature should be supported with professional discussion, personal statements or witness testimonies to confirm both its relevance to this unit and competence that has been demonstrated by the learner which meets assessment criteria.

For AC2.1, learners could present a reflective account recounting their development of a presentation to meet a specific purpose, content, style, timing and audience.

For AC2.4 and AC2.5, assessors could have the opportunity to observe the learner consulting with others for the purpose of developing a presentation. Such consultations can be documented in an assessment record or recorded using audio- visual devices. This evidence could contribute to the achievement of AC2.4 and AC2.5, however, only as part of preparation activities and ensuring adherence to organisational guidelines and policies. Additional evidence would be required to demonstrate competence of wider preparation areas. AC2.5 requires learners to adhere to organisational guidelines and policies when developing presentations.

Assessment of this assessment criterion will require an existing understanding of relevant policies and guidance to confirm adherence to these. This understanding could be assessed via professional discussion.

Although a sound understanding of relevant organisational policies and guidelines is expected, documentation and information relating to these should remain in its usual location and be signposted in assessment records.

Evidence of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can be used in the unit to confirm competence.

Unit 36: Develop a Presentation

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