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Create a 500 word pitch idea for a video essay on a Netflix title of your choosing. You will also create a (5-8 minute) video essay based on your pitch, which will follow specific criteria


Course Name: Pre-Production and Industry Practice

Assessment Task: CW1 Client Brief & Reflective Essay (Individual Mark)

Course Code: CINE1115

Assessment Weighting: 50%

Assignment Brief (including Format): SPECIFICATION:

Create a 500 word pitch idea for a video essay on a Netflix title of your choosing. You will also create a (5-8 minute) video essay based on your pitch, which will follow specific criteria (see Exemplars for formats).

Additionally, your Client Brief pitch and video essay will be accompanied by a 1000 word reflective essay on your critical and creative choices/approach, and including how it integrates with your pathway to industry such as:

  • •Your individual learning journey across the degree programme. Highlight some key aspects of study and reflect on moments of filmmaking practice that will inform your career path.
    • • Reflect on any relevant work experience you have done alongside your studies.
    • • Your future career plans/path. This need not be precise but should synthesise the above and form a

logical through-line (or reason for making a more radical change in direction).

This should underpin your learning in L5 / MEDS1164. You may have more to write about on a particular point above but must include something on each of these. This should maintain an academic writing and referencing convention.


  1. 1500 words total (+/-10%) including 500 word pitch/1000 reflective essay
    1. Between 5-8 minutes of video essay content to support/evidence written material. You must put a link embedded in your client pitch document (PDF) that links to either an unlisted YouTube video or private/ password protected Vimeo account.
    2. Include a bibliography and include Harvard referencing.

Failure to deliver all of the above will result in failure of at least one of the assessment criteria.

Course Learning Outcomes to be met through this Brief:

  1. Research and identify pathways to industry demonstrating self-direction and self-discipline through various

professional media environments within the creative industries (or outside if you choose).

  1. Collate, organise, synthesise and deploy ideas and information relating to the client brief exercise cogently, and express them effectively in written, and visual forms to a range of different audiences.

Equipment/Facilities/Resources required:

Access to library, Moodle, internet, filmmaking/post-production equipment, and word processor.

Estimated Hours for completion: 40

Date of Return of Assignments: 14/12/20202

Course Leader:

Assessment Criteria



Pre-Production and Industry




Hand in Date




CW1 Client Brief & Reflective Essay (Individual Mark)






LO1: Professional Practice



LO1: Critical Judgement


Structure, Presentation and Referencing

Have you delivered your work as specified, including text, images and video content? Are you able to frame and articulate a proposed career path that draws from your learning experiences?

Have you cited any sources in your video essay? Are they from the taught programme or your own research? Have you engaged with and discussed these sources in your writing?

Is there a coherent argument in your essay piece? Do you use research sources to underpin any conclusions you make about your learning/imagined future?

Have you structured your client brief pitch and reflective essay appropriately, including sub-headings to guide the reader, for example? Is the writing to a high standard with minimal errors? Have you referenced your sources?

Exceptional (80-100)




All the specification criteria are met, including all required content. Able to articulate a logical career path that unquestionably draws from learning experiences.

Multiple critical sources cited and discussed. A number of these move beyond the materials provided on the taught programme.

Discussion of sources leads to new, unexpected conclusions.

A coherent and unique line of argument throughout the assignment backed up with excellent analysis; exceptional evidence of independent and/ or original thinking. Publishable.

An appropriate and elegant structure that ensures exceptional organisation of material and detail. Impeccable referencing and bibliography presented according to the Harvard referencing system.

Excellent presentation of work, subtle errors in spelling and/or grammar.


Excellent (70 -79)




All the specification criteria are met, including all required content. Able to articulate a logical career path that draws well from learning experiences.

Multiple critical sources cited and discussed. A few of these move beyond the materials provided by the taught module.

Discussion of sources leads to new conclusions.

A coherent line of argument throughout the assignment backed up with excellent analysis; an ability to go beyond the arguments presented in the critical literature; evidence of independent and/or original thinking.

An appropriate and elegant structure that ensures excellent organisation of material and detail. Impeccable referencing and bibliography presented according to the Harvard referencing system.

Excellent presentation of work, subtle errors in spelling and/or grammar. Publishable with minor



Very Good (60 – 69)




All the specification criteria are met, including all required content. Able to articulate a career path that partially draws from learning experiences.

Critical sources cited and discussed, though all are from the taught module. Some discussion of sources.

A coherent line of argument throughout the assignment backed up with a very good analysis; an ability present the arguments in the critical literature; evidence of independent and/or original thinking.

An appropriate structure that ensures good organisation of material and detail. Very good referencing and bibliography presented according to the Harvard referencing system. Very good presentation of work, with some errors in spelling and/or grammar.

Good (50-59)




Most of the specification criteria are met, including most of the required content. Somewhat able to articulate a career path that partially draws from learning experiences.

Critical sources cited but not fully discussed. Research is gestured towards but not fully engaged with.

A functional coherent line of argument throughout the assignment backed up with a good analysis; an ability present the

arguments in the

A functional structure that ensures good organisation of material and detail. Referencing and bibliography presented according to the Harvard referencing system. Satisfactory presentation of work, with errors in spelling and/or grammar.



critical literature;



evidence of



independent and/or



original thinking.

Satisfactory (40-49)




Some of the specification criteria are met, with some of the required content missing. Almost able to articulate a career path but the link to learning experiences is


Some sources present but not discussed.

Research is lacking overall.

A weak and incoherent line of argument throughout the assignment is lacking; a satisfactory analysis;

some ability present

A weak and incoherent structure that does not ensure satisfactory organisation of material and detail.

Referencing and bibliography presented according to the Harvard referencing system but with errors. Presentation of work could be improved - multiple errors in spelling and/or




the arguments in



the critical



literature; little



evidence of



independent and/or



original thinking.

Fail (30-39)




Few of the specification criteria are met, with some of the required content missing. Barely able to articulate a career path or discuss learning experiences.

Very little evidence of engagement with research or critical sources.

A poor and incoherent line of argument throughout the assignment; poor analysis with little ability present the arguments in the critical literature; little evidence of independent and/or original thinking.

A poor and incoherent structure that does not ensure satisfactory organisation of material and detail.

Inconsistent/incomplete referencing and bibliography. Poor presentation of work







Serious Fail (0-29)




None of the specification criteria are met, with most of the required content missing. Unable to articulate a career path or discuss learning experiences.

No evidence of engagement with research or critical sources.

Non-existent structure of a line of argument throughout the assignment; no analysis with lack of ability to present the arguments in the critical literature; no evidence of independent and/or original thinking.

Non-existent structure that leads to disorganised presentation of material and detail. No referencing and bibliography presented. Extremely poor presentation of work.

Feedback and Comments (note feedback will be in Turnitin/Moodle with your final mark)


Areas for improvement: Future assignments:


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