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Critically evaluate different approaches to the management of projects, key dimensions of contractual risks and risk management strategies

PRM6001 Project Management and Risk Project Plan / Review Assignment

The task of this assignment is: Critically discuss the project scope and drivers, project life cycle and project methodologies that are suitable to introduce the care pathway. In your discussion, provide an evaluation of the suitability of each project methodology chosen for this project and include a budget breakdown and timeline for the development, installation, maintenance and training for the online digital platform.

Assignment Brief - PRM6001 Project Management and Risk Project Plan

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Project Management and Risk assessment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, you should be able to:

1. Critically evaluate different approaches to the management of projects, key dimensions of contractual risks and risk management strategies

2. Distinguish between types of projects and the responsibilities of those involved

3. Identify, apply and critically evaluate legal and non-legal solutions to minimise risk

4. Apply principles of leading and managing project teams to solve complex problems

Graduate Attributes:

Discipline Expertise Knowledge and understanding of chosen field. Possess a range of skills to operate within this sector, have a keen awareness of current developments in working practice being well positioned to respond to change. Maximum word count: 4,000 words Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a reduction in grade by the same percentage that the word count is exceeded.

Assessment Task

This assessment is worth 100% of the total marks for the module.


The Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge (BHR) System Resilience Group (SRG) is an urgent and emergency care network Vanguard consisting of local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), GP Federations, acute hospitals Trust, NELFT - the community and mental health services provider and local councils across the three London boroughs. The Vanguard application described an ambitious plan to make it easier for the public to find and get help when and where they need it. Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge System Resilience Group aims to simplify access, supported by a digital platform that will recognise patients and personalise the help they get. This includes a ‘click’ online support and information service to book urgent appointments and self-care, a ‘call’ telephone service for more advice, reassurance or to book-in, and a ‘come in’ option for patients who really need emergency care. To ensure that this project is effectively implemented, a need has arisen for a project manager to set up a project management team including digital platform specialists who will execute the project as required. You have been appointed as the lead project manager and a budget of £5.000.000 has been allocated for the whole project which includes the cost of development and installation of the digital platform and training of staff. A total of 75 staff members have been selected from various departments to take part in the training for a period of 6 months. You have been asked to prepare a project plan which considers the following:

Task 1

Critically discuss the project scope and drivers, project life cycle and project methodologies that are suitable to introduce the care pathway. In your discussion, provide an evaluation of the suitability of each project methodology chosen for this project and include a budget breakdown and timeline for the development, installation, maintenance and training for the online digital platform.

PRM6001 Project Management and Risk Project Plan

Task 2

Critically evaluate the risks and risk management strategies including both legal and nonlegal solutions to minimise any risk involved in the digital platform development, installation, maintenance and training. Also, issues and themes as well as key stakeholders for this project should be identified and recommendations made for the type of contracts to be used for this project (Consider using the Mendelow Matrix, in identifying the key stakeholders and their relative power/interest in the project). (1200 words) (30 marks) (LOs: 1 & 3)

Task 3

Consider as to who should be included in the project team and how the team needs to be structured and managed to ensure the project is implemented successfully. Explain how you will minimise conflicts between some of the key stakeholders involved in the project. (1200 words) (30 marks) (LOs 2 & 4) You may use a proforma or template to prepare your plan but you should make use of theory and the literature within your presentation and ensure that you reference correctly including a reference list at the end.

PRM6001 Project Management and Risk Project Plan

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