CRKC7002 - Marketing Management
CRKC7002 - Marketing Management
Final Assessment Brief
The Final Assessment follows on from the Formative Assessment but covers all the marketing concepts.
Firstly, you need to choose an organisation whose marketing you will study. You can choose the same organisation as you did for the Formative Assessment. The Presentation - Guidelines for Assessments - posted to the overview, Unit 3 and Unit 8 tabs of the course - gives further guidance on the choice of organisation. Please take care to read this document carefully.
The chosen organisation needs to respect the following criteria:
- to be an existing organisation whose correct name is used;
- to have competition thereby excluding monopolistic entities;
- not to be Apple, Coca-Cola nor Safaricom (these have been chosen too often).
Next, analyse the target organisation, using all of the concepts covered in this module. You may recall in summary the concepts you use, but do not spend long describing the concept – we need you to apply it to the target organisation. The concepts are:
- Marketing Mix (7P’s & 4C’s)
- Differentiation and Competitive Advantage
- Coping with Commoditisation (+Total Product and Solution offering)
- Segmentation
- Branding
- Managing (especially Service Element)
- Experiential Marketing, Customer Relations and Experience Management
- Role of Internet in Marketing
- Pricing and Cost Structure
- Stakeholders, Sustainability, & TBL
Remember, we are not looking for a monograph on marketing management, nor for a series of definitions, nor for a summary of the material covered in the module nor even a new marketing strategy for the chosen organisation. Instead, we are looking for an application of the marketing concepts to a particular organisation of your choice. In addition, you need to make recommendations for improvement; these need to be clearly marked at the end of the appropriate section.
Overall we shall be marking the application of each of the concepts, references and, finally, the quality as a paper. The paper should be 3,500 words +/- 10%.
You would be well advised to use the following resources posted in the syllabus:
- Guidelines for Assessments presentation in the Unit 3, Unit 8 and Overview tabs
- Writing Academic Papers. See the Overview Unit for the Video by Dr Damary
- Points about English. See the Overview Unit for this short document
Mark Charles & Peter McGregor
June 2020
Marking Matrix for Module CRKC7002
Criteria and Weighting
70% and above
60% - 69%
50% - 59%
0% - 49%
Concepts 1*
In depth understanding of concepts and excellent original critique and analysis of their application by the chosen organisation. Recommendations for improvement are explicit with supporting best practice
Good understanding of the concepts and appropriate critique and analysis of their application by the chosen organisation. Reccomendations for improvement are explicit and SMART
Acceptable understanding of the concepts and analysis of their application by the chosen organisation. Recommendations for improvement of a weak nature
Misunderstanding of the Assessment Brief, of the concepts, or inappropriate application of the concepts to the chosen organisation. No recommendations for improvement
Concepts 2**
In depth understanding of concepts and excellent original critique and analysis of their application by the chosen organisation. Recommendations for improvement are explicit with supporting best practice.
Good understanding of the concepts and appropriate critique and analysis of their application by the chosen organisation. Reccomendations for improvement are explicit and SMART
Acceptable understanding of the concepts and analysis of their application by the chosen organisation. Recommendations for improvement of a weak nature.
Misunderstanding of the Assessment Brief, of the concepts, or inappropriate application of the concepts to the chosen organisation. No reccomendations for improvement.
Quality of Paper (10%)
A clear well formatted paper whose structure enhances comprehension, in excellent English using logical and well-constructed sentences and paragraphs that flow effortlessly from one to another.
A clear, well formatted paper with a logical structure written in good English using well-constructed sentences and paragraphs.
A suitably structured paper in adequate English to make understandable sentences and paragraphs.
A poorly structured paper with at times incomprehensible sentences and paragraphs.
Quality of references and citations (10%)
Excellent list of references and use of related citations about the marketing concepts and about the chosen organisation, all fully in the required Harvard format.
Good list of references and use of related citations almost fully in the required Harvard format.
Adequate list of references and use of related citations mostly in the required Harvard format.
Poor list of references, or mostly not in the required Harvard format, or without adequate use of citations.
* Concepts 1:
Marketing Mix; Differentiation and Competitive Advantage; Coping with Commoditisation (+Total Product and Solution offering); & Segmentation.
** Concepts 2:
Branding; Managing (especially Service Element); Experiential Marketing, Customer Relations & Experience Management; Role of Internet in Marketing; Pricing and Cost Structure; Sustainability, Triple Bottom Line & Stakeholders.
June 2020
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