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Demonstrate understanding of effective communication strategies (PD 2)

Part 2 Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Assessment & Care Planning

Aim(s) of Event:         To identify any actual or potential problems with the patient’s Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). To develop a care plan to address one problem identified.


Specific Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of effective communication strategies (PD 2)
  2. Demonstrate the importance of professionalism (PD 1)
  3. Undertake a holistic assessment in order to formulate a person-centred care plan (PD 3 ESC 3)
  4. Examine the role of the nurse in promoting health (PD4, ESC 3)
  5. Describe the multifaceted approach to caring for service users, including consideration of interprofessional working. (PD1, ESC 3)


Evidence of partnerships involved with development and/or delivery of simulation event

  • Development team Nicole South, Kate Brown
  • Planning documents
  • Teaching team


Pre-Simulation Preparation 2 hours

  • Students to watch video “Violet’s Home Assessment” available on BB
  • Students to read the article: Ballantyne H (2016) Developing nursing care plans. Nursing Standard. 30 (26) 51-57.
  • Students to familiarise themseleves with the care plan documentation on blackboard.
  • Students to revisit the Activities of Daily Living Model – Roper Logan and Tierney


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