Explore the meaning and nature of educational technology.
Module Guide
Introduction to Technology and Education
School of Law and Social Sciences
Level 5
Module Title: Introduction to Technology and Education Module Level: Level 5
Module Reference Number:
Credit Value: 20
Student Study Hours: 200
Contact Hours: 30 hours
Private Study Hours: 170
Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): None
Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): None
Course(s): BA (Hons) Education Studies
Year and Semester Year 2 Semester 1
Module Coordinator:
MC Contact Details (Tel, Email, Room)
Subject Area: Education
Summary of Assessment Method: Portfolio (3,000 words +/- 10%) – for details see section 5.1
External Examiner appointed for module:
The use of technology in educational contexts has had a profound effect on the way that teachers teach and students learn. The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the role of Information Technology in Education and explore the key concepts and issues regarding the potential of technology for teaching and learning. This module will investigate the ways in which technology can be used to support learning and to assist teachers and consider the affordances and constraints of various types of technologies currently used in different learning contexts.
The module aims to provide students with the opportunity to:
- Explore the meaning and nature of educational technology.
- Identify, debate, compare and contrast key contemporary issues in the field of educational technology e.g. digital citizenship, e-safety, digital exclusion.
- Deepen understanding of the ways in which educational technology can support different types of learners such as early childhood, adults, special educational needs.
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
4.1 Knowledge and understanding
§ Understand the role that technology plays in within different educational contexts.
4.2 Intellectual skills - critical thinking
§ Demonstrate critical understanding of the links between educational technology and the learning process.
4.3 Intellectual Skills - apply theory to practice
§ Be able to relate the knowledge and understanding developed on the module to educational settings, e.g. the affordances and constraints of educational technology in a formal educational setting.
4.4 Transferable/communication skills
§ Be able to examine and/or question widely held assumptions, e.g. that the use of technology benefits all learners.
5.1 Assessment method
The module learning outcomes will be assessed in the following ways:
Formative assessment
- Opportunities to view and discuss examples of effective, critical iTech submissions
- Opportunities to analyse examples to clarify the characteristics of effective work
- Opportunities to apply this thinking to students’ own work
Summative assessment
Portfolio (3,000 words +/- 10%) demonstrating engagement with the module The portfolio can consist of one or both of the following components:
- Essay: How technology contributes to learning
- Journal entries/blog posts, reflecting on how technology contributes to learning, drawing on the content of a range of module sessions
Any single component must be at least 1,000 words. Example portfolio combinations include:
- journal entries (1,000 words), essay (2,000 words);
- journal entries (2,000 words), essay (1,000 words);
- journal entries (1,500 words), essay (1,500 words);
- journal entries (3,000 words)
- essay (3,000 words)
5.2 Submission key dates
Component 1 (30%): Draft journal entries and/or essay plan/draft paragraphs (combined word count, 900 words)
- Submission date: Monday 2nd November 2020, 1300hrs
Component 2 (70%): Completed journal entries and/or completed essay (combined word count, 2100 words)
- Submission date: Monday 4th January 2021, 1300hrs
Further details on assessment and submission guidelines will be provided during the taught sessions and via the online module site.
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