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LO1. Critically analyse business functions, processes and challenges involved in managing business operations.



BA (Hons) Business (Top-Up)



Business Operations




September 2020/ Autumn 2020











AS1: Group Presentation



Business Operations












21 September, 2020





Learning Outcomes Covered:

LO1. Critically analyse business functions, processes and challenges involved in managing business operations.

LO2. Critically evaluate the synergy between business operations and strategic planning relevant to manufacturing and service industries.

LO3. Determine appropriate models, techniques, and frameworks applicable to supply chain management.


Maximum word length: 20 Slides

Assessment Descriptions:

This assessment is a group PowerPoint presentation of 20 slides (Cover page, Table of contents, References, and Thank you page not included within slides count) for a group of maximum 5 students, 40 minutes duration on an agreed theme approved by the  the module leader. Students should note that there may be penalties for assessment work which are over or under permitted slide count.

Assessment Submission Guidance:

Students should provide a completed Assessment cover sheet (cover slide for Presentation) containing all the required details (module description and number, student name(s) and ID number(s). All Assessments should be submitted in electronic format via college systems on or before the submission deadline. The e-submission system will not allow late submissions. Each group member should upload his/her presentation to Turnitin for checking and submission.

Assessment Aim:

This assessment covers Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 3. A group presentation will be used to test your knowledge and ability on the application and presentation of a range of appropriate theories, models and conceptual frameworks in the critical analysis of business functions, processes and challenges, in managing business operations, critically assessing and evaluating the synergy between business planning and strategic planning. The presentation will also aim to test your knowledge of supply chain management.

Assessment Scenario:

You are hired as a Quality Manager in a manufacturing business to improve different aspects of quality management for achieving quality excellence, sustainability and competitiveness in this volatile economic environment. This need has arisen as a result of new competitors that have caused significant turbulence in the business environment

You are required to lead a multi-disciplined team through a range of quality management approaches and related tools to implement a quality management system in the selected organisation. Therefore, you are required to select a manufacturing organisation of your choice (to be approved by your module tutor) and undertake research, and identify, evaluate and critically analyse quality issues in business operations and supply chain management in the selected organisation, and propose new systems or modifications to existing management systems that could improve service quality. Your presentation should address the following questions/topics.

Assessment Questions: (Group Presentation)

  1. Briefly discuss the business functions, processes (and challenges) involved in managing business operations. (LO 1) – 25% Marks
  1. Critically analyse the challenges involved in managing business operations. Explain how to overcome the challenges and how these approaches could improve service quality. Provide examples to support your research. (LO 1) – 25% Marks
  1. Critically evaluate the role of business operations in strategic planning within the manufacturing industry and how an alignment between them could improve service quality. You are required to apply industry examples to support your research (LO 2) – 25% Marks
  1. Outline and define the different models, techniques and frameworks applicable to supply-chain management. Justify one of the appropriate models or frameworks (applicable to supply-chain management), to improve operations in a given organisation. (LO 3) – 25% Marks

Group Presentation Guidance:

Main Slide - The details of the Module, student name(s) and ID number(s)

Questions for presentation- indicating the individual’s name and the question each one of them is presenting

References - Identification of literature and other sources used and referred to in the text. Ensure that all references are quoted at the end of any quotations, definitions and web-sourced materials. Use the Harvard referencing system for your referencing.

*Do not provide appendices.

Presentation Guidelines:

You will be assigned into small groups of 4 – 5 persons, each group taking a specific organisation and/or topic to address the learning outcomes for the module.

As part of the group you must plan a co-ordinated series of presentations (that together address the assessment requirement for the specific organisation and/or topic) that the members of the group will present individually. 

As a group, you are free to decide upon the nature of the presentations you give, but the presentations, maximum duration of 40 minutes, must provide a complimentary and detailed overview of the specific organisation and/or topic.

You are also free to design your own template.

Please note that all the presentations must relate to a specific organisation and/or topic and address the assessment questions.

Each student must present for approximately 8/10 minutes.  The presentation must provide a detailed account that draws authoritatively on the available academic literature. 

You should attempt to draw on examples from across the global hospitality / business environment as and where appropriate. 

The titles and focus of your presentation must be checked and approved by the module tutor.

At the end of the presentation you may be asked questions (as group and/or individually) by the assessor to clarify points raised or to test your knowledge of the topic presented.

Tutorial sessions will be arranged during the course of the module where you will have the opportunity to discuss the content of your presentation and briefing sheet.

The assessment criteria for the presentation include:

  1. Appropriate choice of case study material
  2. Ability to address the specific questions and discussion points.
  3. Structure of the presentation
  4. Depth and knowledge of the subject
  5. The use and quality of visual aids
  6. Ability to convey information accurately and succinctly
  7. The delivery of the presentation

Important Note:

Marks will be awarded to each member of the group for both group work and for individual contributions and presentations. All members of the group must present no marks for either group work or individual contributions will be awarded to group members who fail to attend and present as part of the group presentation.

Helpful Guidelines:

What are the characteristics that will attract a high mark? • Background reading is critical for this assessment, and you are encouraged to engage with a range of contemporary sources - in addition to books available in the library please also ensure that you are using the electronic resources. • We will be looking for reference to specific and relevant examples that serve to address the main points you are addressing in your presentation. • Avoid a case study by case study approach and instead develop your discussion around key themes. • Case studies should serve to highlight both the positive and negative impacts of your arguments. • All case studies should be clearly and accurately referenced throughout.

Structure of the presentation • To start, make sure you have understood what the presentation title is asking you to consider, and plan your response accordingly. • Although you are presenting your own individual segment the presentation as a whole should be clearly structured, with clear progression between the different segments. • There should be a clear introduction to the presentation as a whole and then to the respective segments. • There should be no repetition or overlap between the different segments. • Ensure you clearly follow the guidance in reference to the focus of your presentation in terms of location and topic.

Depth and knowledge of the subject • Background reading is critical for this assessment, and you are encouraged to engage with a range of contemporary sources - in addition to books available in the library please also ensure that you are using the electronic resources. • We will be looking for reference to specific and relevant examples that serve to address the main points you are addressing in your presentation. • Your discussion should make reference to the both the positive and negative. • Ensure that your sources are up to date! • Try and avoid being too descriptive and demonstrate a level of critical thinking; start by identifying the key themes and use these as the structure for your presentation.  Avoid a case study by case study approach as this tends to lead to a level of repetition and does not allow the level of comparison/critique that would be expected.

Ability to convey information accurately and succinctly • It is important that the overall structure of the presentation flows coherently so think carefully about how the respective parts of the presentation fit together. • You need to present concisely and to the point throughout; you only have a fixed amount of time so prioritise the key points - don’t necessarily try and cover everything (the quality and depth of your background reading will help you here). • Don’t overload your PowerPoint with too much information and don’t read off the screen; you should be using the PowerPoint as a guide/pointer for the main points under discussion. • Again, check through all spellings and grammar!

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