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LO1 Understand external factors that affect planning and management in the event and contract sectors

Unit 12: Hospitality Contract and Event Management

LO1 Understand external factors that affect planning and management in the event and contract sectors

1.1  discuss the main characteristics of the contract and event catering sectors

1.2  assess external factors affecting planning and management in the event and contract sectors

LO2 Understand die operational issues which affect the success of event management

2.1  discuss the elements of project management which are necessary to ensure effective management of events

2.2  discuss the type and level of service associated with a variety of events

2.3  assess the health, safety and hygiene problems which can affect the operational success of an event

2.4  consider how marketing, human resources and quality control are applied in the organisation and delivery of a successful event

LO3 Understand die client and contractor relationship

3.1  assess the importance of a good client and contractor relationship to ensure successful contract catering

3.2  assess the factors that impact on the success of the contract and client relationship

3.1  review the different types of contract

LO4 Understand the financial processes involved in tendering for and implementation of events

4.1  discuss the process involved in drawing up contracts

4.2  assess the financial issues which affect the implementation of a contract

4.3  discuss the process of business generation within contract and event management

4.4  evaluate business success and achieving corporate targets in contract and event management

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