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Personality, Individual Differences, and Intelligence Module Project: Factor Analysis of Personality Data

Personality, Individual Differences, and Intelligence Module Project: Factor Analysis of Personality Data

Over the course of this module, you will conduct a highly in-depth analysis of simu- lated personality data. For this analysis, you will determine how many factors are measured by a 25-item questionnaire, based on sets of data provided by your In- structor, and identify which items align to which factor(s). Your Module Project will be comprised of 3 parts that include the following sections of a practical report: Introduc- tion, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The Introduction section (Part 1) should be a maximum of 1,000 words. The Methodology should be at least 500 words based on information provided in this document. The Methodology and the Results section (Part 2) combined must be a maximum of 1500 words in length. Finally, the Discus- sion section (Part 3) should be a maximum of 2000 words.


  • Week 3: Write an Introduction section (Part 1) for a scientific paper. This should give the theoretical background to the study (why it is being per- formed), make appropriate reference to other similar studies, and lead on to a clear statement of why the study is necessary and what you expect to find. This section of the final Module Project will require that you carry out a litera- ture search and review relevant research. This section should be a maximum of 1,000 words.
    • Weeks 6: Perform a factor analysis using SPSS, using a data file in the module Learning Resources. Present the results of the statistical analyses fol- lowing the model of the Results section (Part 2) of a scientific paper. The Re- sults and Methods sections combined should be a maximum of 1500 words. Your Instructor will hold a live, synchronous session at least once during these weeks to assist you with understanding how to carry out the statistical analyses and interpreting results.
    • you will prepare your Methodology section (Part 2). For the purposes of this assignment, your method will be compromised of a brief description of the questionnaires from which your data sample was derived (as per the hypothetical study presented to you for this assignment), and the numbers of participants or cases provided to you in the description of the hy- pothetical study. This component of your assignment has should be at least 500 words but has not word limit associated with it; However, note the Meth- odology and Results sections have a maximum word length combined of 1500 words.

 Write the Discussion section (Part 3), where you interpret what the results show, discuss whether the study showed what you expected it to, whether it is consistent with the previous literature (and if not, why not), and what the theoretical and practical implications of your work are. You might also like to consider any flaws in your study (including those derived from the hypothetical bullet points in the following “Background” section) and things that you should have done differently when designing it. This section should be a maximum of 2,000 words

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