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You have recently began a position at Mechachrome software ltd as a junior programmer and have joined a small development team to deliver a Student registration system for a small local college

Coursework Tasks

Your assessment consists of two pieces of coursework: Coursework 1 is an individual software project which assesses learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.  Coursework 2 is an individual report which assesses learning outcome 4. 

Coursework 1


You have recently began a position at Mechachrome software ltd as a junior programmer and have joined a small development team to deliver a Student registration system for a small local college. Bright-Future is a college that currently runs three courses, Computing, Accounting and Business Studies to Home and foreign students. The fees for each course is £3000 for home students and £6000 for foreign students. Each course is 1 year in duration. The college would like the new system to register students onto a course. At times some students may wish to change courses within the college so a feature to enable this should be provided in the final solution. When registering the students, students have the option to pay the full fees upfront or at a minimal pay 1/3 of the fees.

The user interface will be menu driven prompting the user to select a choice, quantity and subsequently to pay by inserting the money. The menu could look something like:

Depending on the option selected from the main menu, sub menus should branch out offering the user different options e.g. if option 1 from the main menu is selected, a sub menu should appear offering the user the choice select a quantity.

Data capture

The application should allow staff to enter the following information on a Student upon enrolling:

  • First name and Surname.
  • Date of birth.
  • Address including post code.
  • Phone number and email.

Student ID number should be automatically generated

What the system should be able to do:

  • Enroll Students.
  • Switch students from one course to another on request.
  • Remove students from a course.
  • View a student’s profile which should show the following:
    • Course they are studying
    • First name and surname
    • Date of birth
    • Address and postcode
    • Student ID
    • Whether they are home or foreign students.
    • Fees paid to date.
    • List all the students on a course showing their first names, surname and emails.

On-screen reporting

Appropriate menus and submenus based on the option selected.

A management reporting feature that allows management to view the most popular and least popular courses.

Total money fees paid to date.

Total fees yet to be paid.

Coursework 2: Critical report

This is worth 40% of the final marks for this module.

For this coursework you are required to write a critical report about your program design and development.

Having created your program, write a report that assesses your solution, the approach taken, and your thoughts about using Java for object-oriented programming. Give examples, code samples and screen shots to back-up your comments. (Word Limit: 1000 words)

Your commentary should show evidence of your reading and research and use the Harvard referencing system. Your report is a chance to assess what you have down and to revisit key design and technical decisions you made.  Based on your experience were these the right decisions or would you do anything differently?

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