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LO1: Analyse the external environment of an organisation and justify critical opportunities and threats appropriate to that organisation


Assignment Brief


Academic Year 2024-25


BM633 Strategic Agility

Module code and title:

BM633 Strategic Agility

Module leader:


Assignment No. and type:

Coursework 1: Written Individual Management Report, 2,000- word, +/-10%.

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:


Target feedback time and date:


Assignment task

This 2,000-word assignment evaluates your ability to apply business models to analyse a firm`s competitive position, evaluate contemporary macro environmental challenges, formulate and critically assess strategic options, and make business decisions.

Identify a local SME (Small/Medium Sized Enterprise) within a 10-mile radius of your College that operates in the independent hotel sector to complete the following tasks:

  • Using appropriate data collection methodologies suitable for the task, critically analyse the chosen business`s current SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and identify the firm’s strategic capabilities, including any strengths and weaknesses.
  • Using appropriate data collection methodologies suitable for the task, provide a competitor overview for the chosen firm and conduct a macro environmental analysis. Clearly identify the factors involved and discuss their potential impact on the chosen firm.
  • Formulate two potential strategies that will enable the firm to achieve more responsible business practices in line with their SDGs, considering present and future challenges. These strategies should be presented as two detailed strategic plans, including specific information, rationale, costs, and predicted revenue.
  • Critically evaluate the two potential strategies to recommend one preferred strategy for the business to adopt in order to succeed as a sustainable and responsible enterprise.

If you are registered with the Disability and Inclusion Services or have a disability, please contact your module leader to discuss how your reasonable adjustments will be applied to this assignment.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1: Analyse the external environment of an organisation and justify critical opportunities and threats appropriate to that organisation;


LO2: Analyse the strategic capability of an organisation and justify critical strengths and weaknesses linked to competitive advantage;

LO3: Develop suitable strategic choices for an organisation;

LO4: Evaluate strategic choices for an organisation, referring to previous analysis in 1 and 2 above;

LO5: Recommend and justify an appropriate strategic choice for an organisation.

Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the required referencing style, any presentational requirements and the process for submitting your work.

Please  reference  your  work  using  the  Harvard  style  as  defined  in     Cite  Them  Right  Online


  • Pages should be numbered.
  • All work must be submitted in Arial 11 font with single-line spacing.
  • All writing should be in the third-person passive voice.
  • Written work must be word-processed.
  • The module title and code number must be clearly marked on the front cover.
  • Submitted work must be properly referenced. A guide to the Harvard system of referencing can be found on the Bucks website at bucks.ac.uk/referencing.
  • Clarification can be sought from the module tutor at any time.
  • Failure to submit work in accordance with the provided guidance will result in marks being adjusted accordingly.
  • No collaboration is allowed.
  • The front cover, executive summary, contents page, reference pages, and appendices are not included in the page count or the word count. Words used in tables, charts, and diagrams are also not included in the word count.
  • Non-academic and non-reputable sources such as Wikipedia, Investopedia, Business Balls, Slide Share, Essays4U, Term Papers, or similar are not acceptable within your work or reference list.
  • A maximum of 4 pages is allocated for appendices, which do not form part of the total page count of 16 pages.
  • Work must be submitted electronically via the relevant submission point in the `Submit your work` area in your Blackboard module shell by the specified time and date.
  • Ensure that your work is saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will accept the following file types: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), Google Docs, or plain text. Your file must contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages, and be less than 40MB in size.
  • Files can be submitted multiple times before the submission date, with the most recent version replacing earlier submissions.

Upon file submission, a digital receipt will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided it is set up). Please retain this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of the file.


You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work.

For further information and guidance, please see your programme handbook.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately).

For further information and guidance, please see the University website: https://www.bnu.ac.uk/current- students/registry-helpdesk-and-academic-advice/academic-integrity-and-misconduct


0-34 (F) –


Not successful

35-39 E –

Marginal fail Below required


40-49 (D)

Pass Satisfactory

50-59 (C)

Pass Good

60-69 (B)

Pass Very Good

70-79 (A)

Pass Excellent

80-100 (A+)

Pass Outstanding

Criterion 1


Knowledge and understanding 25%

(Key indicators for Knowledge and understanding)

  • Depth of knowledge and understanding
  • Engagement with subject-specific theories, paradigms, concepts, and principles
  • Background investigation, analysis, research, enquiry and/or study.

The work demonstrates a limited and/or substantially inaccurate or no understanding of key aspects of the subject, with few if any examples of coherent and detailed knowledge, which is unlikely to be at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The work demonstrates insufficient understanding of key aspects of the subject, including some coherent and detailed knowledge, little of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The work demonstrates a basic yet systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including some coherent and detailed knowledge, at least some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The work demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including some coherent and detailed knowledge, some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The work demonstrates a sophisticated and critical systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including coherent and detailed knowledge, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The work demonstrates a highly accomplished systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject beyond what has been taught, including coherent and detailed knowledge, most of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

The work demonstrates an exceptional systematic understanding of key aspects of the subject, including coherent and detailed knowledge well beyond what has been taught, all of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of the discipline e.g., recent research, latest techniques.

Criterion 2

Analysis and criticality 25%

(Key indicators for analysis and criticality)

  • Logic and argument
  • Use and range of independently selected sources
  • Analysis and synthesis
  • Organisation and communication of ideas and evidence

The work demonstrates a limited or no ability to work independently and deploy relevant techniques of analysis and enquiry accurately;

The work shows insufficient knowledge of the subject areas; strategy,

leadership, management, firm performance, performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate a coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is inappropriate.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis of relevant academic theory is absent.

The communication and organisation of the work lacks flow and coherency.

The work demonstrates an insufficient ability to work independently, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

The work shows limited knowledge of the subject areas; strategy,

leadership, management, firm performance, performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate a coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is mostly inappropriate.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis of relevant academic theory is absent.

The communication and organisation of the work is weak and lacks flow and coherency.

The work demonstrates a sufficient ability to work independently, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

The work shows satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas; strategy, leadership, management, firm performance,

performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate a coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is satisfactory.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis of relevant academic theory is satisfactory but lacks depth and breadth.

The communication and organisation of

The work demonstrates a sound ability to work independently, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

The work shows good knowledge of the subject areas; strategy,

leadership, management, firm performance, performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate a coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is good.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis of relevant academic theory is good.

The communication and organisation of the work is good, with the flow and coherency of the

The work demonstrates a sophisticated ability to work independently, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline.

The work shows very good knowledge of the subject areas; strategy,

leadership, management, firm performance, performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate a coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is very good. The use of wider and less obvious sources enhances the work.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis of relevant academic theory is very good, with excellent integration within the argument and evidence used.

The work demonstrates a highly accomplished ability to work independently, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

The work shows excellent knowledge of the subject areas; strategy, leadership, management, firm performance, performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate a strong, coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is excellent. The use of wider and less obvious sources enhances the work and demonstrates originality in their thinking and work.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis of relevant academic theory is excellent, with excellent

The work demonstrates a highly accomplished ability to work independently, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within the discipline;

The work shows outstanding knowledge of the subject areas; strategy, leadership, management, firm performance, performance metrics, fiduciary duty, ethics, investor relations and stakeholder analysis, with which to formulate an exceptionally strong, coherent and logical argument.

The range, age and validity of secondary research sources & literature is outstanding. The use of wider and less obvious sources enhances the work and demonstrates originality in their thinking and work.

Analysis of the case study and synthesis


0-34 (F) –


Not successful

35-39 E –

Marginal fail Below required standard

40-49 (D)

Pass Satisfactory

50-59 (C)

Pass Good

60-69 (B)

Pass Very Good

70-79 (A)

Pass Excellent

80-100 (A+)

Pass Outstanding




the work is satisfactory and struggles for flow and coherency.

argument clear to the reader.

The communication and organisation of the work is very good, with the flow and coherency of the argument clear to the reader.

integration within the argument and evidence used.

The communication and organisation of the work is excellent, with the flow and coherency of the argument clear to the reader and presents original conceptual thinking.

of relevant academic theory is outstanding, with exceptional integration within the argument and evidence used.

The communication and organisation of the work is outstanding, with the flow and coherency of the argument clear to the reader and presents original conceptual thinking.

Criterion 3


Application and practice 25%

(Key indicators for application and practice)

  • • Development and/or application discipline-specific specialist skills


  • • Accuracy, coordination, and proficiency in completion of practical tasks/processes

Work demonstrates a limited or no ability to select and apply appropriate, discipline-specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is not evident within the work.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is clearly missing and/or inappropriate for the standard required as a manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is clearly absent with no evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business contexts involved that could be researched and/or integrated into

the work.

Work demonstrates an insufficient ability to select and apply appropriate, discipline specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is weak within the work.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is clearly missing and/or inappropriate for the standard required as a manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is clearly absent with no evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business contexts involved that could be researched and/or integrated into the work.

Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to select and apply appropriate, discipline specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is acceptable within the work.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is evident but this is acceptable and mostly appropriate for the standard required as a manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is acceptable with some evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business contexts involved that could be researched

Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a consistent and informed manner appropriate, discipline specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is good.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is evident and what is presented is to a good standard and appropriate for the standard required as a manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is good with some evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business contexts involved that could be researched and/or integrated into the work.

Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a capable and effective manner appropriate, discipline specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is very good.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is evident and what is presented is to a very good standard and appropriate for the standard required as a manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is very good with clear evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business

contexts involved that could be researched

Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a highly accomplished manner appropriate, discipline specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is excellent.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is evident and what is presented is to an excellent standard and appropriate for the standard required as a middle manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is excellent with clear evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business contexts involved that could be researched

Work demonstrates an ability to select and apply in a highly accomplished and innovative manner appropriate, discipline specific methods and techniques to develop and apply knowledge and understanding and to initiate, and in turn:

The development and application of secondary research skills, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of data and information is outstanding.

The ability to draw conclusions for the reader is evident and what is presented is to an outstanding standard and appropriate for the standard required as a senior manager.

The ability to read and follow instructions is outstanding with clear evidence of conceptual awareness of the wider business contexts involved that could be researched


0-34 (F) –


Not successful

35-39 E –

Marginal fail Below required


40-49 (D)

Pass Satisfactory

50-59 (C)

Pass Good

60-69 (B)

Pass Very Good

70-79 (A)

Pass Excellent

80-100 (A+)

Pass Outstanding



The work fails to address all the required elements set out in the briefing.


The work fails to address all the required elements set out in the briefing.

and/or integrated into the work.

The work mostly addresses the required elements set out in the briefing.


The work meets all the required elements set out in the briefing.

and/or integrated into the work.

The work meets all the required elements set out in the briefing.

and/or integrated into the work.

The work meets all the required elements set out in the briefing.

and integrated into the work.

The work meets all the required elements set out in the briefing.


0-34 (F) –


Not successful

35-39 E –

Marginal fail Below required


40-49 (D)

Pass Satisfactory

50-59 (C)

Pass Good

60-69 (B)

Pass Very Good

70-79 (A)

Pass Excellent

80-100 (A+)

Pass Outstanding

Criterion 4

Transferable skills 15%

(Key indicators for transferable skills)

  • Written, verbal and electronic communication
  • Numeracy and digital literacy
  • Personal motivation, organisation, and time-management

Work demonstrates limited or no ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

- an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs.

Work demonstrates insufficient ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs.

Work demonstrates a sufficient ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs.

Work demonstrates a consistent and confident ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs

Work demonstrates a highly proficient ability to:


-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs.

Work demonstrates a highly accomplished ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs.

Work demonstrates an exceptional ability to:

-communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions accurately and reliably utilising relevant numeracy, digital literacy, oral and written communication skills in a manner fit for purpose.

-an ability to manage their learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

-use initiative to take responsibility for determining and achieving personal outcomes and/or outputs.

- consideration of sustainability (environmental, economic, and personal) and social and ethical matters in their work/solutions.


0-34 (F) –


Not successful

35-39 E –

Marginal fail Below required


40-49 (D)

Pass Satisfactory

50-59 (C)

Pass Good

60-69 (B)

Pass Very Good

70-79 (A)

Pass Excellent

80-100 (A+)

Pass Outstanding

Assignm ent Param eters 10%

This should include evidence of:

  • Harvard referencing.
  • Use of English.
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar.
  • Presentation of work
  • Unsuitable/non-academic sources used.

An unacceptable range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Incorrect Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages. Major spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Presentation of work is unacceptable and incapable of being presented to a board of directors. Work is outside of the +/-10% word count.

A below standard range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Incorrect Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages. Major spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Presentation of work is below the standard required and incapable of being presented to a board of directors.

Work is outside of the +/-10% word count.

A satisfactory range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages.

Significant spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Presentation of work is satisfactory but not suitable for being presented to a board of directors. Work is outside of the +/-10% word count.

Good range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Noticeable issues with the Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages.

Noticeable spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Presentation of work is good and capable of being presented to a board of directors only with significant corrections and improvement. Work is only just outside the +/- 10% word count.

Very good range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Correct Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages. Minor spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Presentation of work is very good and capable of being presented to a board of directors with some corrections.

Work is within +/-10% word count.

Excellent range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Correct Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages. Very minor spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.

Presentation of work is excellent and capable of being presented to a board of directors as is. Work is within +/-10% word count.

Outstanding range of academic, professional and peer reviewed sources applied within the work.

Correct Harvard referencing in text and in reference list pages. No spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Presentation of work is outstanding and capable of being presented to a board of directors as is. Work is within +/-10% word count.

About BM633 Strategic Agility Assignment

The BM633 Strategic Agility assignment focuses on developing the ability to respond swiftly and effectively to changing market conditions and business environments. It challenges students to critically analyse how organisations can enhance their agility by adopting flexible strategies, enabling them to adapt to uncertainty and complexity. The assignment involves applying theoretical models and frameworks to real-world case studies, assessing how businesses can achieve competitive advantage through strategic agility. Key areas include the exploration of leadership, innovation, and decision-making processes that drive agility, alongside recommendations for implementing these strategies in dynamic and unpredictable environments.

Example Answer

Using appropriate data collection methodologies suitable for the task, critically analyse the chosen business`s current SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and identify the firm’s strategic capabilities, including any strengths and weaknesses.

LO1: Analyse the external environment of an organisation and justify critical opportunities and threats appropriate to that organisation

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the United Nations in 2015, provide a global framework for addressing pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. Companies like Patagonia, which place sustainability at the core of their operations, align their strategies with several of these goals. This paper will critically analyse Patagonia`s current SDGs, explore its external environment, and identify the firm’s strategic capabilities, including its strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, external opportunities and threats will be identified, and their relevance to the company’s long-term objectives will be discussed.

Data Collection Methodologies

For a comprehensive analysis, both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are applied. The following methodologies are deemed suitable for this task:

1. Secondary Data Analysis:

  • Annual Reports: Patagonia`s public reports provide insights into its sustainability initiatives, financial performance, and SDG-related activities.
  • Sustainability Reports: These documents highlight the company`s progress on specific SDGs, showcasing initiatives such as reducing carbon emissions and promoting fair trade practices.
  • Industry Reports: Reports from environmental and industry bodies provide comparative data on Patagonia`s performance relative to its competitors, which is useful in benchmarking its progress.

2. Case Study Analysis:

  • Reviewing case studies of Patagonia`s operations helps in identifying specific SDGs the company focuses on, such as Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and Goal 13 (Climate Action).
  • Case studies also reveal challenges Patagonia faces, such as balancing growth with sustainability, which helps identify weaknesses and potential threats in its business model.

3. Stakeholder Interviews:

  • Interviews with Patagonia’s key stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and NGOs, offer valuable qualitative insights into how the company is perceived in terms of its contribution to SDGs.
  • These perspectives help in evaluating how effectively the firm’s values align with its operational practices, especially concerning SDGs.

4. PESTLE and SWOT Analysis:

  • The PESTLE framework will be employed to examine external factors influencing Patagonia`s strategic environment, such as political regulations around sustainability, technological innovations, and economic shifts that may present both opportunities and threats.
  • A SWOT analysis will assess the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, identifying areas where Patagonia excels or needs improvement to align more closely with the SDGs.

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