Brief Description of the assessment:
Written report (individual):
Describe and critically appraise the recruitment, motivation and retention process at an organisation (you may choose to select a company you have worked in previously).
How might the Human resource activities of recruiting, performance appraisal and retention (e.g pay), be related to corporate strategy and culture of the company?
What Human Resources challenges (recruiting, hiring, training and developing, retaining etc) does your chosen company/organization face today?
Individual formal written report (of 2500 words MAXIMUM):
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Use your student ids for anonymity
You must demonstrate the application of the appropriate theoretical frameworks where necessary.
Full references and sources of all materials must be stated.
Indicative Structure
The following proposed structure is not intended to be prescriptive but is offered to
help you in preparing your assignment and in giving appropriate weighting to the
different parts of the questions.
1. Introduction (10%)
A brief description of the company, number of employees, role of central/local
Personnel etc.
2. Critical appraisal of HR process (35%)
Examine the Strengths, weaknesses, timescales( recruiting , performance appraisals etc), and realistic motivational frameworks used by the organization you have selected in their recruitment, motivation and retention of key staff.
3. How are Human resource activities such as recruitment etc related to the corporate culture and strategy of the organization? (35%)
Examine recruitment, performance appraisal and retention (e.g pay) in relation to the organizations corporate culture and strategy. What is the impact of these activities on strategy/culture or vice versa.?
4. What human resources challenges (recruiting, hiring, training, diversity, attitudes towards diversity, culture etc) does your chosen organization face today (20%)