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Discuss the challenges which come with being a middle manager in an organization. Explain the variables/elements/issues you learned about which support your understanding that ‘management can be messy’?

BUSI 1315 Notes

Assessment DetailsSummative assessment

An Essay of 3000 words is required for your ONE summative assessment in this Module.The essay has 2 elements:

1-   Discuss the challenges which come with being a middle manager in an organization. Explain the variables/elements/issues you learned about which support your understanding that ‘management can be messy’?(This is a specific look at what causes the complexity of the middle manager role.) 2-   Give a summary of which skills and abilities you understand to be key for the successful management of:a) a middle manager’s teams, notably their subordinates ANDb) their relationship with other stakeholders both internal and external to their firm. In order to create a successful essay please ensure you consider all the topics covered this term, ensuring you have been through all the variety of teaching and readings materials plus the case studies covered.You will require these for both referencing and example purposes in your work.  The essay should have roughly 2 equal elements as regards the word counts ie. 1500for part 1 and part

2. A maximum of 200 words up or down for each section is acceptable but no more than that.Ie. 1300 and 1700.      

The marking Rubric is on Moodle and here: 

3000 Word essay on The Complexities of Middle managementMarking Criteria  100 marks allocated to criteria: 
Content 1To what extent does the student demonstrate understanding that ‘management can be messy’ ie. Has clearly addressed the question?  Is there depth of understanding shown for the topics chosen?  Has thought been given to how the chosen topics interrelate?   To what extent is there evidence of critical, independent, and/or creative thinking including the use of case study and/or real life examples where appropriate?  30%
Content 2To what extent does the student demonstrate understanding of the skills and abilities that can lead to a manager’s success?Does the content offer a clear understanding of the difference in focus between part a and b of this question?To what extent is there evidence of critical, independent, and/or creative thinking including the use of case study and/or real life examples where appropriate?   30%
Research  Has the student used at least 5 topics which have been covered within this module?Is there evidence of thorough research including use of all textbook and academic article materials offered through Moodle teaching materials (PK content, slide deck content, weekly chapters and academic articles)?  Does the student include a reasonable number of references (e.g., minimum 10-15) from academic sources and make effective use of references?  25%
Communication To what extent is the essay well organised and logically constructed, through the use of paragraphs for example, to achieve a comprehensive piece of writing while being mindful of the needs of the reader?  To what extent is the essay well written, spell checked and grammatically sound and referenced appropriately following the Harvard-style?  15%
 Where available all the electronic ebook links to the books  below are given on Moodle.
University Week for required completion: Reference
Full course list-Multiple options for certain weeks See module schedule for exact chapter required each week  See module schedule for exact chapter required each week Capon C (2009) Understanding the Business Environment, Prentice Hall/Financial Times Checkland (1990) Systems Thinking Systems Practice, Wiley, New York Daft and Benson (2015) Management, Cengage: London. Jackson M (2004) Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers Mullins with Christy (11th Edition) – Management & Organisational Behaviour Many of you will already own the ‘’Managing Organisations & Individuals’’ Busi 1628 coursebook which covers key chapters for certain weeks of this module Pettinger (2012) Management, a concise introduction, Palgrave Macmillian Mullins with Christy (11th Edition) – Management & Organisational Behaviour Many of you will already own the ‘’Managing Organisations & Individuals’’ Busi 1628 coursebook which covers the key chapters for certain weeks of this course Apart from week 19, EACH week’s required chapter reading is made available on Moodle.
Weekly academic journal articles Provided each week in Moodle

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