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Discuss why you selected the teaching/learning approach used

Outline the scenario and include:

  • The environment the event took place in (Acute, Community, PVIS etc)
  • Who you taught. For the teaching event, you can teach anyone in the placement setting (for example, another student, a patient, a carer/relative/ an RN, a Dr, etc)
  • What did you teach?
  • Outline how you taught the person
  • NMC Confidentiality Statement MUST be included

Critical Analysis of Learning Episode (900 words approx.)

With reference to teaching and learning theories:

  • Discuss why you selected the teaching/learning approach used
  • Analyse the effectiveness of the teaching/learning approach you used in the teaching/learning event described
  • Critique the effectiveness of the teaching/learning approach used
  • Discuss whether alternative approaches/styles could have been used
  • Critique and analyse the potential effectiveness of alternative approaches/styles in relation to the event described
  • Analyse the concept of accountability in relation to teaching others

How will this observational analysis inform your practice in the future ? (700 words approx.)

With reference to teaching and learning theories and literature, reflect on your development in relation to teaching others

  • What do you now know about teaching others?
  • Where are you now? (What is your current teaching approach)
  • How are you going to do to develop your teaching skills in the future?


  • Sum up the key points discussed in the assignment

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