Evaluate their growth as a researcher, as components of their professional development in an increasingly globalised context;
No# of Pages: 3 pages (750 words)
Skills Development Reflection (worth 30% of the total marks available ): Individual Reflection on your development during the time you have been studying your Master`s degree and the AGA module
Task Details/Description:
As part of your AGA you will have completed, and regularly reviewed, your Aston University Competence Skills Wheel. You should have completed it first of all soon after starting your Master`s degree. This will provide a ‘starting point` for your levels of competence. You should complete it again toward the very end of your Master`s course , and then compare the two – the change in shape between the two ‘spider web` shapes represents your development on the 10 competences over the time you have been at Aston.
Using the Competence Wheel as a framework, reflect on the following:
A) The competences which you have developed during your period of study. These competences may include (but are not restricted to): research and data analysis skills; critical thinking and problem solving; communication; digital technology; leadership of self; building and growing relationships; professionalism and work ethic; creativity and innovation.
B) Your personal and professional development through the AGA. In addition to any technical skills you may have developed, you should also reflect on and discuss the employability and personal skills you have developed during the year. On the Competence Wheel, these may be demonstrated through almost all of the competences.
C) Your ‘next steps`, whether this is into employment or further study. As for the above, many of the competences may demonstrate this, not just the career management area. You should consider digital technology; communication; building and growing relationships; leadership of self. But carefully think about the other areas too.
The reflection should be based around the Aston Competence Skills Wheel. You should include in your submission a scan of your Wheel which you completed at the start of your Master`s course, with the updated data in the Wheel which you completed towards the end. Discuss the areas where you have clearly developed, and also any areas where you have found development more difficult or challenging. Fully think about the other areas too. You should also explain which areas require further development and briefly explain how you plan to do this. (Approx. 600 words)
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:
After completing the module students should be able to:
Evaluate their growth as a researcher, as components of their professional development in an increasingly globalised context;
Critically reflect upon the process of effective working in multi-cultural teams, the development of transferable skills in team- working, and their own role within teams;
Develop and implement a career plan to maximise their own skills and experience as they transition into the global workplace;
Produce an evidence-based reflective account to show personal and intercultural competence development and application, and an ability to articulate their transferable skills to employers.
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