K1 A critical understanding of operational and marketing theories, concepts and strategies and how these impact on value creation in organisations
PGBM146 Value Creation In Organisations - Managing Operations And Marketing
Level: Master’s Programme (MBA)
Any work submitted is subject to the University’s Misconduct Regulations
Contribution to unit assessment: 100% weighting
Subject: Individual Case Study
The following assignment consists of TWO parts. Please read the instructions carefully.
The assignment must be presented in a form that complies with the basic conventions of a report format (see Guide to Basic Study Skills).
An electronic copy must be submitted to Turnitin via “Canvas” by the hand in date.
Word count: 3,000
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module successful students will be able to do the following:
K1 A critical understanding of operational and marketing theories, concepts and strategies and how these impact on value creation in organisations
K2 A critical understanding of the contemporary challenges relating to value creation in a range of organisations.
K3 A critical understanding of the major decisions confronting managers in the management of value creation.
S1 Relevant transferable skills relating to the cross cultural management of value creation in a professional context including: problem solving, creativity, communication, and working collaboratively
S2 How to conduct research using relevant journal and business documentation.
All questions are compulsory
The questions are as follows:
You have been requested to produce a critical analysis in the form of a case study for Tony’s Chocolonely, a Dutch confectionary company claiming to overcome modern day slavery in the cocoa industry by maintaining an open chain.
The report must comprise of two parts Part A and Part B.
Part A must present an overview of the company’s business operations. Based on your research you must identify through a critical discussion the strengths and potential risks for Tony’s Chocolonely.
In Part B, you must do an in-depth analysis of the company’s market position by critically reviewing the marketing mix to recommend marketing strategies.
In this report you must answer all the questions under Part A and Part B explained in the following sections. You are encouraged to consider contemporary issues to supplement your critical review of Tony’s Chocolonely.
Part A – (Total of 45% marks)
Based on your analysis of the operations of Tony’s Chocolonely:
1. Discuss in detail the objectives and constraints of the business operations (e.g. production processes) utilised referring also to the specific variables and attributes involved. (20% marks)
2. Consider the topics covered under operations management (week 1 to 10), examine these themes within the business to produce a critical analysis. You may select the themes based on its applicability to Tony’s Chocolonely. (25% marks)
Indicative word count for part A: 1,500 words
Part B – (Total of 45% marks)
Based on your analysis prepare a report covering the following:
3. Carry out a situational market analysis for Tony’s Chocolonely to assess the current market position of the business. (25% marks)
Based on the topics covered from week 1 to 10 select the appropriate tools, models and frameworks that would allow you to carry out a situational analysis of the business (e.g. macro analysis, micro analysis, internal analysis, portfolio analysis, etc).
- Such analyses would be placed in the Appendices rather than the main report.
- The main report should refer the appropriate application of the tools, models and frameworks attached the appendices.
- In your main report, critically discuss the points you feel to have the biggest impact upon the organisation - both positive and negative to form a critical discussion surrounding the challenges and opportunities faced by the business.
4. Consider the points you feel to be most crucial to the organisation and make marketing recommendations off the back of the situational analysis you have carried out. These recommendations should be specific, logical and have justification as to why you are making these recommendations, and what expected positive effects it would have on the organisation. (20% marks)
Indicative word count for part B: 1,500 words.
5. Report structure and format – (10% marks)
Useful Resources:
Please note that the following is indicative content that you may find useful to get started on your assignment. Students are expected to expand their research beyond the following to produce a research informed critical discussion of the case study.
1. Official website - https://tonyschocolonely.com/uk/en
2. Tony’s open chain - https://www.tonysopenchain.com/
3. Official statement - https://tonyschocolonely.com/uk/en/our-mission/news/why-wearenot-on-all-lists-of-ethical-chocolate-brands
4. Short video on Tony’s - https://youtu.be/nqG4N27UHNk
5. Publication by Eco Bank - https://www.ecobank.com/upload/2015033004265828785tb3bKgZjnr.pdf
6. Forbes Article - https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeroenkraaijenbrink/2019/11/08/howtobring-sustainability-to-the-masses-tonys-chocolonelyimpactstrategy/?sh=6df018a712a6
Other useful resources on the cocoa industry:
Please note that the following is indicative content that you may find useful to get started on your assignment. Students are expected to expand their research beyond the following to produce a research informed critical discussion of the case study.
1. The cocoa industry and climate change - https://digital.hbs.edu/platformrctom/submission/challenged-chocolate-the-cocoaindustry-and-climate-change/
2. Challenges in the cocoa industry - https://digital.hbs.edu/platformrctom/submission/chocolate-endangered/
3. Cocoa supply chain - https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cocoa-a-bittersweetsupplychain/
Assignment guidance notes:
Business Report Structure – 3000 words +/- 10% Size 12 font, spacing 1.5, include word count.
Report Presentation
- Front Sheet – Name / Student Number / Programme / Module / Date
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Main Body of Report – Critical evaluation and analysis of relevant theory and practice (all questions are compulsory in Part A and B). • Conclusions • References - 10 to 20
- Appendix – not included in word count
The criteria for grading the assignment:
The assignment will be graded for individuals on the basis of the specific criteria outlined in the Generic Assessment Criteria (Postgraduate) on the following page.
Note: The “Presentation” element of the Generic Assessment Criteria (Postgraduate) will also be used (additional to the above assignment guidance notes) to assess the report structure.