Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of current theoretical, conceptual, philosophical and methodological frameworks, ideas and techniques relevant to research in the social sciences
Assignment Brief - Postgraduate
MA in Education with TESOL
Research Skills
Single written assignment
This assignment will be marked anonymously (for further information please consult the Code of Practice for the Assessment for students)
Write a research proposal for your dissertation outlining your key decision making. The proposal should include:
An introduction highlighting the rationale for your choice of research field/area
Your key research question(s) and/or hypothesis
The most significant literature in the field of your enquiry
A clear conceptual framework for your planned study
A detailed discussion of the methodology and methods proposed for your study
A justified sampling strategy
How you plan to analyse and present data
Any ethical issues to be mitigated in your planned study – completion of the BGU ethical approval application documentation
By the end of the module students are expected to:
demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of current theoretical, conceptual, philosophical and methodological frameworks, ideas and techniques relevant to research in the social sciences
show how theoretical perspective affects the way knowledge is created, validated and interpreted within the social sciences
work autonomously to systematically design and undertake a research project within the complex, contradictory and unpredictable field of education and TESOL relevant to their own professional practice, synthesising ideas or information in innovative ways, generating transformative solutions to issues and challenges, and critically evaluating their effectiveness
identify and managing the implications of ethical dilemmas and work proactively themselves and with others to formulate solutions
maintain capabilities and qualities to effectively communicate the outcomes of their work to specialist and non-specialist audiences with reference to current research, advanced scholarship and debate in the field.
words 5,000
*Please see guidance below on application of late penalties*
Monday 9th May 2022 before 12 noon
Your submission folder will open 5 days before the submission deadline and we recommend you take advantage of the originality reports generated after your submission. You can resubmit your file up until the deadline. You can submit as many times as you like. Each resubmission will overwrite the previous one, and your tutor will only ever see the last submission. If you submit through Turnitin YOU MUST ONLY SUBMIT ONE FILE (if you have several documents, please combine them into one to upload). You can submit an electronic copy through Turnitin in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) or PDF. You must have twenty words on your first page of your submission to avoid a Turnitin error or submit your work as a PDF to avoid this. Please
allow sufficient time for your submission to upload, large files with audio/video take longer. Also, please check your submission afterwards for accuracy as a digital receipt only guarantees that the work has uploaded. If you submit using a Blackboard submission you will not receive a receipt, but you will see a ‘Success’ notice on your screen which you can screenshot and save as evidence of submission.
Friday 20th May 2022
Written feedback will be provided on the assignment using Turnitin and on the ethics application form following the meeting of the MA Education Research ethics sub-committee
Feedback is available from 9am on the date specified, unless advised otherwise. If you have any specific questions relating to the comments on the feedback sheet, please contact your Module Tutor and arrange a tutorial with them. Tutor details are provided in the ‘Contact Details’ section on Blackboard.
You must ensure that you familiarise yourself with the Code of Practice for the Assessment for Students which governs all Bishop Grosseteste University assessments:- Code of Practice for the Assessment for Students.
Your tutor will be available to answer any questions you have regarding the assignment and you should check their availability to access their support.
You can get support with your academic practice from Learning Development. This support includes online resources, workshops, drop-in sessions and one to one appointments. You can also get support for any technical aspects of your submission from Digital Learning. Please visit the CELT course on Blackboard to find out more. Additional help is available from the IT helpdesk in CELT during term time. demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of current theoretical, conceptual, philosophical and methodological frameworks, ideas and techniques relevant to research in the social sciences
Please also make use of support available from the Library, either through their Blackboard and LibGuides sites or by visiting the Cornerstone building.
To get the most from the support available, please access it at the earliest opportunity
The University uses APA 7th as its referencing standard as laid out in the handbook for written coursework. We strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with this document which can be found here: .
Your attention is drawn to the University’s Code of Practice for Academic Misconduct covering plagiarism. Penalties for work found to be plagiarised can be severe and can include the withdrawal of the right to resubmit work and/or termination of studies. On submission of the assignment, you will be required to declare that the work is your own and that all sources have been properly acknowledged.
The University uses originality software to check student work. Occasionally, requests will be received from other institutions to see student work where the software has noted potential high levels of duplication. In these instances, the University reserves the right to share the work anonymously with the institution concerned.
General information on layout, referencing and presentation can be found in the Handbook for Students on Written Coursework . Please see:
Unless your assignment is submitted by the deadline indicated above, penalties will be applied in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Assessment of Students . Please Note: if work is submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline, it will receive a mark of zero.
If you require any advice or support with making your submission please contact the Digital Learning Team at or by calling 01522 563866.
All requests for extensions must be submitted to Registry on the e-form available here nt%2Ebishopg%2Eac%2Euk%2Feforms%2Fassignmentextend&ClientInstalled=false&DefaultItemOpen=0 &OpenIn=Browser at least 1 working day BEFORE the published deadline. Such requests must be submitted with corroborating evidence if appropriate.
Following the date of submission, requests may be made for the Board of Examiners to take extenuating circumstances for non-submission into account. All such requests must be made in accordance with the Code of Practice for Extenuating Circumstances and be submitted on the Extenuating Circumstance Request Form. They must be accompanied by corroborating evidence. Further guidance is available at the end of the standard pro-formal. demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of current theoretical, conceptual, philosophical and methodological frameworks, ideas and techniques relevant to research in the social sciences
Assessment Grid for MA in Education with TESOL; ELT704 Research Skills
Programme Outcomes
Demonstrate detailed and systematic understanding of knowledge and a critical awareness of current issues and/or new insights related to relevant theory and practice at the forefront of the discipline
Demonstrate critical understanding of specific tools and research strategies to support reflection, analysis and synthesis of ideas and information related to professional practice
Demonstrate the evaluation of complex issues autonomously and creatively presenting varied evidence to support professional judgements which can further develop practice
Deploy high-level skills and knowledge to negotiate, plan, implement and evaluate complex change in policy and/or practice in workplace settings through sustained inquiry
Outstanding distinction
Work at this level shows originality and is astutely presented for a particular audience. It will present new insights relating the leading edge of research to issues of current professional practice. It will be recommended for submission to refereed journals for publication with only minor modifications
Very good distinction
In addition, the student uses new, challenging and highly pertinent reading, which is interrogated authoritatively and effectively with perceptive awareness of the relative value of sources. The student demonstrates an ability to construct a critical and cogent argument dealing with ambiguity, conflict and tension between sources &/or interpretations. The student evaluates with criticality and insight the relevance to context and the credibility of sources.
In addition, the student demonstrates a clear awareness of potential conflicts of interest between the subject and object of the research and a sensitive awareness of complex issues of triangulation, validity and reliability and with ethical issues critically discussed at every stage of the research process. The student shows an ability to construct a clear and coherent analytical framework, mine the data and extract successive layers of interpretation. The student shows confidence to address intricate ethical questions raised at any point of the enquiry
In addition, the student is able to present evidence, ideas and innovative solutions, drawing on synthesis of complex issues to justify professional judgements.
Awareness of the limitations of the study and possible constraints on future success is evident. The student is able to articulate metacognitive development in research and professional contexts, question personal assumptions and critique current practices autonomously. The student engages in a rigorous analytical critique leading to further explicit development of models, ideas or hypotheses.
In addition, the student demonstrates skills of autonomy and negotiation in planning a sustained enquiry to develop practice. The student is able to disseminate findings in the professional and research domains, discussing specific implications for future practice and further research.
Good Pass 60%-70%
The student demonstrates clear understanding of the area and a critical awareness of current issues. Alternative interpretations are considered critically. There is an ability to use reading to reflect on observations in a professional context, and vice versa, adding depth and rigour to the critique.
There is evidence of extended reading and the use of recent and varied sources. A thorough and illuminating analysis and evaluation is presented. demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of current theoretical, conceptual, philosophical and methodological frameworks, ideas and techniques relevant to research in the social sciences
Understanding of research is shown through the research design; judicious development of appropriate methodology to structure the research; astute methods for collecting and analysing evidence and insightful critique of the strengths and limitations of the research design in the professional context. The student devises a purposeful analytical framework and explicitly seeks to triangulate different sources of evidence, recognising the limitations of some sources of evidence. Ethical considerations are an integral part of research design and application.
The student is able to produce a well- structured presentation with evidence, ideas and solutions, drawing on synthesis of complex issues, in order to justify professional judgements in developing practice. There is explicit evaluation of the process of enquiry as well as evaluation of the final conclusions and impact on their professional learning and development as a practitioner researcher. There is clear evidence of understanding metacognitive development in professional and research contexts and of the impact of the study on the student’s current and continuing professional and research development.
The student is able to: initiate, plan and competently undertake a coherent practice-based project showing understanding of the complexity of the theory and its application to a work place setting; show independence and be self- critical in learning, negotiating and engaging with professional colleagues as appropriate; to present and evaluate a range of evidence to make professional judgments on impact and the potential for future development. Conflicts of interest, tensions and ambiguities are recognised and potential developments are evaluated.
Sound Pass 50%-60%
The student demonstrates secure knowledge of the area through an ability to précis and paraphrase a range of perspectives drawing out the main ideas and highlighting issues relevant to current problems. Evidence is drawn from different types of sources e.g. books, journals, internet, government documentation, etc. Analysis and evaluation are sound.
Understanding of the skills of practitioner research is shown through appropriate design of work-based research projects and the selection of methods for collecting evidence. Analysis of evidence draws on a coherent analytical framework and considers alternative interpretations and trustworthiness. Ethical issues are embedded in research design and application.
The student is able to produce a clear and generally fluent and accurate presentation, which demonstrates sound understanding of reflective and reflexive practice in a professional context. There is an evaluation of the process of enquiry as well as evaluation of the final conclusions and consideration of the impact on their professional learning and development as a practitioner researcher.
The student is able to plan research and development projects which build on the findings of others.
There is a competent and informative analysis and evaluation of the impact of the practitioner research. The student is able to disseminate findings, highlighting some implications for future practice and enquiry.
Failure to meet the criteria set for the task. This would include:
work that is not submitted at the agreed time;
poor presentation that impedes communication;
inaccurate or incomplete references;
work which does not meet the specific criteria for the particular task e.g. was the wrong length; employed inappropriate methods or did not address the required issues;
lack of sufficient evidence of module outcomes in the work presented. E.g. an overly descriptive, chronological account that fails to demonstrate appropriate levels of knowledge, application of skills of researching, or evaluation of practice.
There is a right to re-sit failed work on one occasion only, and a reassessment fee may be charged.
Assignment Brief - Postgraduate
MA in Education with TESOL
Research Skills
Single written assignment
This assignment will be marked anonymously (for further information please consult the Code of Practice for the Assessment for students)
Write a research proposal for your dissertation outlining your key decision making. The proposal should include:
· An introduction highlighting the rationale for your choice of researchfield/area
· Your key research question(s) and/orhypothesis
· The most significant literature in the field of yourenquiry
· A clear conceptual framework for your plannedstudy
· A detailed discussion of the methodology and methods proposed for yourstudy
· A justified samplingstrategy
· How you plan to analyse and presentdata
Any ethical issues to be mitigated in your planned study – completion of the BGU ethical approval application documentation
By the end of the module students are expected to:
i. demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and critical awareness of current theoretical, conceptual, philosophical and methodological frameworks, ideas and techniques relevant to research in the socialsciences
ii. show how theoretical perspective affects the way knowledge is created, validated and interpreted within the socialsciences
iii. work autonomously to systematically design and undertake a research project within the complex, contradictory and unpredictable field of education and TESOL relevant to their own professional practice, synthesising ideas or information in innovative ways, generating transformative solutions to issues and challenges, and critically evaluating their effectiveness
iv. identify and managing the implications of ethical dilemmas and work proactively themselves and with others to formulatesolutions
v. maintain capabilities and qualities to effectively communicate the outcomes of their workto specialist and non-specialist audiences with reference to current research, advanced scholarship and debate in thefield.
words 5,000
*Please see guidance below on application of late penalties*
Thursday 21st April 2022 before 12noon
Monday 9th May 2022 before 12 noon
Your submission folder will open 5 days before the submission deadline and we recommend you take advantage of the originality reports generated after your submission. You can resubmit your file up until the deadline. You can submit as many times as you like. Each resubmission will overwrite the previous one, and your tutor will only ever see the last submission. If you submit through Turnitin YOU MUST ONLY SUBMIT ONE FILE (if you have several documents, please combine them into one to upload). You can submit an electronic copy through Turnitin in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) or PDF. You must have twenty words on your first page of your submission to avoid a Turnitin error or submit your work as a PDF to avoid this.Please
allow sufficient time for your submission to upload, large files with audio/video take longer. Also, please check your submission afterwards for accuracy as a digital receipt only guarantees that the work has uploaded. If you submit using a Blackboard submission you will not receive a receipt, but you will see a ‘Success’ notice on your screen which you can screenshot and save as evidence of submission.
Friday 20th May 2022
Written feedback will be provided on the assignment using Turnitin and on the ethics application form following the meeting of the MA Education Research ethics sub-committee
Feedback is available from 9am on the date specified, unless advised otherwise. If you have any specific questions relating to the comments on the feedback sheet, please contact your Module Tutor and arrange a tutorial with them. Tutor details are provided in the ‘Contact Details’ section on Blackboard.
You must ensure that you familiarise yourself with the Code of Practice for the Assessment for Students which governs all Bishop Grosseteste University assessments:- Code of Practice for the Assessment for Students.
Your tutor will be available to answer any questions you have regarding the assignment and you should check their availability to access their support.
You can get support with your academic practice from Learning Development. This support includes online resources, workshops, drop-in sessions and one to one appointments. You can also get support for any technical aspects of your submission from Digital Learning. Please visit the CELT course on Blackboard to find out more. Additional help is available from the IT helpdesk in CELT during termtime.
Please also make use of support available from the Library, either through their Blackboard and LibGuides sites or by visiting the Cornerstone building.
To get the most from the support available, please access it at the earliest opportunity.
The University uses APA 7th as its referencing standard as laid out in the handbook for written coursework. We strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with this document which can be found here: .
YourattentionisdrawntotheUniversity’s CodeofPracticeforAcademicMisconduct coveringplagiarism. Penalties for work found to be plagiarised can be severe and can include the withdrawal of the right to resubmit work and/or termination of studies. On submission of the assignment, you will be required to declare that the work is your own and that all sources have been properlyacknowledged.
The University uses originality software to check student work. Occasionally, requests will be received from other institutions to see student work where the software has noted potential high levels of duplication. In these instances, the University reserves the right to share the work anonymously with the institution concerned.
General information on layout, referencing and presentation can be found in the Handbook for Students on Written Coursework . Please see:
Unless your assignment is submitted by the deadline indicated above, penalties will be applied in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Assessment of Students . Please Note: if work is submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline, it will receive a mark of zero.
If you require any advice or support with making your submission please contact the Digital Learning Team at or by calling 01522 563866.
All requests for extensions must be submitted to Registry on the e-form available here nt%2Ebishopg%2Eac%2Euk%2Feforms%2Fassignmentextend&ClientInstalled=false&DefaultItemOpen=0 &OpenIn=Browser at least 1 working day BEFORE the published deadline. Such requests must be submitted with corroborating evidence if appropriate.
Following the date of submission, requests may be made for the Board of Examiners to take extenuating circumstances for non-submission into account. All such requests must be made in accordance with the Code of Practice for Extenuating Circumstances and be submitted on the Extenuating Circumstance Request Form. They must be accompanied by corroborating evidence. Further guidance is available at the end of the standard pro-forma.
Assessment Grid for MA in Education with TESOL; ELT704 Research Skills
Programme Outcomes
Demonstrate detailed and systematic understanding of knowledge and a critical awareness of current issues and/or new insights related to relevant theory and practice at the forefront of the discipline
Demonstrate critical understanding of specific tools and research strategies to support reflection, analysis and synthesis of ideas and information related to professional practice
Demonstrate the evaluation of complex issues autonomously and creatively presenting varied evidence to support professional judgements which can further develop practice
Deploy high-level skills and knowledge to negotiate, plan, implement and evaluate complex change in policy and/or practice in workplace settings through sustained inquiry
Outstanding distinction
Work at this level shows originality and is astutely presented for a particular audience. It will present new insights relating the leading edge of research to issues of current professional practice. It will be recommended for submission to refereed journals for publication with only minor modifications
Very good distinction
In addition, the student uses new, challenging and highly pertinent reading, which is interrogated authoritatively and effectively with perceptive awareness of the relative value of sources. The student demonstrates an ability to construct a critical and cogent argument dealing with ambiguity, conflict and tension between sources &/or interpretations. The student evaluates with criticality and insight the relevance to context and the credibility of sources.
In addition, the student demonstrates a clear awareness of potential conflicts of interest between the subject and object of the research and a sensitive awareness of complex issues of triangulation, validity and reliability and with ethical issues critically discussed at every stage of the research process. The student shows an ability to construct a clear and coherent analytical framework, mine the data and extract successive layers of interpretation. The student shows confidence to address intricate ethical questions raised at any point of the enquiry
In addition, the student is able topresent evidence, ideas and innovative solutions, drawing on synthesis of complex issues to justify professionaljudgements.
Awareness of the limitations of the study and possible constraints on future success is evident. The student is able to articulate metacognitive development in research and professional contexts, question personal assumptions and critique current practices autonomously. The student engages in a rigorous analytical critique leading to further explicit development of models, ideas or hypotheses.
In addition, the student demonstrates skills of autonomy and negotiation in planning a sustained enquiry to develop practice. The student is able to disseminate findings in the professional and research domains, discussing specific implications for future practice and furtherresearch.
Good Pass 60%-70%
The student demonstrates clear understanding of the area and a critical awareness of current issues. Alternative interpretations are considered critically. There is an ability to use reading to reflect on observations in a professional context, and vice versa, adding depth and rigour to the critique.
There is evidence of extended reading and the use of recent and varied sources. A thorough and illuminating analysis and evaluation is presented.
Understanding of research is shown through the research design; judicious development of appropriate methodology to structure the research; astute methods for collecting and analysing evidence and insightfulcritique of the strengths and limitations of the research design in the professional context. The student devises a purposeful analytical framework and explicitly seeks to triangulate different sources of evidence, recognising the limitations of some sources of evidence. Ethical considerations are an integral part of research design andapplication.
The student is able to produce a well- structured presentation with evidence, ideas and solutions, drawing on synthesis of complex issues, in order to justify professional judgements in developing practice. There is explicit evaluation of the process of enquiry as well as evaluation of the final conclusions and impact on their professional learning and development as a practitioner researcher. There is clear evidence of understanding metacognitive development in professional and research contexts and of the impact of
thestudyonthestudent’scurrentand continuing professional and research development.
The student is able to: initiate, plan and competently undertake a coherent practice-based project showing understanding of the complexity of the theory and its application to a work place setting; show independence and be self- critical in learning, negotiating and engaging with professional colleagues as appropriate; to present and evaluate a range of evidence to make professional judgments on impact and the potential for future development. Conflicts of interest, tensions and ambiguities are recognised and potential developments are evaluated.
Sound Pass 50%-60%
The student demonstrates secure knowledge of the area through an ability to précis and paraphrase a range of perspectives drawing out the main ideas and highlighting issues relevant to current problems. Evidence is drawn from different types of sources e.g. books, journals, internet, government documentation, etc. Analysis and evaluation are sound.
Understanding of the skills of practitioner research is shown through appropriate design of work-based research projects and the selection of methods for collecting evidence. Analysis of evidence draws on a coherent analytical framework and considers alternative interpretations and trustworthiness. Ethical issues are embedded in research design and application.
The student is able to produce a clear and generally fluent and accurate presentation, which demonstrates sound understanding of reflective and reflexive practice in a professional context. There is an evaluation of the process of enquiry as well as evaluation of the final conclusions and consideration of the impact on their professional learning and development as a practitioner researcher.
The student is able to plan research and development projects which build on the findings of others.
There is a competent and informative analysis and evaluation of the impact of the practitioner research. The student is able to disseminate findings, highlighting some implications for future practice and enquiry.
Failure to meet the criteria set for the task. This would include:
· work that is not submitted at the agreedtime;
· poor presentation that impedescommunication;
· inaccurate or incompletereferences;
· workwhichdoesnotmeetthespecificcriteriafortheparticulartaske.g.wasthewronglength;employedinappropriatemethodsordidnotaddressthe requiredissues;
· lack of sufficient evidence of module outcomes in the work presented. E.g. an overly descriptive, chronological account that fails to demonstrate appropriate levels of knowledge, application of skills of researching, or evaluation ofpractice.
There is a right to re-sit failed work on one occasion only, and a reassessment fee may be charged.
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