Assessment task details and instructions
You should prepare your report in a way that could be used to present the findings to colleagues in your clinical/professional area. Your report does not have to be a case for change but should provide robust evidence to enable key stakeholders to consider your findings in terms of practice development.
Your Clinical/Professional Focused Report should follow the following structure:
1 Introduction
Identify a contemporary practice / professional issue. Present the background to the practice/professional issue, along with the scope of the report. Provide a rationale for your choice.
2 Literature: - Search strategy and review
Utilising an Evidence Based Practice search tool (for example Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome PICO) Obtain, review and analyse critically the best available evidence to address the issue/problem including research, policies and guidelines: inclusion/exclusion criteria; critical appraisal of literature with the use of an appropriate tool (for example Critical Appraisal Skills Programme - CASP)
3 Key Findings
Critical discussion of key findings from identified body of literature
4 Potential implications for practice
Discuss the impact of your key findings
Describe how you are going to disseminate your findings to key stakeholders
Identify recommendations which could be made based on your findings
Explore how these recommendations could be facilitated or constrained from being implemented in your practice area
5 Conclusion
Reiterate key points
*If you have already completed Evidence for Enhancing Professional Practice (EEP Module), it is important that you choose a different practice / professional issue from the one you explored then. This will ensure your work is sufficiently original and does not repeat elements of earlier work.
Presentation/formatting guidelines:
Your student roll number should be the title of the Word file. Do not insert your name anywhere in your assignment or on Turnitin.
Type your essay in Microsoft Sans Serif font or Verdana, size 12 or larger and fully justify your formatted text. Number all pages.
Use line spacing 1.5 in the main body of your assignment and single line spacing in your final reference list at the end of your assignment.
Provide a final word count (not including your final reference list) at the end of your assignment.
Your ‘in-text’ citations and final reference list should be written in APA 6th (Harvard) style. Please use the University of Salford’s referencing handbook to avoid errors in referencing