1.1 Critically apply the principles and practices of quantitative and qualitative research on a practical level | Unit 701
Unit 701: Research Methods
Unit code: Y/506/9133 RQF level: 7
The aim of the unit is to develop the learner’s knowledge and understanding of academic practice and approaches to research. It utilises a problem‐based learning approach to develop your practical competence in aspects appropriate to academic practice and research in business and management.
The unit aims to allow learners to:
- Develop the ability to conduct research into business and management issues that require familiarity with a range of business data, research sources and appropriate methodologies;
- combine theoretical and practical programme elements and personal development by building the academic skills and qualities within a holistic approach;
- gain confidence and competence in the academic skills required to study successfully at the Masters level and beyond.
- When you have completed this module, you should have developed skills in the following areas:
- The principles and practice of quantitative and qualitative research with a practical view of the whole process from idea to required output.
- Defining research and development questions and prioritising these in relation to contemporary managerial and business need as reflected in current student perceived situations, expert opinion and peer reviewed sources.
- Finding, selecting and reviewing literature.
- Methodology, instrumentation and research design to suit specific nature of fieldwork.
- Analysing data, interpreting data and evidence.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Unit 701: Research Methods
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
1. Be able to understand and apply different research methods that can provide realistic and applicable outcomes
1.1 Critically apply the principles and practices of quantitative and qualitative research on a practical level
1.2 Define research and development questions and prioritise them in relation to contemporary managerial and business needs
2. Be able to use standard research methodologies
2.1 Produce critical literature reviews based upon research methodology
2.2 Use methodology, instrumentation and research design appropriate to the specific nature of fieldwork
2.3 Critically apply statistical methods
3. Be able to produce research reports
3.1 Plan and deliver management research projects using research methodologies
3.2 Provide written research reports that include data visualisation
3.2 Address ethical issues in research
Indicative Content: Unit 701: Research Methods
In this unit learners will study a number of models, concepts and ideas which can be used to help manage team performance.
These will include:
- Systems of interest
- Boundary critiques
- Multiple perspectives
- Emergent properties
- Reference systems
- Maps and Models - Our models, our selves
- Context is everything
- Diagnosis and Analysis
- Your research Focus? – Some Questions
- Your research strategy
- The nature of data and information
- Taxonomy, ontology and epistemology
- Mode 1 and 2 Knowledge
- Tacit and explicit knowledge
- Methods and techniques for collecting data and information
- Criteria for selecting data and information
- Sources of data and information
- Different types of research
Suggested Resources
- Bruce, I. (2008) Market Research in Practice: Questionnaire Design: How to Plan, Structure and Write Survey Material for Effective Market Research, 2nd ed., London: Kogan Page.
- Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Callingham, M. (2004) Market Intelligence: How and why organisations use market research, London: Kogan Page Ltd.
- Cassell, C. & Symon, G. (2004) Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organisational Research, London: Sage.
- Cottrell, S. (2008) The Study Skills Handbook, 3rd ed., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Daymon, C. & Holloway, I. (2011) Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications, 2nd ed., London: Routledge.
- Fink, A. (2009) How to Conduct Surveys a Step by Step Guide, 4thed., London: Sage Publications.
- Gill, J. & Johnson, P. (2010) Research Methods for Managers, 4th ed., London: Sage Publications.
- Hackley, C. (2003) Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research, London: Routledge.
- Keegan, S. (2009) Qualitative Research: Good Decision Making Through Understanding People, Cultures and Markets (Market Research in Practice), London: Kogan Page.
- Malhotra, N.K. & Birks, D.F. (2007) Marketing Research an Applied Approach, 3ed., London: Pearson Education Ltd.
- Yin, R.K. (2008) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, (Applied Social Research Methods), 4th ed., London: Sage Publications
Unit 701: Research Methods
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