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1.1 Identify health and safety loss events.

ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety Practice

Unit 7 - K/616/9538 – Develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and safety

Complete all questions referencing supporting evidence in your narrative such as photographs or documents for performance-based elements. Include evidence that shows that you have engaged with the activity.

Aim for 100-200 words per question in your written narrative for performance-basedbelements.

Knowledge Elements have been coloured in BLUE where an academic answer is required and NOT work based evidence.

Aim for a minimum of 200 words per Learning Outcome for the Knowledge elements.

Please refer to the ProQual document and Cognitia unit guide.

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Unit 7 - K/616/9538 – Develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and safety

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Be able to develop a health and safety loss event reporting and recording system.

1.1 Identify health and safety loss events.




Supporting Evidence


1.2 Devise health and safety loss event reporting forms.





Supporting Evidence


1.3 Develop the health and safety loss event reporting and recording procedure.





Supporting Evidence


1.4 Plan the implementation of the health and safety loss event reporting and recording procedure.





Supporting Evidence


1.5 Maintain records of the health and safety loss events.





Supporting Evidence


1.6 Develop a system to report health and safety loss events to the regulatory authorities.





Supporting Evidence
































2) Be able to implement health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures.

2.1 Identify which health and safety loss events require a formal investigation.





Supporting Evidence


2.2 Plan the implementation of health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures






Supporting Evidence


2.3 Implement health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures.






Supporting Evidence


2.4 Investigate health and safety loss events.






Supporting Evidence


2.5 Identify directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees in order to:

  • Advise them about the risk assessments that need to be reviewed in the light of health and safety loss event investigations
  • Advise them of the possible breaches of statutory and common law requirements following health and safety loss event investigations.


Supporting Evidence


2.6 Manage the implementation of recommendations arising from health and safety loss event investigations.





Supporting Evidence


2.7 Keep records of health and safety investigations.






Supporting Evidence



3) Be able to conduct statistical and epidemiological analyses.

3.1 Produce statistical and epidemiological analyses of the health and safety loss event data in the organisation in order to:

  • Present it in numerical and graphical format
  • Interpret statistical and epidemiological analyses.
  • Present to directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees in a meaningful way.

Unit 7 - K/616/9538 – Develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and safety

Supporting Evidence


3.2 Keep records of health and safety loss event statistical and epidemiological analyses.





Supporting Evidence













4) Be able to maintain communication with stakeholders of health and safety reactive performance monitoring outcomes.

4.1 Inform directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees of the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring.





Supporting Evidence


4.2 Prepare written and verbal reports of the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring.





Supporting Evidence


4.3 Interpret to a lay audience the outcomes of the health and safety reactive performance monitoring.






Supporting Evidence


4.4 Select appropriate recommendations based on the outcomes of reactive performance monitoring.




Supporting Evidence


4.5 Comply with the requirements of the regulatory authorities in respect of the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring.




Supporting Evidence





Understand how to develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and safety.

5.1 Evaluate the nature and role of reactive health and safety monitoring systems within the organisation.




5.2 Critically analyse health and safety loss events that require formal investigation in relation to:

  • Types
  • Causes
  • Impacts
  • Systems and procedures


5.3 Explain reporting and recording procedures for health and safety loss events.




5.4 Explain principles of:

  • Faults-tree analysis
  • Events and casual factors analysis
  • Effective written and verbal communication
  • How to respond to the needs of others
  • Statistical and epidemiological analyses of data, including the use of normal poisson distribution
  • Histograms, pie charts, cusum charts and line graphs.


5.5 Explain external factors influencing reactive health and safety monitoring systems and investigations.




5.6 Explain health and safety statutory and common law requirements regarding loss events.




























Unit 7 - K/616/9538 – Develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and safety

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