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3. Discuss sex and violence in movies of the 70s.

1. Write a paper which answers one of the questions below. 2. Papers must be typewritten and double-spaced. No papers will be accepted by e-mail. Minimum length: three pages.3. Papers must be stapled4. Name – Class Name – and date must be on the front page on paper. 

1. What was the status — fictional and real — of women in Hollywood from 1950 to today? 2. If the movie spectacular was basically a failure in the 60s, why did it re-emerge and surge in popularity as the “blockbuster” in the 70s? Was there an essential differentiating trait between the “big” movies of these two eras? Actors? Stories? Effects? Sound? 3. Discuss sex and violence in movies of the 70s. What do you think brought on increasingly graphic scenes of sex in general, but also violent sex and even rape?

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