Accurately identify and specify the nature and characteristics and variables of relevance to a problem or investigative topic within the management or business domain
In this paper, you are required to work upon the business report that carries the following aspects to focus in detail:
- Identify and particularly illustrate the nature, features, and variables of the research problem within the context of business management
- Design and compile a research proposal based on the planned research framework
- Follow a proper research format and give relevant evidence
Programme : BA/BSc Business Programmes
Level : 5
Academic Year : 2019/20
Semester: 1
Module title : Work Based Project 2
Assignment no. : 1 - Proposal
Module code: BUS584
Word guide: 1500 words
Percentage Weighting of this assignment for the module: 30%
Issue date : 1st October 2019
Return date : 16th January 2020
Learning Outcomes Tested in this Assignment :
1. Accurately identify and specify the nature and characteristics and variables of relevance to a problem or investigative topic within the management or business domain.
2. Design and write a logical and methodologically sound research proposal as a basis for undertaking a researchable project independently.
Assessment Criteria
Marks Awarded
Marks Available
Provisional project title and the aims and objectives of the project
Background and context of the issue/problem
Provide an overview of the problem that is to be investigated, including the rationale for the choice of subject.
Summary of relevant theory
An outline of how you intend to investigate the issue/problem (note: you must only use secondary data for this project).
Proposed Timescale for the project
Use of English, quality of references and use of the Harvard Reference Syste
Work Based Project 2, Assessment 1: Proposal
Student Guidance Notes
Using the attached proforma, a Work Based Project 2 Proposal must be prepared and submitted for approval before the commencement of the Work Based Project Report. The individual elements of the proposal as outlined below:-
Provisional Project Title and the Aims and Objectives of the Proposed Project
This short section needs to be well defined, precise and clearly written. It may well contain phrases such as; ‘an investigation into …’… ; ‘a critical analysis/appraisal of …’. ; ‘to establish/analyse the impact of …’.. ; ‘a comparison between …’. .. The proposed project should have an overall aim, accompanied by a set of objectives, which will describe how that overall aim is to be achieved.
(Suggested word count 100 words)
Background and Context of the Issue/Problem
You are advised to start with an introductory section which sketches in issues which form the background of the topic/the organisation/ the type of problem. You can then outline the purpose of the study, what you are seeking to investigate, why you are doing the study and why it is worth doing. You need to justify what you are doing.
(Suggested word count 500 words)
Summary of Relevant Theory
A summary of theory, and key factors arising from theory, relating to the area of the research. It is important that you link different areas of literature/comment showing a consistent thread of logic connecting the different sources you use. This section can include academic, professional and legal sources.
(Suggested word count 500 words)
An Outline of how you intend to Investigate the Issue/Problem
This section of the proposal should outline of how you intend to investigate the issue/problem. It should be noted that you must only use secondary data for this project; you will not be collecting primary data.
You may wish to describe secondary data sources that you intend to use and comment on their relevance to the project. You should also detail your proposed secondary data analysis techniques (calculations, graphs for quantitative data, sources of comparison for qualitative comments).
(Suggested word count 300 words)
Proposed Timescale
You need a realistic and achievable schedule, which commences with initial research and concludes with submission of the final work based project report.
(Suggested word count 100 words)
You need to include some evidence of preliminary reading for this work based project proposal.
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